Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 220 - Revision of Statutes
NRS 220.160 - Printing and reproduction of supplements; prices and sales.

1. Upon the completion of Nevada Revised Statutes with annotations, the Legislative Counsel shall prepare and have printed or reproduced such replacement and supplementary pages for such laws and annotations as may, from time to time, be necessary and may create or cause to be created reproductions of the replacement and supplementary pages, alone or in combination with any other legal publications, on electronic discs or any other available medium. In any event, the Legislative Counsel shall prepare replacement and supplementary pages made necessary by a regular or special session as soon as possible after each such session.
2. The intent of this section is that Nevada Revised Statutes be kept current insofar as may be possible. To that end, the provisions of this chapter, and in particular NRS 220.120, apply to the preparation and printing or reproduction of such replacement and supplementary pages.
3. Prices must be set by the Legislative Commission as near as possible to the cost of preparing, printing and reproduction. All money received for the sale of such replacement and supplementary pages must be deposited to the credit of the Legislative Fund.
[12:304:1951; A 1953, 388]—(NRS A 1957, 5; 1963, 1024; 1965, 1461; 1971, 1548; 1973, 1120; 1989, 249, 591, 603; 1995, 1110; 2011, 3258)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 220 - Revision of Statutes

NRS 220.040 - General powers and duties of Legislative Counsel and Legal Division regarding revision of statutes.

NRS 220.080 - Recommendations regarding clarification of statutes.

NRS 220.085 - Recommendations regarding elimination of obsolete or antiquated statutes.

NRS 220.090 - Secretary of State to make records, books and statutes available to Legislative Counsel for inspection.

NRS 220.100 - Preparation and publication of annotations and supplements to NRS.

NRS 220.105 - Preparation and publication of digest of judicial opinions concerning Nevada law.

NRS 220.110 - Contents of NRS.

NRS 220.120 - Compilation, organization, revision and publication of NRS: Form and style; numbering and arrangement; inclusion of notes and reference materials; changes and corrections; legal effect of renumbering; resolution of nonsubstantive confli...

NRS 220.125 - References in NRS to certain persons and matters to be made using respectful or appropriate language.

NRS 220.130 - Printing and reproduction of NRS; prices and sales; retention of master copy.

NRS 220.150 - Authorized expenditures from Legislative Fund to pay for costs related to publications.

NRS 220.155 - Acceptance of gifts, grants and bequests to pay for costs related to publications.

NRS 220.160 - Printing and reproduction of supplements; prices and sales.

NRS 220.165 - Distribution of NRS and supplements to Legislators; payment of costs.

NRS 220.167 - Distribution of NRS and supplements to district, justice and municipal courts; payment of costs.

NRS 220.170 - Certification of NRS and supplements; citation of NRS as official codified version of Statutes of Nevada and prima facie evidence of law; form of citations to NRS.