County commissioners are authorized and empowered to administer all oaths or affirmations necessary in discharging the duties of their office.
[29:80:1865; B § 3097; BH § 1969; C § 2131; RL § 1528; NCL § 1961]
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 244 - Counties: Government
NRS 244.010 - Minimum number of county commissioners.
NRS 244.020 - Qualifications of county commissioners.
NRS 244.025 - Election of county commissioners in county whose population is less than 100,000.
NRS 244.030 - Term of office of county commissioners.
NRS 244.035 - County commissioners required to take oath of office; effect of failure to take oath.
NRS 244.040 - Vacancy in office of county commissioner.
NRS 244.055 - Seal of county commissioners.
NRS 244.060 - Board of county commissioners: Quorum; tie vote.
NRS 244.065 - Commissioners may administer oaths.
NRS 244.075 - Records of board: Duties of clerk; public inspection.
NRS 244.095 - Enactment by bill; summary and title.
NRS 244.105 - Procedure for enactment of specialized or uniform code.
NRS 244.115 - Recording of ordinances; copy as prima facie evidence.
NRS 244.117 - Adoption by ordinance; procedure; effective date.
NRS 244.118 - Filing with Librarian of Supreme Court Law Library.
NRS 244.119 - Amendment and extension; procedure.
NRS 244.120 - Membership authorized; budget; expenses.
NRS 244.125 - Appointment; compensation; removal.
NRS 244.135 - Duties; employees and assistants.
NRS 244.137 - Legislative findings and declarations.
NRS 244.141 - "County government" defined.
NRS 244.143 - "Matter of local concern" defined.
NRS 244.146 - Powers of board of county commissioners; exercise of powers; prohibitions.
NRS 244.151 - Department of public works: Creation; director and employees.
NRS 244.153 - Public works: County’s powers subordinate to powers of regional planning agency.
NRS 244.155 - Roads and bridges.
NRS 244.157 - Improvements: County’s powers same as those of general improvement district.
NRS 244.1585 - Submission of information to committee to review general improvement districts.
NRS 244.159 - Prohibition on sounding of certain sirens, bells or alarms.
NRS 244.160 - Care of indigent sick persons.
NRS 244.1605 - Provision of medical facilities and services in outlying areas.
NRS 244.161 - Promotion of civil and equal rights.
NRS 244.162 - Rehabilitation of delinquent children.
NRS 244.165 - Prosecution and defense of suits.
NRS 244.167 - Employment of security officers.
NRS 244.175 - Rewards for apprehension of murderers.
NRS 244.180 - Indexing of records and proceedings.
NRS 244.187 - Displacement or limitation of competition: Services.
NRS 244.190 - Cooperative agreements for modification of weather; expenses.
NRS 244.194 - Voting or counting devices: Rental, lease or other acquisition.
NRS 244.1945 - Advisory boards: Establishment; travel expenses.
NRS 244.197 - Formation; bylaws; members of board of directors; annual report.
NRS 244.198 - Powers of nonprofit corporation.
NRS 244.205 - Examination and allowance of accounts.
NRS 244.207 - Central receiving and disbursing systems for county money.
NRS 244.210 - Demands: Cumulative voucher sheets; allowance.
NRS 244.215 - Procedure when county auditor or county comptroller refuses demand.
NRS 244.225 - Publication of financial statement.
NRS 244.230 - Authorized debts and liabilities only to be created.
NRS 244.240 - Resident taxpayer may file written objection to allowance of claim; action by board.
NRS 244.245 - Recovery of costs in action against county.
NRS 244.250 - Unaudited claims to be presented within 6 months.
NRS 244.255 - Rejected claim not to be reconsidered.
NRS 244.264 - Confidentiality of records or other documents.
NRS 244.2641 - "Regional transportation commission" defined.
NRS 244.2643 - Adoption of program authorized in certain counties.
NRS 244.265 - Care and preservation of property.
NRS 244.270 - Control, management and gifts of property.
NRS 244.273 - Use of county equipment on private road; conditions.
NRS 244.2731 - Use of county equipment and county highway patrols in certain counties.
NRS 244.275 - Purchase or lease of property for use of county; appraisal.
NRS 244.279 - Sale or lease of right-of-way or water rights to public utility.
NRS 244.283 - Lease of real property of county; notice; bids.
NRS 244.2833 - Lease of building space or other real property that is less than 25,000 square feet.
NRS 244.2835 - Lease of real property to certain nonprofit organizations.
NRS 244.284 - Lease or conveyance of real property of county to corporation for public benefit.
NRS 244.2963 - Assumption of certain rights, duties, liabilities and obligations.
NRS 244.2965 - Boundaries of district.
NRS 244.2967 - Levy of tax; accounting for proceeds of tax.
NRS 244.2969 - "Juvenile court" defined.
NRS 244.297 - Establishment; commitments by juvenile court.
NRS 244.298 - Provisions of ordinance creating camp.
NRS 244.299 - Labor, studies and activities of children committed to camp.
NRS 244.305 - Acquisition of land for park, recreational, cultural and memorial purposes.
NRS 244.306 - Operation and maintenance of swimming pools and other centers acquired by gift.
NRS 244.3072 - Power of county to create.
NRS 244.3074 - Organizational ordinance: Contents.
NRS 244.3075 - Supplementation of organizational ordinance.
