Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 289 - Peace Officers and Other Law Enforcement Personnel
NRS 289.175 - Criminal investigators employed by Secretary of State.

Criminal investigators employed by the Secretary of State have the powers of a peace officer.
(Added to NRS by 1999, 182)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 289 - Peace Officers and Other Law Enforcement Personnel

NRS 289.010 - Definitions.

NRS 289.020 - Punitive action prohibited for exercise of rights under internal procedure; opportunity for hearing; right to representation; refusal to cooperate in criminal investigation punishable as insubordination.

NRS 289.025 - Confidentiality of home address and photograph of peace officer in possession of law enforcement agency; exceptions.

NRS 289.027 - Law enforcement agency required to adopt policies and procedures concerning service of certain subpoenas on peace officers.

NRS 289.030 - Law enforcement agency prohibited from requiring peace officer to disclose financial information; exception.

NRS 289.035 - Law enforcement agency prohibited from ordering, mandating or requiring peace officer to issue certain number of traffic citations or make certain number of arrests.

NRS 289.040 - Law enforcement agency prohibited from placing unfavorable comment or document in administrative file of peace officer; exception; right to respond; provision of copy of comment or document; right to review administrative file under cer...

NRS 289.050 - Consequences of refusal to submit to polygraphic examination.

NRS 289.055 - Establishment and availability of written procedures for investigating complaints and allegations of misconduct.

NRS 289.057 - Investigation of allegation of misconduct; suspension without pay; review of file by peace officer under certain circumstances; law enforcement agency prohibited from keeping or making record of investigation or punitive action; reassig...

NRS 289.060 - Notification and requirements for interview, interrogation or hearing relating to investigation; prohibition against use of certain statements or answers in subsequent criminal proceedings.

NRS 289.070 - Use of polygraphic examination in investigation.

NRS 289.080 - Right to presence and assistance of representatives at interview, interrogation or hearing relating to investigation; confidential information; disclosure; record of interview, interrogation or hearing; right of subject of investigation...

NRS 289.085 - Inadmissibility of evidence obtained unlawfully during investigation; dismissal of administrative proceeding or civil action when evidence obtained unlawfully and in bad faith during investigation.

NRS 289.090 - Inapplicability of certain provisions to investigation concerning alleged criminal activities.

NRS 289.092 - Suspension without pay pending criminal prosecution; award of back pay under certain circumstances.

NRS 289.095 - Investigation of motor vehicle crashes involving peace officers.

NRS 289.100 - Limitations on application of chapter.

NRS 289.110 - Report concerning improper governmental action; investigation of report; reprisal by employer prohibited.

NRS 289.120 - Judicial relief available for aggrieved peace officer.

NRS 289.150 - Sheriffs, their deputies and correctional officers; city and town marshals, police officers and correctional officers; court bailiffs and deputy marshals of certain district courts; constables and their deputies.

NRS 289.152 - Persons employed as police officers by Indian tribe.

NRS 289.155 - Persons appointed and employed by Supreme Court to provide for safety and security of justices and employees of Supreme Court and carry out duties prescribed by Chief Justice.

NRS 289.160 - Security officers and other persons employed or appointed by local governments under certain circumstances.

NRS 289.170 - Special investigators employed by Attorney General; investigators employed by district attorney.

NRS 289.175 - Criminal investigators employed by Secretary of State.

NRS 289.180 - Parole and probation officers; juvenile probation officers; alternative sentencing officers of department of alternative sentencing; director of juvenile services; Chief and parole officers of Youth Parole Bureau; director of department...

NRS 289.190 - School police officers; other officers and employees of school district.

NRS 289.200 - Officers and employees of state facilities for detention of children.

NRS 289.210 - Legislative police.

NRS 289.220 - Director, officers and designated employees of Department of Corrections; certain employees of detention facilities of metropolitan police department.

NRS 289.230 - California correctional officer.

NRS 289.240 - Certain employees of Division of Public and Behavioral Health of Department of Health and Human Services.

NRS 289.250 - Foresters and firewardens; arson investigators.

NRS 289.260 - Rangers and employees of Division of State Parks of State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

NRS 289.270 - Director and certain employees of Department of Public Safety; certain officers and employees of Office of the Military and Department of Motor Vehicles.

NRS 289.280 - Game wardens.

NRS 289.290 - Agricultural police officers appointed by State Department of Agriculture.

