Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 277B - Inland Port Authority Act
NRS 277B.150 - Creation: Requirements concerning boundaries.

1. Subject to the requirements set forth in NRS 277B.150 to 277B.180, inclusive, an inland port may be created only in a contiguous area that:
(a) Includes at least two of the following:
(1) A municipally owned airport with a runway of at least 4,500 feet.
(2) A portion of a highway that is part of the National Highway System.
(3) Operating assets of at least one Class I railroad as classified by the Surface Transportation Board.
(b) Does not include any residential property.
2. All areas within the boundaries of an inland port must be within the boundaries of the county or counties and incorporated city or cities, as applicable, of the one or more participating entities which apply to the Office pursuant to NRS 277B.160 for the creation of the inland port.
3. If the boundaries of an inland port will include a municipally owned airport as described in subparagraph (1) of paragraph (a) of subsection 1:
(a) The municipality that owns and operates the airport must be a participating entity; or
(b) If the municipality that owns and operates the airport is not a participating entity, the municipality, by ordinance, must approve of the inclusion of the airport within the boundaries of the inland port.
(Added to NRS by 2011, 746)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 277B - Inland Port Authority Act

NRS 277B.010 - Short title.

NRS 277B.020 - Definitions.

NRS 277B.030 - "Authority" defined.

NRS 277B.040 - "Board" defined.

NRS 277B.050 - "Inland port" defined.

NRS 277B.060 - "Office" defined.

NRS 277B.070 - "Participating entity" defined.

NRS 277B.100 - Legislative findings and declarations.

NRS 277B.110 - Construction of chapter.

NRS 277B.150 - Creation: Requirements concerning boundaries.

NRS 277B.160 - Creation: Application; approval.

NRS 277B.170 - Creation: Public hearings after approval; notice.

NRS 277B.180 - Creation: Ordinance.

NRS 277B.190 - Withdrawal; dissolution.

NRS 277B.200 - Governance of authority; membership; appointment; terms; reappointment; vacancies.

NRS 277B.210 - Officers; per diem and travel expenses.

NRS 277B.220 - Meetings: Quorum; compliance with Open Meeting Law.

NRS 277B.300 - Joint acts.

NRS 277B.310 - Agreements: Generally.

NRS 277B.320 - Certain agreement authorized; uses and alterations of transportation routes and utilities; certain acts regarding highways, railroads or airports or in violation of federal requirements prohibited.

NRS 277B.330 - Purchase of insurance.

NRS 277B.340 - Marketing, advertisement and promotion of use of inland port.

NRS 277B.350 - Compensation for use of facilities of authority; acceptance of funding, grants and donations.

NRS 277B.360 - Reporting to Office of Economic Development.

NRS 277B.370 - No power of eminent domain.

NRS 277B.380 - No power to provide or duplicate certain services.

NRS 277B.390 - No power to develop, operate or maintain toll road.

NRS 277B.400 - Venue for actions against authority.

NRS 277B.410 - Conveyance of real property rights by governmental entity to authority.