Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 205 - Crimes Against Property
NRS 205.005 - "Set fire to" defined.

Any person shall be deemed to have "set fire to" a building, structure or any property mentioned in NRS 205.010 to 205.030, inclusive, whenever any part thereof or anything therein shall be scorched, charred or burned.
[1911 C&P § 363; RL § 6628; NCL § 10313]—(Substituted in revision for NRS 205.040)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 205 - Crimes Against Property

NRS 205.005 - "Set fire to" defined.

NRS 205.010 - First degree.

NRS 205.015 - Second degree.

NRS 205.020 - Third degree.

NRS 205.025 - Fourth degree.

NRS 205.030 - Burning or aiding and abetting burning of property with intent to defraud insurer; penalty.

NRS 205.034 - Additional penalties.

NRS 205.045 - Contiguous fires.

NRS 205.050 - Ownership of building.

NRS 205.055 - Preparation is attempt to commit arson.

NRS 205.060 - Residential burglary, burglary of a business, burglary of a motor vehicle and burglary of a structure: Definitions; penalties; venue.

NRS 205.065 - Inference of burglarious intent.

NRS 205.067 - Invasion of the home: Definition; penalties; venue.

NRS 205.070 - Commission of another crime while committing burglary or invasion of the home.

NRS 205.075 - Burglary with explosives; penalty.

NRS 205.080 - Possession of instrument with burglarious intent; making, alteration or repair of instrument for committing offense; penalty.

NRS 205.081 - "Dwelling" defined.

NRS 205.0813 - Housebreaking; penalty.

NRS 205.0817 - Unlawful occupancy; penalty.

NRS 205.082 - Unlawful reentry; penalty.

NRS 205.0821 - Definitions.

NRS 205.0822 - "Check" defined.

NRS 205.0823 - "Control" defined.

NRS 205.0824 - "Deprive" defined.

NRS 205.0825 - "Draw" defined.

NRS 205.08255 - "Intangible property" defined.

NRS 205.0826 - "Issue" defined.

NRS 205.0827 - "Obtain" defined.

NRS 205.0828 - "Property of another person" defined.

NRS 205.0829 - "Services" defined.

NRS 205.083 - "Transfer" defined.

NRS 205.0831 - "Value" defined.

NRS 205.0832 - Actions which constitute theft.

NRS 205.0833 - Theft constitutes single offense embracing certain separate offenses; specification of charge in indictment or information.

NRS 205.0834 - Determination of amount involved in particular theft.

NRS 205.08345 - Organized retail theft; penalties; determination of amount involved in thefts committed by organized retail theft; venue.

NRS 205.0835 - Penalties.

NRS 205.085 - Definitions.

NRS 205.090 - Forgery of conveyances, negotiable instruments, stock certificates, wills and other instruments; utterance of forged instrument.

NRS 205.095 - Other acts constituting forgery.

NRS 205.100 - Making, uttering or possessing with intent to utter fictitious bill, note or check.

NRS 205.105 - Forgery of instrument purporting to have been issued by corporation or state.

NRS 205.110 - Uttering forged instruments: Forgery.

NRS 205.115 - True writing signed by wrongdoer’s name or name of person not in existence.

NRS 205.120 - False certificate to certain instruments punishable as forgery.

NRS 205.125 - Misconduct in signing, filing or altering petition; penalties.

NRS 205.130 - Issuance of check or draft without sufficient money or credit: Penalties.

NRS 205.132 - Issuance of check or draft without sufficient money or credit: Presumptions of intent to defraud and knowledge of insufficiency; malice in causing prosecution.

NRS 205.134 - Issuance of check or draft without sufficient money or credit: Posting notices.

NRS 205.160 - Possessing or receiving forged instruments or bills.

NRS 205.165 - General reputation may be used to prove incorporation in trial for forgery of bill or note of incorporated company or bank.

NRS 205.170 - Expert may prove forgery or counterfeit.

NRS 205.175 - Counterfeiting seals; forgery of signatures of public officers; sale or possession of counterfeit badge or identification of law enforcement agency.

NRS 205.180 - Counterfeiting gold dust, bars or other articles; making or possessing instruments.

NRS 205.185 - Possessing or receiving counterfeit gold dust, silver, bullion or bars.

NRS 205.195 - Counterfeiting stamps and labels.

NRS 205.200 - Goods containing forged stamps.

NRS 205.205 - Counterfeiting trademark or design.

NRS 205.210 - Selling, displaying or advertising goods with false trademark.