NRS 289.300 - Investigator of Private Investigator’s Licensing Board; criminal investigator of State Contractors’ Board.

NRS 289.310 - Commissioner of Insurance and chief deputy.

NRS 289.320 - Certain designated employees of Nevada Transportation Authority.

NRS 289.330 - Railroad police officer.

NRS 289.340 - Taxicab field investigator or airport control officer designated by Taxicab Administrator; enforcement of certain provisions governing transportation network companies.

NRS 289.350 - Members of police department of Nevada System of Higher Education.

NRS 289.355 - Persons designated as enforcement agents by Cannabis Compliance Board.

NRS 289.360 - Members and agents of Nevada Gaming Control Board; members of Nevada Gaming Commission.

NRS 289.380 - Creation by governing body of city or county; number, appointment and qualifications of members.

NRS 289.383 - Creation by political subdivisions upon request from metropolitan police department; number, appointment and qualifications of members.

NRS 289.385 - Limitation on jurisdiction; abridgement of contractual or statutory rights of peace officer prohibited.

NRS 289.387 - Panel of board: Selection of members; powers and duties; proceedings; rights of officer investigated.

NRS 289.390 - Panel of board: Oaths; subpoenas.

NRS 289.450 - Definitions.

NRS 289.460 - "Category I peace officer" defined.

NRS 289.470 - "Category II peace officer" defined.

NRS 289.480 - "Category III peace officer" defined.

NRS 289.490 - "Commission" defined.

NRS 289.500 - Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission: Creation; membership; terms and compensation of members.

NRS 289.510 - Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission: Powers and duties; regulations. [Effective through December 31, 2021.] Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission: Powers and duties; regulations. [Effective January 1, 2022, thr...

NRS 289.520 - Executive Director: Appointment; qualifications; classification; restrictions on other employment; removal.

NRS 289.530 - Powers of Executive Director.

NRS 289.540 - Account for the Training of Peace Officers: Creation; administration; acceptance of gifts, donations, bequests, grants, money or other financial assistance; expenditures.

NRS 289.550 - Persons required to be certified by Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission; period by which certification is required.

NRS 289.555 - Person convicted of felony not qualified to serve as peace officer.

NRS 289.560 - Application for certification as peace officer to include social security number. [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. § 666, the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withholding, suspending and r...

NRS 289.570 - Submission of statement by applicant for certification as peace officer regarding payment of child support; grounds for denial of certification; duty of Commission. [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. § 666, the federal...

NRS 289.580 - Suspension of certification as peace officer for failure to pay child support or comply with certain subpoenas or warrants; reinstatement of certification. [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. § 666, the federal law requ...

NRS 289.590 - Training in proper use of choke hold as condition of certification; annual training and recertification; regulations.

NRS 289.595 - Training in effective responses to incidents involving dogs or where dogs are present; adoption of policies and regulations.

NRS 289.600 - Training in dealing with crimes of stalking and aggravated stalking as condition of certification.

NRS 289.605 - Training in identifying and interacting with persons with developmental disabilities as condition of certification.

NRS 289.650 - Voluntary program for training; certification of instructors and law enforcement dispatchers; regulations.

NRS 289.675 - Behavioral health field response grant program.

NRS 289.680 - Policies and procedures for interacting with persons suffering from behavioral health issues; use of behavioral health specialists.

NRS 289.800 - Reimbursement for cost to repair or replace uniform, accessories or safety equipment damaged or destroyed in performance of duties.

NRS 289.810 - Peace officer prohibited from using choke hold; exceptions; agencies required to adopt regulations.

NRS 289.820 - Peace officer prohibited from engaging in racial profiling; retaliatory or punitive action prohibited against peace officer for disclosure of information concerning racial profiling.

NRS 289.823 - Requirement for law enforcement agency to establish early warning system to identify peace officers who display bias indicators or other problematic behavior; duties of law enforcement agency upon such identification.

NRS 289.825 - Requirement for law enforcement agency to adopt written policy regarding drug and alcohol testing of peace officer following certain actions.

NRS 289.827 - Requirement for law enforcement agency to adopt written policy concerning use of issued mobile devices; approval of certain mobile applications by law enforcement agency for official use on mobile device prohibited.

NRS 289.830 - Certain law enforcement agencies shall require certain peace officers to wear portable event recording device while on duty; adoption of policies and procedures governing use; request for and inspection of record made by device.

NRS 289.840 - Notification of Handle with Care Program when certain children are exposed to certain traumatic events.