Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 31 - Attachment, Garnishment and Other Extraordinary Remedies
NRS 31.890 - Return of property to defendant upon giving written undertaking.

At any time before the delivery of the property to the plaintiff, the defendant may, if the defendant does not except to the sureties of the plaintiff, require the return thereof, upon the filing with the court, and serving of a copy upon the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s attorney, of a written undertaking, approved by the court and executed by two or more sufficient sureties, to the effect that they are bound in double the value of the property, as stated in the affidavit of the plaintiff, for the delivery thereof to the plaintiff, if such delivery be adjudged, and for payment to the plaintiff of such sum as may for any cause be recovered against the defendant. If a return of the property is not so required within 5 days after the taking thereof and the serving of the writ of possession and undertaking upon the defendant, it shall be delivered to the plaintiff, except as provided in NRS 31.940.
[1911 CPA § 187; RL § 5129; NCL § 8685]—(NRS A 1973, 1152)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 31 - Attachment, Garnishment and Other Extraordinary Remedies

NRS 31.010 - Application to court for writ of attachment: Timing; requirements when Department of Taxation has taken over management of local government.

NRS 31.013 - Issuance of writ of attachment after notice and hearing.

NRS 31.017 - Issuance of writ of attachment without notice and hearing.

NRS 31.020 - Affidavit for attachment: Contents.

NRS 31.022 - Procedure when notice and hearing not required.

NRS 31.024 - Procedure when notice and hearing required: Order to show cause.

NRS 31.026 - Procedure when notice and hearing required: Hearing.

NRS 31.028 - Contents of order for attachment.

NRS 31.030 - Written undertaking on attachment; additional bond; exception to sufficiency of sureties; vacation of writ.

NRS 31.040 - Sheriff to attach and keep property; undertaking by defendant.

NRS 31.045 - Notice of execution on writ of attachment: Service required; form; contents.

NRS 31.050 - Attachment of shares of stock, debts due defendant and other property.

NRS 31.060 - Execution of writ of attachment: Manner in which property is to be attached.

NRS 31.065 - Deposits by plaintiff of money with sheriff to pay expenses of taking, transporting and keeping certain personal property; liability of sheriff.

NRS 31.070 - Third-party claims in property levied on; undertaking by plaintiff; liability of sheriff; exception to sufficiency of sureties; hearing to determine title to property.

NRS 31.100 - Examination of person served with copy of writ and defendant; delivery and memoranda of personal property.

NRS 31.110 - Sheriff’s return of writ; certificate.

NRS 31.120 - Sale of attached perishable property; sheriff to retain proceeds and attached property to answer judgment.

NRS 31.130 - Sale of attached property; proceeds to be deposited in court.

NRS 31.140 - Satisfaction of judgment by sales of attached property.

NRS 31.150 - Deficiency after sale of attached property; sheriff to collect balance as upon an execution.

NRS 31.160 - Plaintiff may prosecute undertaking if execution returned unsatisfied.

NRS 31.170 - Discharge of attachment after judgment for defendant or dismissal of action; stay of release pending appeal.

NRS 31.180 - Defendant, having appeared in action, may move for discharge of attachment upon giving undertaking; stipulations for release of attachments.

NRS 31.190 - Undertaking of defendant; determination of disputed value of property; justification by sureties.

NRS 31.200 - Grounds for discharge of attachment.

NRS 31.210 - When motion to discharge attachment made on affidavits, plaintiff may oppose by affidavits.

NRS 31.220 - Improperly, improvidently or irregularly issued writ must be discharged; issuance of new writ.

NRS 31.235 - Constables have powers and duties of sheriff with respect to writ of attachment.

NRS 31.240 - Writ of garnishment may issue at time of issuance of writ of attachment or later.

NRS 31.249 - Application to court for writ of garnishment.

NRS 31.260 - Issuance and contents of writ of garnishment; notice of execution.

NRS 31.270 - Service of writ; tender of garnishee’s fees.

NRS 31.280 - Service and return of writ give court jurisdiction.

NRS 31.290 - Form of interrogatories to garnishee; garnishee to answer in writing under oath.

NRS 31.291 - Garnishment of certain financial institutions.

NRS 31.292 - Garnishment of court clerks, sheriffs, justices of the peace, peace officers, other public officers, executors and administrators.

NRS 31.293 - Unpaid subscription to corporate stock subject to garnishment by creditor of corporation.

NRS 31.294 - Procedure for garnishment when another action pending.

NRS 31.2945 - Garnishment under foreign judgment: Liability for failure to comply with Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act.

NRS 31.295 - Garnishment of earnings: Limitations on amount.

NRS 31.2955 - Garnishment of earnings: Calculations for determining gross weekly salary or wage of employee.

NRS 31.296 - Garnishment of earnings: Period of garnishment; fee for withholding; termination of employment; periodic report by judgment creditor.

NRS 31.297 - Garnishment of earnings: Liability of employer for refusal to withhold or for misrepresentation of earnings.