NRS 205.215 - Fraudulent registration of trademark.

NRS 205.216 - Unlawful operation of audiovisual recording function in motion picture theater.

NRS 205.217 - Unlawful reproduction or sale of sound recordings.

NRS 205.2175 - Definitions.

NRS 205.218 - "Domesticated animals" defined.

NRS 205.2185 - "Domesticated birds" defined.

NRS 205.219 - "Livestock" defined.

NRS 205.2195 - "Property" defined.

NRS 205.220 - Grand larceny: Definition.

NRS 205.222 - Grand larceny: Penalties.

NRS 205.226 - Grand larceny of firearm; penalty.

NRS 205.228 - Grand larceny of motor vehicle; penalty.

NRS 205.230 - Duties of peace officer concerning grand larceny of animal.

NRS 205.240 - Petit larceny; penalty.

NRS 205.251 - Determination of value of property involved in larceny offense.

NRS 205.260 - Negotiable and other instruments subjects of larceny.

NRS 205.265 - Commission or part ownership no defense for larceny.

NRS 205.267 - Penalty for theft of scrap metal or utility property.

NRS 205.270 - Penalty for taking property from person of another under circumstances not amounting to robbery; limitation on granting of probation or suspension of sentence.

NRS 205.2705 - Use of unlawful coin or cheating device in vending machine, telephone or other coin operated device prohibited; penalty.

NRS 205.2707 - Penalty for theft of money or property of value of $650 or more from vending machines; determination of value of property taken includes cost to repair any damage to vending machine.

NRS 205.271 - "Owner" defined.

NRS 205.2715 - Unlawful taking of vehicle: Inference; penalty.

NRS 205.273 - Offense involving stolen vehicle: Definition; penalty; restitution.

NRS 205.274 - Injuring or tampering with vehicle; penalties.

NRS 205.2741 - Throwing substance at bicycle, electric bicycle, electric scooter or motor vehicle; willfully damaging bicycle, electric bicycle or motor vehicle; penalty.

NRS 205.2745 - Owning or operating premises on which illegally obtained motor vehicle is altered, destroyed, disassembled, reassembled or stored for certain purposes; penalties.

NRS 205.2747 - Unlawful transfer or assignment of right or interest in motor vehicle; penalty.

NRS 205.275 - Offense involving stolen property: Definition; penalty; restitution; prima facie evidence; determination of value of property.

NRS 205.290 - Restoration of stolen property to owner.

NRS 205.295 - Restoration of stolen property: Duties of officers.

NRS 205.300 - Definition; punishment.

NRS 205.305 - Prima facie evidence of embezzlement.

NRS 205.310 - Contractor failing to pay for labor or material.

NRS 205.312 - Inference of embezzlement for willful or intentional failure to return leased or rented vehicle to owner; penalty for embezzlement of vehicle; restitution.

NRS 205.320 - Threats.

NRS 205.322 - Extortionate collection of debt.

NRS 205.330 - Fraudulent conveyances.

NRS 205.335 - Sale or removal of goods subject to security interest by debtor in possession without consent of secured party.

NRS 205.340 - Sale or creation of security interest in personal property subject to security interest or lien without informing purchaser or secured party.

NRS 205.345 - Destruction or removal of personal property upon which security interest or lease exists.

NRS 205.350 - Removal or sale of property to defraud creditors.

NRS 205.355 - Fraudulent sale or concealment of personal property after action commenced or judgment rendered.

NRS 205.360 - Knowingly receiving fraudulent conveyance.

NRS 205.365 - Fraudulently selling real estate twice.

NRS 205.370 - Swindling; credit by false representations.

NRS 205.372 - Mortgage lending fraud; penalties; civil action.

NRS 205.375 - False written statements to obtain property or credit.

NRS 205.377 - Multiple transactions involving fraud or deceit in course of enterprise or occupation; penalty.

NRS 205.380 - Obtaining money, property, rent or labor by false pretenses.

NRS 205.390 - Obtaining signature by false pretense.

NRS 205.395 - False representation concerning title; penalties; civil action.

NRS 205.397 - False representation concerning lien against property of public officer or employee, candidate for public office or participant in official proceeding or member of immediate family of such persons; penalties; civil action.

NRS 205.400 - Fraud by bailee of animal.

NRS 205.405 - Falsifying accounts.

NRS 205.410 - Improper use of insignia.

NRS 205.412 - Stolen valor.

NRS 205.415 - Collecting for benefit without authority.

NRS 205.420 - Use of false permit, license or writing.

