Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 160 - Veterans’ Guardianship (Uniform Act)
NRS 160.090 - Bond.

1. Before making an appointment under the provisions of this chapter, the court shall establish to its satisfaction that the person whose appointment as guardian is sought is a fit and proper person to be appointed.
2. Upon the appointment being made, the guardian shall, except as otherwise provided in this section, execute and file a bond to be approved by the court in an amount not less than the value of the personal property of the estate plus the anticipated annual income. Thereafter, the amount of the bond must be equal to the total value of the personal estate plus the annual income. The bond must be in the form and be conditioned as required of guardians appointed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 159 or 159A of NRS. The premiums on all such bonds must be paid from the estate.
3. If a banking corporation as defined in NRS 657.016, or a trust company, as defined by NRS 669.070, doing business in this state is appointed guardian of the estate of a ward, no bond is required of the guardian unless the court by specific order requires a bond.
4. If the court orders that the estate and income, or a part thereof, be deposited in a banking corporation, as defined in NRS 657.016, or trust company, as defined by NRS 669.070, doing business in this state and that such estate and income, or any part thereof, must not be withdrawn without authorization of the court, then the amount of the guardian’s bond must be reduced in an amount equal to the amount of the estate and income on deposit with the banking corporation, and the surety on the bonds must be exonerated from any loss to the estate in connection with the deposit.
5. Where a bond is tendered by a guardian with personal sureties, the sureties shall file with the court a certificate under oath which describes the property owned, both real and personal, and contains a statement that they are each worth the sum named in the bond as the penalty thereof over and above all their debts and liabilities and exclusive of property exempt from execution.
[8:28:1929; NCL § 9555]—(NRS A 1959, 65; 1969, 1190; 1971, 1010; 1977, 640; 1999, 2478; 2017, 383, 887)