NRS 31.298 - Garnishment of earnings: Unlawful to discharge or discipline employee.

NRS 31.300 - Property to be delivered to sheriff; sale; judgment against garnishee.

NRS 31.310 - Property to be retained by garnishee or delivered to officer; effect of delivery; certificate of receipt of property.

NRS 31.320 - Judgment against garnishee on failure to answer; relief from judgment.

NRS 31.330 - Answer of garnishee; reply of plaintiff by affidavit.

NRS 31.340 - New matter in plaintiff’s reply deemed denied; trial; judgment; costs; attorney’s fees.

NRS 31.350 - Third person may be interpleaded as defendant; notice; proceedings.

NRS 31.360 - Garnishee may retain or deduct amounts due to garnishee by either party; record of judgment to show any counterclaims allowed.

NRS 31.370 - Judgment acquits garnishee for amounts paid.

NRS 31.380 - Discharge of garnishee does not bar action by defendant; exception.

NRS 31.390 - Judgment against garnishee for debt not due; execution deferred until debt due.

NRS 31.400 - Property in hands of garnishee subject to security interest to be delivered to sheriff on payment or tender by plaintiff.

NRS 31.410 - Property held by garnishee to secure performance to be delivered to sheriff upon performance or tender by plaintiff.

NRS 31.420 - Disposal of property received by sheriff; reimbursement of plaintiff.

NRS 31.450 - Issuance of writ of garnishment after judgment; procedure; liberal construction.

NRS 31.460 - New trials and appeals.

NRS 31.470 - Arrest in civil cases.

NRS 31.480 - Cases in which defendant may be arrested.

NRS 31.490 - Order for arrest.

NRS 31.500 - Order for arrest made when plaintiff’s affidavit shows a sufficient cause; requisites and filing of affidavit.

NRS 31.510 - Undertaking from plaintiff.

NRS 31.520 - Order and arrest; return of order.

NRS 31.530 - Delivery of affidavit and order to sheriff and defendant.

NRS 31.540 - Arrest of defendant.

NRS 31.550 - Defendant to be discharged on bail or deposit.

NRS 31.560 - Defendant may give bail.

NRS 31.570 - Bail may surrender defendant.

NRS 31.580 - Arrest, delivery and surrender of defendant by bail; exoneration of bail.

NRS 31.590 - Action against bail.

NRS 31.600 - Bail exonerated by death, imprisonment or discharge of defendant.

NRS 31.610 - Return of order; plaintiff may except to bail.

NRS 31.620 - Notice of justification of bail.

NRS 31.630 - Qualifications of bail.

NRS 31.640 - Examination of bail.

NRS 31.650 - Allowance of bail exonerates sheriff.

NRS 31.660 - Deposit by defendant in lieu of bail.

NRS 31.670 - Sheriff must pay deposit into court.

NRS 31.680 - Undertaking may be substituted for deposit.

NRS 31.690 - Disposition of deposit.

NRS 31.700 - Liability of sheriff for escape or rescue.

NRS 31.710 - Recovery on official bond of sheriff.

NRS 31.720 - Defendant may move to vacate arrest or reduce bail; hearing.

NRS 31.730 - Vacation of order of arrest and reduction of bail.

NRS 31.740 - Persons confined on execution issued on judgment may be discharged.

NRS 31.750 - Notice of application for discharge.

NRS 31.760 - Service of notice of application.

NRS 31.770 - Hearing on application.

NRS 31.780 - Oath of defendant on discharge.

NRS 31.790 - Order of discharge.

NRS 31.800 - Renewal of application for discharge.

NRS 31.810 - Effect of discharge; judgment remains in force.

NRS 31.820 - Plaintiff may order discharge of prisoner; effect of discharge.

NRS 31.830 - Creditor to advance money to jailer for support of prisoner.

NRS 31.840 - Delivery may be claimed before answer.

NRS 31.850 - Requisites of affidavit by plaintiff.

NRS 31.853 - Order to show cause; contents; service.

NRS 31.856 - Issuance of writ of possession without hearing; order shortening time for hearing; undertaking by plaintiff.

NRS 31.859 - Temporary restraining order in lieu of immediate issue of writ of possession.

NRS 31.863 - Hearing on order to show cause; undertaking by plaintiff.

NRS 31.866 - Writ of possession.

NRS 31.870 - Sheriff to take property described in writ; service of writ and undertaking on defendant.

NRS 31.880 - Defendant may except to sufficiency of sureties.

NRS 31.890 - Return of property to defendant upon giving written undertaking.

NRS 31.900 - Justification of defendant’s sureties.

NRS 31.910 - Qualifications of sureties and manner of justification.

NRS 31.920 - Sheriff may take concealed property by force after demand.

NRS 31.930 - Sheriff to keep property in secure place; to deliver upon receipt of fees and expenses.

NRS 31.940 - Claim by third party; undertaking by plaintiff; determination of title.

NRS 31.950 - Sheriff to make return within 20 days after taking property.