NRS 205.435 - Fraudulent issue of stock.

NRS 205.440 - Publishing false statement to affect market price.

NRS 205.445 - Defrauding proprietor of hotel, inn, restaurant, motel or similar establishment.

NRS 205.450 - Personating another.

NRS 205.455 - Personating another same as stealing.

NRS 205.460 - Preparation, transfer or use of false identification regarding person under 21 years of age; penalties; demand of proof of age as defense to certain proceedings.

NRS 205.4605 - Posting or displaying social security number of another person; penalties; civil action.

NRS 205.461 - Definitions.

NRS 205.4611 - "Artificial person" defined.

NRS 205.4613 - Document" defined.

NRS 205.4615 - "Older person" defined.

NRS 205.4617 - "Personal identifying information" defined.

NRS 205.462 - "Public body" defined.

NRS 205.4623 - "Public employee" defined.

NRS 205.4627 - "Public officer" defined.

NRS 205.4629 - "Vulnerable person" defined.

NRS 205.463 - Obtaining and using personal identifying information of another person to harm or impersonate person, to obtain certain nonpublic records or for other unlawful purpose; penalties; rebuttable inference that possessor of personal identify...

NRS 205.464 - Obtaining, using, possessing or selling personal identifying information for unlawful purpose by public officer or public employee; penalties; rebuttable inference that possessor of personal identifying information intended to unlawfull...

NRS 205.465 - Possession, sale or transfer of document or personal identifying information to establish false status or identity; penalties; rebuttable inference that possessor of personal identifying information intended to unlawfully use such infor...

NRS 205.4651 - Identity theft program card: Application; issuance; presentation to law enforcement agency or creditors; discretion to accept or reject program card; application not public record; regulations; acceptance of gifts, grants and donations...

NRS 205.46513 - Establishing or possessing financial forgery laboratory unlawful; penalty; expert testimony.

NRS 205.46515 - Capturing, storing, reading, retaining, using or disclosing information from radio frequency identification document of another person; penalty.

NRS 205.46517 - Court records.

NRS 205.4653 - Prosecution regardless of whether person whose personal identifying information was stolen is living or deceased, is artificial person or suffers financial loss or injury.

NRS 205.4655 - Exempt persons.

NRS 205.4657 - Defenses not available; jurisdiction.

NRS 205.466 - Creation and operation of program; acceptance of person in program.

NRS 205.467 - Notice to persons accepted into program.

NRS 205.468 - Actions required of persons accepted into program.

NRS 205.469 - Agreement to suspend prosecution of person accepted into program: Entry; conditions; completion.

NRS 205.471 - Collection of fee from offender; amount and disposition of fee.

NRS 205.472 - Statements by person referred to or participating in program inadmissible in civil and criminal proceedings.

NRS 205.473 - Definitions.

NRS 205.4732 - "Access" defined.

NRS 205.4735 - "Computer" defined.

NRS 205.4737 - "Computer contaminant" defined.

NRS 205.474 - "Data" defined.

NRS 205.4742 - "Encryption" defined.

NRS 205.4743 - "Information service" defined.

NRS 205.4744 - "Internet or network site" defined.

NRS 205.4745 - "Network" defined.

NRS 205.475 - "Program" defined.

NRS 205.4755 - "Property" defined.

NRS 205.4757 - "Provider" defined.

NRS 205.4758 - "Provider of Internet service" defined.

NRS 205.4759 - "Response costs" defined.

NRS 205.476 - "System" defined.

NRS 205.4765 - Unlawful acts regarding computers: Generally.

NRS 205.477 - Unlawful acts relating to interference with or denial of access to or use of computers, systems, networks, telecommunication devices, telecommunications devices, services or information services; penalties; affirmative defense.

NRS 205.481 - Forgery by creation, alteration or deletion of data, information, image, program, signal or sound contained in computer.

NRS 205.486 - Unlawful use of encryption.

NRS 205.492 - Unlawful acts involving electronic mail or transmission of other data, information, images, programs, signals or sounds to computer, system or network.

NRS 205.498 - Provider of Internet service required to keep certain information concerning subscribers confidential; notice required to be provided to subscribers.

NRS 205.506 - Unlawful acts regarding information services.

NRS 205.509 - Presumption of authority of employee.

NRS 205.511 - Victim authorized to bring civil action.

NRS 205.513 - Enforcement of provisions.

NRS 205.520 - Issue of document of title for goods not received.

NRS 205.530 - Issue of document of title containing false statement.

