Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 318A - Parks, Trails and Open Space Districts
NRS 318A.470 - Exclusion.

1. A fee owner of real property located in the district, or the fee owners of any real properties which are contiguous to each other and which constitute a portion of the district may file with the board a petition requesting that such lands be excluded from the district.
2. Petitions must:
(a) Describe the property which the petitioners desire to have excluded.
(b) State that the property is not capable of being served with facilities, improvements or projects of the district, or would not be benefited by remaining in the district.
(c) Be acknowledged in the same manner and form as required in case of a conveyance of land.
(d) Be accompanied by a deposit of money sufficient to pay all costs of the exclusion proceedings.
3. The secretary of the board shall cause a notice of filing of such petition to be published, which notice must:
(a) State the filing of such petition.
(b) State the names of the petitioners.
(c) Describe the property mentioned in the petition.
(d) State the request of the petitioners.
(e) Notify all persons interested to appear at the office of the board at the time named in the notice, showing cause in writing, if any they have, why the petition should not be granted.
4. The board at the time and place mentioned in the notice, or at the times to which the hearing of the petition may be adjourned, shall proceed to hear the petition and all objections thereto, presented in writing by any person showing cause why the request of the petition should not be granted.
5. The filing of such petition shall be deemed and taken as an assent by each and all such petitioners to the exclusion from the district of the property mentioned in the petition, or any part thereof.
6. The board, if it deems it not for the best interest of the district that the property mentioned in the petition, or portion thereof, be excluded from the district, must order that the petition be denied in whole or in part, as the case may be.
7. If the board deems it for the best interest of the district that the property mentioned in the petition, or some portion thereof be excluded from the district, the board must order that the petition be granted in whole or in part, as the case may be.
8. There shall be no withdrawal from a petition after consideration by the board nor shall further objection be filed except in case of fraud or misrepresentation.
9. Upon allowance of such petition, the board shall file for record a certified copy of its resolution making such change, as provided in NRS 318A.170.
(Added to NRS by 2017, 2712)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 318A - Parks, Trails and Open Space Districts

NRS 318A.010 - Short title.

NRS 318A.020 - Legislative declaration.

NRS 318A.030 - Definitions.

NRS 318A.040 - Computation of time.

NRS 318A.050 - Liberal construction; sufficiency of chapter.

NRS 318A.060 - Jurisdiction in governing body of county or city; interest of members of governing body.

NRS 318A.070 - Formation of district: Resolution or petition; boundaries of district.

NRS 318A.080 - Declaration of purpose.

NRS 318A.090 - Creation; contents; filing.

NRS 318A.100 - Public hearing; notice; delivery to planning commission.

NRS 318A.110 - Authorized actions; notice of approval, disapproval or modification.

NRS 318A.120 - Grounds for disapproval; changes or additional information; basis for determinations and findings of governing body.

NRS 318A.130 - Resolution of approval; incorporation in ordinance; interested parties; conformance of facilities, improvements, projects, services and financial arrangements; material modifications; injunction for unreasonable departure.

NRS 318A.140 - Notice of organizational hearing.

NRS 318A.150 - Protests against organization of district; findings; ordinances creating or not creating district.

NRS 318A.160 - Factors precluding creation of district by governing body.

NRS 318A.170 - Effect of adoption of ordinance creating district; time to commence court action to set aside ordinance creating district; filing of copies of ordinance.

NRS 318A.180 - Establishment of budget, standards, practices and procedures of district; appointment, qualifications and terms of initial board of trustees; removal of trustee; bond.

NRS 318A.190 - Organization of board of trustees; election of officers; records; bonds; compensation.

NRS 318A.200 - Office or principal place of business; records; meetings; quorum; vacancies.

NRS 318A.210 - Biennial election of trustees; terms of office; exception to election requirement.

NRS 318A.220 - Trustees elected by plurality vote; exception.

NRS 318A.230 - Recall of trustees.

NRS 318A.240 - Trustees not to be interested in sales or purchases; contracts void; penalties.

NRS 318A.250 - Trustees’ interest in contracts made in official capacity prohibited; exception; contracts void; penalties.

NRS 318A.260 - Assistance to district from county or city officers: Request; agreement; limitation on cost.

NRS 318A.270 - Basic powers of board.

NRS 318A.280 - Powers of district concerning location and construction of facilities, improvements or projects subordinate to powers of regional planning agency; coordination with conservation district.

NRS 318A.290 - Perpetual existence of board; corporate seal; suits, actions and proceedings.

NRS 318A.300 - Powers concerning parks, trails and open space; agreements with governmental agencies and nonprofit corporations; creation of fund to match federal money.

NRS 318A.310 - Operation, maintenance and repair of facilities, improvements and projects; acquisition and disposal of and encumbrances on property.

NRS 318A.320 - Management of district’s business; acquisition and operation of projects; hiring and retention of employees; bylaws; necessary, incidental or implied rights and powers.

NRS 318A.330 - Construction of works across watercourse, highway or vacant public land; restoration of property.

NRS 318A.340 - Contribution by local government.

NRS 318A.350 - Establishment, increase or decrease of fees or special assessments; liens; penalties for nonpayment.

NRS 318A.360 - Structure reasonably believed to be used as dwelling unit in certain counties: Affidavit filed by employee of district or other person; notice and hearing; resolution to charge owner of dwelling unit for services provided by district.

NRS 318A.370 - Procedure for collection of service charges on tax roll; payment for services provided by county treasurer or county assessor.

NRS 318A.380 - Conveyance of property to city; assumption of indebtedness; dissolution of district.

NRS 318A.390 - Conveyances by counties, cities, special districts or other owners to parks, trails and open space districts.

NRS 318A.400 - Power to levy taxes.

NRS 318A.410 - Levy and collection of taxes.

NRS 318A.420 - Levies to cover deficiencies.

NRS 318A.430 - County officers to levy and collect; liens.

NRS 318A.440 - Sales for delinquencies.

NRS 318A.450 - Reserve funds.

NRS 318A.460 - Boundary changes; liability of property.

NRS 318A.470 - Exclusion.

NRS 318A.480 - Inclusion.

NRS 318A.490 - Forms of borrowing; approval of debt management commission required for borrowing by certain districts.

NRS 318A.500 - Debt limit of district.

NRS 318A.510 - Short-term notes, warrants and interim debentures.

NRS 318A.520 - Revenue bonds: Issuance for acquisition or improvement of facilities, improvements or projects.

NRS 318A.530 - Local Government Securities Law: Types of securities authorized to be issued.

NRS 318A.540 - Assessments to pay expenses of improvements; exempt property.

NRS 318A.550 - Initiation by resolution; notice of hearing; protests.

NRS 318A.560 - Hearing; additional approval required if district contains areas within more than one county or city; filing of copies of action.

NRS 318A.570 - Surrender and transfer of property and money.

NRS 318A.580 - Collection and disposition of taxes, fees and special assessments for outstanding loans or indebtedness; liens.

NRS 318A.590 - Procedure for corrective action by governing body that created district: Notification or petition; hearing; adoption and challenge of ordinance or resolution.