1. Every person who shall ask or receive any compensation, gratuity or reward, or any promise thereof:
(a) Upon the representation that the person can, directly or indirectly, or in consideration that the person shall, or shall attempt to, directly or indirectly, influence any public officer, whether executive, administrative, judicial or legislative, to refuse, neglect, or defer the performance of any official duty;
(b) The right to retain or receive which shall be conditioned that such person shall, directly or indirectly, successfully influence by any means whatever any executive, administrative or legislative officer, in respect to any act, decision, vote, opinion or other proceeding, as such officer; or
(c) Upon the representation that the person can, directly or indirectly, or in consideration that the person shall, or shall attempt to, directly or indirectly, influence any public officer, whether executive, administrative, judicial or legislative, in respect to any act, decision, vote, opinion or other proceeding, as such officer, unless it be clearly understood and agreed in good faith between the parties thereto, on both sides, that no means or influence shall be employed except explanation and argument upon the merits,
shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
2. In any prosecution under paragraph (c) of subsection 1, evidence of the means actually employed to influence such officer shall be admitted as proof of the means originally contemplated by the defendant.
[1911 C&P § 65; RL § 6330; NCL § 10014]
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 197 - Crimes By and Against the Executive Power of This State
NRS 197.010 - Bribery of executive or administrative officer.
NRS 197.020 - Bribery of other public officers.
NRS 197.030 - Asking or receiving bribe by executive or administrative officer.
NRS 197.040 - Asking or receiving bribe by public officer or employee.
NRS 197.050 - Rebate or division of salary unlawful.
NRS 197.060 - Unlawful to agree to divide salary.
NRS 197.070 - Payment of bona fide debt by deputy or attache.
NRS 197.080 - Offering reward for appointment.
NRS 197.090 - Interfering with public officer.
NRS 197.100 - Influencing public officer.
NRS 197.110 - Misconduct of public officer.
NRS 197.130 - False report by public officer.
NRS 197.140 - Public officer making false certificate.
NRS 197.150 - Falsely auditing or paying claim.
NRS 197.160 - Fraudulently presenting claim to public officer.
NRS 197.170 - Extortion by public officer or employee.
NRS 197.180 - Wrongful exercise of official power.
NRS 197.190 - Obstructing public officer.
NRS 197.200 - Oppression under color of office.
NRS 197.210 - Fraudulent appropriation of property.