NRS 205.540 - Issuance of duplicate or additional negotiable document of title not so marked.

NRS 205.550 - Delivery of goods covered by outstanding negotiable document of title without obtaining negotiable document.

NRS 205.560 - Issue of negotiable warehouse receipt not stating fact of warehouseman’s ownership.

NRS 205.570 - Obtaining or negotiating document of title for goods with intent to defraud.

NRS 205.580 - Inducing bailee to issue negotiable document of title when goods have not been received.

NRS 205.590 - Negotiation of document of title when goods are not in bailee’s possession.

NRS 205.601 - Definitions.

NRS 205.602 - "Payment card" defined.

NRS 205.603 - "Reencoder" defined.

NRS 205.604 - "Scanning device" defined.

NRS 205.605 - Using scanning device or reencoder to defraud.

NRS 205.606 - Installing, affixing or accessing scanning device for unlawful purpose; possessing scanning device or reencoder for unlawful purpose.

NRS 205.607 - Exempt persons.

NRS 205.608 - Defenses not available.

NRS 205.610 - Definitions.

NRS 205.620 - "Cardholder" defined.

NRS 205.630 - "Credit card" defined.

NRS 205.635 - "Debit card" defined.

NRS 205.640 - "Expired credit card or debit card" defined.

NRS 205.650 - "Issuer" defined.

NRS 205.660 - "Receives" and "receiving" defined.

NRS 205.670 - "Revoked credit card or debit card" defined.

NRS 205.680 - False statement to procure issuance of credit card or debit card.

NRS 205.690 - Obtaining or possessing credit card or debit card, or identifying description of credit card, credit account or debit card without consent of cardholder; presumption from possession; exemptions.

NRS 205.710 - Sale or purchase of credit card or debit card, or identifying description of credit card, debit card or credit account; exemptions.

NRS 205.715 - Sale of identifying information on telephone calling card.

NRS 205.720 - Obtaining control of credit card or debit card as security for debt.

NRS 205.740 - Forgery of credit card or debit card; presumption from possession.

NRS 205.750 - Unauthorized signing of credit card, debit card or related document with intent to defraud.

NRS 205.760 - Fraudulent use of credit card or debit card, or identifying description of credit account or debit card; presumption of knowledge of revocation of credit card or debit card.

NRS 205.765 - Presumption of intent to defraud and knowledge that holder of credit card or debit card has insufficient money or property.

NRS 205.770 - Fraud by person authorized to provide goods or services: Furnishing goods or services upon presentation of credit card or debit card illegally obtained or possessed.

NRS 205.780 - Fraud by person authorized to provide goods or services: Misrepresentation to issuer.

NRS 205.790 - Possession of incomplete credit cards or debit cards or equipment to produce cards.

NRS 205.800 - Receiving property or services obtained by unlawful use of credit card or debit card; presumption of knowledge.

NRS 205.810 - Defenses not available.

NRS 205.830 - Definitions.

NRS 205.840 - Owner of cart required to place sign on premises.

NRS 205.850 - Retrieval of carts: Permit from owner.

NRS 205.860 - Wrongful possession, abandonment or alteration of cart or serial number.

NRS 205.870 - Definitions.

NRS 205.880 - Obtaining care for child in child care establishment with intent to defraud keeper or proprietor; penalty; exception.

NRS 205.890 - Prima facie evidence of intent to defraud.

NRS 205.900 - Unlawful use of hotel key; penalty.

NRS 205.910 - Unlawful use of television or radio signals; unlawful manufacture or sale of devices to intercept or decode signals; penalty; exceptions.

NRS 205.920 - Obtaining or attempting to obtain telephone or telegraph service with intent to avoid payment; penalty.

NRS 205.930 - Manufacture, possession, sale or other disposition of equipment or information for obtaining telephone or telegraph service with intent to avoid payment; penalty.

NRS 205.940 - Conversion of rented or leased personal property; penalty; defenses to civil action.

NRS 205.950 - Unlawful receipt of fee, salary, deposit or money to obtain loan for another; penalties.

NRS 205.960 - Qualified intermediaries of clients with certain property: Unlawful acts; criminal penalty; civil penalty.

NRS 205.965 - Unlawful possession, making, altering, forgery or counterfeiting of sales receipt or inventory pricing label; penalties.

NRS 205.970 - Unlawful possession, manufacture, sale or distribution of theft detection shielding device or theft detection device deactivator; penalty.

NRS 205.980 - Determination of value of loss from crime; notice to victim; order of restitution deemed judgment to collect damages.