Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 206 - Malicious Mischief
NRS 206.340 - Graffiti Reward Account created; administrative assessment to be imposed for certain violations; use of money in Account.

1. The Graffiti Reward Account is hereby created in the State General Fund.
2. When a defendant pleads or is found guilty of violating NRS 206.125, 206.330 or 206.335, the court shall include an administrative assessment of $250 for each violation in addition to any other fine or penalty. The money collected must be paid by the clerk of the court to the State Controller on or before the fifth day of each month for the preceding month for credit to the Graffiti Reward Account.
3. All money received pursuant to subsection 2 must be deposited with the State Controller for credit to the Graffiti Reward Account. The money in the Account must be used:
(a) To pay a reward to a person who, in response to the offer of a reward, provides information which results in the identification, apprehension and conviction of a person who violates NRS 206.125, 206.330 or 206.335; or
(b) For any other purpose authorized by the Legislature.
4. If sufficient money is available in the Graffiti Reward Account, a state law enforcement agency may offer a reward, not to exceed $1,000, for information leading to the identification, apprehension and conviction of a person who violates NRS 206.125, 206.330 or 206.335. The reward must be paid out of the Graffiti Reward Account upon approval by the State Board of Examiners.
(Added to NRS by 1995, 737; A 2001, 2923; 2007, 2298; 2010, 26th Special Session, 5; 2011, 441)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 206 - Malicious Mischief

NRS 206.001 - Definitions.

NRS 206.003 - "Estray" defined.

NRS 206.005 - "Graffiti" defined.

NRS 206.007 - "Livestock" defined.

NRS 206.010 - Destruction or damage of property by unlawful assembly.

NRS 206.015 - Destruction or damage of crops, gardens, trees or shrubs.

NRS 206.040 - Entering property with intention to damage or destroy property.

NRS 206.045 - Removing, concealing or destroying real property with intention to defraud secured party.

NRS 206.125 - Damage of property used for purpose of religion, for burial or memorializing of dead, for education, as transportation facility, as public transportation vehicle or as community center; damage of personal property contained therein; pen...

NRS 206.140 - Nuisance in building; trespass upon grounds; disturbing assembly.

NRS 206.150 - Killing, maiming, disfiguring or poisoning animal of another person; killing estray or livestock.

NRS 206.160 - Leading or driving horse away without authority.

NRS 206.200 - Posting of bills, signs or posters unlawful.

NRS 206.220 - Removal, alteration or destruction of monuments or landmarks designating boundaries.

NRS 206.260 - Fraudulent and malicious destruction of writings.

NRS 206.270 - Defacing proclamations and notices.

NRS 206.280 - Tampering with papers.

NRS 206.290 - Opening or publishing sealed letter or telegram.

NRS 206.300 - False signals endangering cars, vessels or motors.

NRS 206.310 - Injury to other property.

NRS 206.320 - Unlawful removal of petrified wood from posted or designated sites; duties of certain officers.

NRS 206.330 - Placing graffiti on or otherwise defacing property: Fines and penalties; restitution; parent or guardian responsible for fines and penalties if person violating section is under age of 18 years; suspension of driver’s license.

NRS 206.335 - Carrying graffiti implement at certain locations with intent to vandalize, place graffiti on or deface property.

NRS 206.340 - Graffiti Reward Account created; administrative assessment to be imposed for certain violations; use of money in Account.

NRS 206.345 - Counseling; person or entity to be paid if restitution is ordered for violation of NRS 206.125 or 206.330; civil action.