Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 319 - Assistance to Finance Housing
NRS 319.260 - Prerequisites to financing residential housing.

The Division shall not finance any residential housing unless, prior to such financing, the Administrator finds that:
1. There exists a shortage of decent, safe and sanitary housing at rentals or prices which eligible families can afford within the general housing market area as determined by the Administrator.
2. Private enterprise and investment have been unable, without assistance, to provide an adequate supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing in such housing market area at rentals or prices which persons or families of low and moderate income can afford or to provide sufficient mortgage financing for residential housing for occupancy by such persons or families.
3. The proposed residential housing will increase the supply or improve the quality of decent, safe and sanitary housing for eligible families.
4. The residential housing to be developed or assisted by the Division pursuant to the provisions of this chapter will be of public use and will provide a public benefit.
5. The Division’s estimates of its revenues from the financing of the residential housing, together with all subsidies, grants or other financial assistance from governmental agencies or other entities to be received in connection with the residential housing, will be sufficient to pay the amount estimated by the Division as necessary for debt service on its notes and bonds to be issued for the financing of the residential housing.
(Added to NRS by 1975, 630)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 319 - Assistance to Finance Housing

NRS 319.020 - Legislative findings and declaration; liberal construction.

NRS 319.030 - Definitions.

NRS 319.040 - "Administrator" defined.

NRS 319.042 - "Affordable housing" defined.

NRS 319.045 - "Collateralized mortgage obligation" defined.

NRS 319.050 - "Division" defined.

NRS 319.060 - "Eligible family" defined.

NRS 319.070 - "Governmental agency" defined.

NRS 319.090 - "Lending institution" defined.

NRS 319.100 - "Mortgage" defined.

NRS 319.110 - "Mortgage loan" defined.

NRS 319.115 - "Person with a disability" defined.

NRS 319.120 - "Real property" defined.

NRS 319.130 - "Residential housing" defined.

NRS 319.135 - "Sponsor" defined.

NRS 319.140 - General powers and duties of Division; audit; exemption from State Purchasing Act.

NRS 319.141 - Housing Advocate: Creation of position; appointment; classification; qualifications; duties; removal.

NRS 319.143 - Division required to create and maintain statewide low-income housing database; certain owners of multifamily residential property required to submit quarterly report to Division; regulations.

NRS 319.145 - Designation as housing credit agency; authority to administer HOME Investment Partnership Act; duty to administer program to increase efficiency in use of energy in dwellings owned or occupied by persons of low income.

NRS 319.147 - Certification of assisted living facilities: Requirements; regulations.

NRS 319.167 - Division may enter into instruments, agreements and other transactions for certain purposes.

NRS 319.169 - Account for Housing Inspection and Compliance: Creation; administration; deposits; interest and income; claims; uses established by regulation.

NRS 319.170 - Funds and accounts; investments and deposits.

NRS 319.171 - Investment in collateralized mortgage obligations or trusts.

NRS 319.172 - Authority to make loans of investment securities.

NRS 319.174 - Advisory Committee on Housing: Creation; members; terms; vacancies; Chair; meetings; duties.

NRS 319.190 - Authority to make loans and issue letters of credit.

NRS 319.200 - Terms and conditions of mortgage loan.

NRS 319.210 - Investment in mortgages.

NRS 319.220 - Mortgages in default: Foreclosure; modification of terms.

NRS 319.230 - Loans to or purchase of securities from lending institutions; collateral.

NRS 319.235 - Financing rental sites for mobile homes and equipment for conservation of energy in residential dwelling units.

NRS 319.240 - Lending fees and charges.

NRS 319.250 - Insurance.

NRS 319.260 - Prerequisites to financing residential housing.

NRS 319.265 - Requirements for regulations adopted by Division that establish program for financing certain residential housing projects.

NRS 319.270 - Notes and bonds: Issuance; limitation on outstanding obligations.

NRS 319.280 - Notes and bonds: Execution; terms; chapter 349 of NRS inapplicable.

NRS 319.290 - Notes and bonds: Pledges as security.

NRS 319.300 - Bonds: Trust indentures as security.

NRS 319.310 - Notes and bonds: Guarantees of payment.

NRS 319.320 - Notes and bonds: Redemption; remarketing or refunding.

NRS 319.323 - Issuance of collateralized mortgage obligations; use of proceeds; submission of findings to State Board of Finance.

NRS 319.325 - Division may provide that bonds, notes or loans be insured or secured; payment of costs associated with insurance.

NRS 319.327 - Exemption of interest on Division’s bonds from federal income taxation: Waiver; issuance of obligations not exempt from taxation.

NRS 319.330 - Refunding obligations: Issuance, sale and exchange.

NRS 319.340 - Bond reserve funds: Establishment; use; requirements.

NRS 319.350 - Bond reserve funds: Limitations.

NRS 319.360 - Bond reserve funds: Purpose; status reports.

NRS 319.370 - Remedies of bondholders and noteholders.

NRS 319.380 - Pledge against impairment of holders’ rights and remedies; credit of State not pledged.

NRS 319.390 - Notes and bonds as legal investments.

NRS 319.410 - Definitions.

NRS 319.420 - Termination: Notice; meeting; penalties; regulations.

NRS 319.430 - Ending upon expiration: Notice; meeting; penalty for failure to provide notice; regulations.

NRS 319.440 - Maintenance after expiration: Notice; annual report; notice for subsequent ending; regulations.

NRS 319.500 - Creation; investment of money; claims.

NRS 319.510 - Use and distribution of money in Account.

NRS 319.520 - Regulations concerning distribution and use of money in Account; requirements for recipient of money.

NRS 319.530 - Pets must be allowed in housing acquired, constructed or rehabilitated with money from Account; limitations; service animals and service animals in training.

NRS 319.900 - False statements; penalty.