NRS 244.3076 - Number, qualifications and appointment of members.
NRS 244.3077 - Commissioners: Terms; vacancies; compensation and expenses.
NRS 244.3078 - Oath of office; no bond required.
NRS 244.3079 - Election of officers; treasurer; seal.
NRS 244.30791 - Meetings; records; quorum.
NRS 244.30792 - Powers and duties.
NRS 244.3081 - Recreational, cultural and park facilities: Powers of certain counties.
NRS 244.3082 - Exercise of powers by commission; ordinance.
NRS 244.3083 - Contents of ordinance organizing commission.
NRS 244.3084 - Supplementation of organizational ordinance.
NRS 244.3085 - Number and appointment of members.
NRS 244.3086 - Terms of office; vacancies; compensation and expenses of commissioners.
NRS 244.3087 - Oath of office; no bond required.
NRS 244.3088 - Election of officers; treasurer; seal.
NRS 244.3089 - Meetings; records; quorum.
NRS 244.309 - Powers and duties.
NRS 244.3091 - County commissioners’ exercise of power of eminent domain.
NRS 244.320 - Agreements and transactions extending beyond term of commissioners.
NRS 244.327 - Contracts with State Department of Agriculture; contributions.
NRS 244.3315 - "Apartment complex" defined.
NRS 244.332 - "Certificate" defined.
NRS 244.3325 - "Property" defined.
NRS 244.333 - "Property management" defined.
NRS 244.3335 - "Unit" defined.
NRS 244.3354 - Mandatory tax on revenues from rental of transient lodging: Distribution of proceeds.
NRS 244.336 - Farmers’ markets: Definitions.
NRS 244.337 - Farmers’ markets: Licensing and regulation.
NRS 244.338 - Farmers’ markets: Responsibilities of licensee; unlawful acts.
NRS 244.3485 - Secondhand dealers: Licensing; fines for certain violations.
NRS 244.349 - Grant of license required upon relocation of business under certain circumstances.
NRS 244.351 - Sale of intoxicating liquors: Sale by minors allowed in certain circumstances.
NRS 244.352 - License board and liquor board may be merged.
NRS 244.3535 - Restrictions on regulation of blockchains.
NRS 244.35351 - Applicability. [Effective July 1, 2022.]
NRS 244.353515 - Definitions. [Effective July 1, 2022.]
NRS 244.35352 - "Accommodations facilitator" defined. [Effective July 1, 2022.]
NRS 244.353525 - "Authorization" defined. [Effective July 1, 2022.]
NRS 244.35353 - "Hosting platform" defined. [Effective July 1, 2022.]
NRS 244.353535 - "Residential unit" defined. [Effective July 1, 2022.]
NRS 244.35354 - "Transient lodging" defined. [Effective July 1, 2022.]
NRS 244.354 - Ordinance required.
NRS 244.3541 - "Assembly" defined.
NRS 244.3542 - License required.
NRS 244.3543 - Application for license: Time; contents.
NRS 244.3545 - Conditions which may be imposed.
NRS 244.3546 - Denial of license: Grounds; notice.
NRS 244.3547 - Revocation and reinstatement of license; notice.
NRS 244.3549 - Duty to adopt certain terms related to group homes by ordinance.
NRS 244.355 - Animals running at large on highways may be prohibited by ordinance.
NRS 244.3565 - Ordinance regulating use of mobile carrying device in unincorporated area of county.
NRS 244.3573 - Provision of public safety within certain areas of mobile home park.
NRS 244.3575 - Ordinances regulating parking: Civil penalty in lieu of criminal sanction.
NRS 244.358 - Ordinance for control of rabies.
NRS 244.361 - Regulation and control of smoke and pollution of air.
NRS 244.363 - Prevention of excessive noise.
NRS 244.365 - Prevention of pollution of streams by sawdust; tax levy.
NRS 244.3665 - Prohibition of waste of water.
NRS 244.367 - Fireworks: Regulation and control; penalties; exception.
NRS 244.3671 - Action to recover expenses incurred in extinguishing wildfire.
NRS 244.3685 - Prescription drugs or medicine at reduced prices.
NRS 244.369 - Food handlers: Ordinance requiring physical examinations; limitations.
NRS 244.36915 - "Graffiti" defined.
NRS 244.3692 - "Residential property" defined.
NRS 244.36935 - Abatement of graffiti on residential property.
NRS 244.3694 - Abatement of graffiti on nonresidential property.
NRS 244.370 - Exhibits of county’s products at exposition or fair; permanent exhibits.
NRS 244.375 - Tax for exhibits at expositions.
NRS 244.378 - Sale, trade or exchange of duplicate or unwanted items.
NRS 244.380 - Tax levy; contracts for promotion of county.
NRS 244.382 - Legislative findings.
NRS 244.3822 - Prerequisites to grant of scholarship.
NRS 244.3823 - Criteria for selection of recipients.
NRS 244.387 - Removal of wild horses from private property.
NRS 244.388 - Establishment, use and operation of wetlands mitigation bank.
NRS 244.406 - Financial support of office.
NRS 244.412 - "Committee" defined.
NRS 244.416 - Advisory committee on aircraft noise: Powers.
NRS 244.423 - "Necessary services" defined.
NRS 244.424 - "Runaway or homeless youth" defined.
NRS 244.426 - "Youth" defined.