Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 193 - Criminality Generally
NRS 193.155 - Penalty for public offense proportionate to value of property affected or loss resulting from offense.

Every person who is guilty of a public offense proportionate to the value of the property affected or the loss resulting from the offense shall be punished as follows:
1. Where the value of the loss is $5,000 or more or where the damage results in impairment of public communication, transportation or police and fire protection, for a category C felony as provided in NRS 193.130.
2. Where the value of the loss is $250 or more but less than $5,000, for a gross misdemeanor.
3. Where the value of the loss is $25 or more but less than $250, for a misdemeanor.
4. Where the value of the loss is less than $25, by a fine of not more than $500.
(Added to NRS by 1967, 459; A 1995, 1168)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 193 - Criminality Generally

NRS 193.010 - Definitions.

NRS 193.011 - "Boat" defined.

NRS 193.0115 - "Bond" defined.

NRS 193.012 - "Break" defined.

NRS 193.0125 - "Building" defined.

NRS 193.013 - "Corrupt" and "corruptly" defined.

NRS 193.014 - "Dwelling house" defined.

NRS 193.0145 - "Enter" defined.

NRS 193.0148 - "Gender identity or expression" defined.

NRS 193.0155 - "Indicted," "indictment," "informed against" and "information" defined.

NRS 193.016 - "Judge" defined.

NRS 193.0165 - "Jurors" defined.

NRS 193.017 - "Knowingly" defined.

NRS 193.0175 - "Malice" and "maliciously" defined.

NRS 193.018 - "Neglect," "negligence," "negligent" and "negligently" defined.

NRS 193.0185 - "Nighttime" defined.

NRS 193.019 - "Officer" and "public officer" defined.

NRS 193.0195 - "Owner" defined.

NRS 193.0205 - "Person" defined.

NRS 193.021 - "Personal property" defined.

NRS 193.0215 - "Prison" defined.

NRS 193.022 - "Prisoner" defined.

NRS 193.0225 - "Property" defined.

NRS 193.023 - "Railway" or "railroad" defined.

NRS 193.0235 - "Real property" defined.

NRS 193.024 - "Signature" defined.

NRS 193.0245 - "Writing" defined.

NRS 193.030 - Construction of provisions of title.

NRS 193.040 - Intent to defraud.

NRS 193.045 - Repeated conviction as element or aggravation of offense: Place of former conviction immaterial.

NRS 193.050 - Conduct constituting crime; prohibited or unlawful acts; common law.

NRS 193.060 - Construction of provisions similar to existing laws.

NRS 193.070 - Effect of provisions upon past offenses.

NRS 193.075 - Effect of repeal of statute: Penalty previously imposed; prior violations.

NRS 193.080 - Application to existing civil rights.

NRS 193.090 - Civil remedies preserved.

NRS 193.100 - Proceedings to impeach or remove officers and others preserved.

NRS 193.105 - Termination of employment, removal from office or impeachment of public employee or officer upon conviction for sale of controlled substance.

NRS 193.110 - Authority of courts-martial unaffected; punishment for contempt unaffected.

NRS 193.120 - Classification of crimes.

NRS 193.130 - Categories and punishment of felonies.

NRS 193.140 - Punishment of gross misdemeanors.

NRS 193.150 - Punishment of misdemeanors.

NRS 193.151 - Prohibited act is misdemeanor when no penalty imposed.

NRS 193.153 - Punishment for attempts.

NRS 193.155 - Penalty for public offense proportionate to value of property affected or loss resulting from offense.

NRS 193.160 - Penalty for misdemeanor by corporations when not fixed by statute.

NRS 193.1605 - Minimum punishment for gross misdemeanor committed on property of school, at activity sponsored by school or on school bus.

NRS 193.161 - Felony committed on property of school, at activity sponsored by school or on school bus.

NRS 193.162 - Felony committed by adult with assistance of child.

NRS 193.163 - Use of handgun containing metal-penetrating bullet in commission of crime.

NRS 193.165 - Use of deadly weapon or tear gas in commission of crime; restriction on probation and suspension of sentence.

NRS 193.166 - Felony committed in violation of order for protection or order to restrict conduct; restriction on probation and suspension of sentence.

NRS 193.167 - Certain crimes committed against person 60 years of age or older or against vulnerable person.

NRS 193.1675 - Commission of crime because of certain actual or perceived characteristics of person or group of persons; burden of proof.

NRS 193.1677 - Commission of crime because victim is first responder.

NRS 193.1678 - Commission of crime because victim is spouse or child of first responder.

NRS 193.168 - Felony committed to promote activities of criminal gang; restriction on probation and suspension of sentence; expert testimony.

NRS 193.1685 - Felony committed with intent to commit, cause, aid, further or conceal act of terrorism.

NRS 193.169 - Limitation on imposition of additional and alternative penalties; alternative allegations.

NRS 193.170 - Prohibited act is misdemeanor when no penalty imposed.

NRS 193.190 - To constitute crime there must be unity of act and intent.

NRS 193.200 - Intent: How manifested.

NRS 193.205 - Intent to defraud.

NRS 193.210 - When person considered to be of sound mind.

NRS 193.220 - When voluntary intoxication may be considered.

NRS 193.225 - Prohibition against certain defenses involving sexual orientation or gender identity or expression of victim.

NRS 193.230 - Lawful resistance to commission of public offense: Who may make.

NRS 193.240 - Resistance by party about to be injured.

NRS 193.250 - Resistance by other persons.

NRS 193.260 - Persons acting by command of officers of justice.

NRS 193.270 - Acts punishable under foreign law.

NRS 193.280 - Defendant allowed to introduce in evidence foreign acquittal.

NRS 193.290 - Conviction or acquittal in other county is sufficient defense.

NRS 193.300 - Punishment for contempt.

NRS 193.301 - Omission to perform duty: When not punishable.

NRS 193.3015 - Definitions.

NRS 193.302 - "Chemical agent" defined.

NRS 193.3025 - "Peace officer" defined.

NRS 193.303 - "Physical force" defined.

NRS 193.304 - Prohibition against use of deadly force.

NRS 193.305 - Prohibited acts relating to choke holds and compressing the airway and restricting the breath of a person; requirement to ensure medical aid rendered to person injured.

NRS 193.306 - Prohibited acts and duties relating to restraint chairs.

NRS 193.307 - Prohibited acts relating to protests and demonstrations.

NRS 193.308 - Duty of another peace officer to intervene to prevent or stop unjustified use of physical force; duty to report observation of unjustified use of physical force; retaliation prohibited; training required.

NRS 193.309 - Duties of law enforcement agencies, the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History and Attorney General relating to use-of-force data. [Effective on the date that the Director of the Department of Public Safety determines...

NRS 193.310 - Sending letters: When offense deemed complete; venue.

NRS 193.320 - Omission to perform duty: When not punishable.

NRS 193.330 - Punishment for attempts.

NRS 193.340 - Required disclosure of certain information by provider of Internet service; penalty; issuance and enforcement of administrative subpoena; fee for information.

NRS 193.350 - Use of force by peace officer: Prohibited acts; requirement to ensure medical aid rendered to person injured.

NRS 193.355 - Use of force by peace officer: Duty of another peace officer to intervene to prevent or stop unjustified use of physical force; duty to report observation of unjustified use of physical force; retaliation prohibited; training required.

NRS 193.360 - Duty of state and local law enforcement agencies to submit data relating to crimes manifesting evidence of prejudice based on race, color, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation or gender identity o...