Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 218F - Legislative Counsel Bureau
NRS 218F.230 - Checking account; advance money for travel.

1. The Legislative Counsel Bureau shall maintain a checking account in any qualified bank or credit union for the purposes of:
(a) Providing advance money and reimbursement to Legislators and officers and employees for travel expenses;
(b) Paying the salaries of persons on the payroll of the Legislative Department and any related payroll costs; and
(c) Paying other expenses which may or must be paid from the Legislative Fund and any other expenses directed by the Legislative Commission.
2. The checking account must be secured by a depository bond to the extent the account is not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund or a private insurer approved pursuant to NRS 672.755.
3. All checks written on the checking account must be signed by the Chair of the Legislative Commission and the Director or the Director’s designee, except that during a regular session, the Majority Leader of the Senate and the Speaker of the Assembly shall sign the checks.
4. A request for advance money for travel constitutes a lien in favor of the Legislative Fund upon the accrued salary, subsistence allowance and travel expenses of the Legislator or officer or employee in an amount equal to the sum advanced.
5. A Legislator or officer or employee who receives advance money for travel:
(a) Is entitled to receive upon request any authorized travel expenses in excess of the amount advanced.
(b) Shall reimburse the Legislative Fund any amount advanced that is not used for reimbursable travel expenses.
(Added to NRS by 1979, 290; A 1981, 5, 17; 1997, 3072; 1999, 1462, 2202; 2001, 91; 2011, 3240)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 218.644)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 218F - Legislative Counsel Bureau

NRS 218F.020 - "Agency of the State" defined.

NRS 218F.100 - Creation and composition; administration of divisions; appointment of Director and chiefs of divisions; designation of Deputy Director.

NRS 218F.110 - Director is executive head of Legislative Counsel Bureau; general powers and duties; administrative supervision of chiefs; employment, salaries and leave of personnel; exemption of personnel from State Personnel System.

NRS 218F.120 - Employment of personnel for legislative duties between regular sessions; payment of salaries and related costs.

NRS 218F.150 - Officers and employees of Legislative Counsel Bureau not to oppose or urge legislation; exceptions; conditions and limitations on disclosure of information.

NRS 218F.170 - Report concerning equity in workplace.

NRS 218F.200 - Appropriation of money to Legislative Fund to carry out functions; payment of claims.

NRS 218F.210 - Special Account for Intergovernmental Activities.

NRS 218F.220 - Petty cash accounts.

NRS 218F.230 - Checking account; advance money for travel.

NRS 218F.300 - Provision of administrative services for operation of Legislature; acquisition and maintenance of legislative property.

NRS 218F.310 - Recycling of paper, paper products, electronic waste and other recyclable materials.

NRS 218F.312 - Requirements for disposing of electronic waste.

NRS 218F.320 - Establishment of on-site child care facility.

NRS 218F.400 - Legislative Manual.

NRS 218F.410 - Sale of studies, reports and materials.

NRS 218F.420 - Sale of manuals and handbooks containing selected portions of NRS.

NRS 218F.430 - Sale of souvenirs.

NRS 218F.440 - Computer searches and electronic access to publications and other information.

NRS 218F.500 - Composition; general powers and duties.

NRS 218F.510 - Duties of Chief as Legislative Fiscal Officer. [Effective through June 30, 2049.] Duties of Chief as Legislative Fiscal Officer. [Effective July 1, 2049.]

NRS 218F.520 - Duties relating to order and security; regulations governing vehicular and pedestrian traffic; penalties.

NRS 218F.600 - Composition; general powers and duties.

NRS 218F.610 - Office of Financial Analysis and Planning.

NRS 218F.620 - Authority to request information from public officers and agencies; compliance required; authority extends to confidential information.

NRS 218F.700 - Composition; qualifications of Legislative Counsel and General Counsel.

NRS 218F.710 - General powers and duties; legal opinions on questions of law; authority of Legislative Counsel and General Counsel to act on behalf of each other regarding certain matters; separation of legal functions required regarding certain matt...

NRS 218F.720 - Authority to provide legal representation in actions and proceedings; exemption from fees, costs and expenses; standards and procedures for exercising unconditional right and standing to intervene; payment of costs and expenses of repr...

NRS 218F.730 - Authority to secure copyrights.

NRS 218F.800 - Qualifications of Research Director; administration of Research Division.

NRS 218F.810 - General powers and duties.