Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 233F - State System of Communications
NRS 233F.110 - Assignment of microwave channels; failure of agency to pay for or use channel; approval of equipment for microwave station; reimbursement for facilities and equipment consolidated into system.

1. The Administrator may, upon receiving a request for a microwave channel or channels from an agency, approve or disapprove that request. If the request is approved, the Division shall assign a channel or channels to the agency at a cost which reflects the actual share of costs incurred for services provided to the agency, in accordance with the comprehensive system of equitable billing and charges developed by the coordinator of communications.
2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, a microwave channel assigned by the Administrator to an agency for its use must not be reassigned without the concurrence of the agency.
3. The Administrator may revoke the assignment of a microwave channel if an agency fails to pay for its use and may reassign that channel to another agency.
4. Equipment for microwave channels which is purchased by a using agency becomes the property of the Division if the agency fails to use or pay for those channels. The equipment must be used by the Division to replace old or obsolete equipment in the state communications system.
5. A state agency shall not purchase equipment for microwave stations without prior approval from the Administrator unless:
(a) The existing services do not meet the needs of the agency; or
(b) The equipment will not be used to duplicate services which are provided by the state communications system or a private company.
6. The Division shall reimburse an agency for buildings, facilities or equipment which is consolidated into the state communications system.
(Added to NRS by 1975, 1117; A 1979, 576; 1981, 2012; 1983, 520; 1985, 690; 1993, 1496; 1997, 3085; 2011, 2946)