Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 148 - Sales, Conveyances and Exchanges
NRS 148.270 - Hearing concerning confirmation of sale: Considerations; higher offer; continuance; confirmation of sale without bids of property subject to lien or mortgage exceeding value of property.

1. At the hearing, the court shall consider the necessity for the sale, or the advantage, benefit and interest of the estate in having the sale made, and must examine the return and the evidence in relation to the sale.
2. If it appears to the court that good reason existed for the sale, that the sale was legally made and fairly conducted, and complied with the requirements of NRS 148.260, that the sum bid is not disproportionate to the value, and it does not appear that a sum exceeding the bid by at least 5 percent if the bid is not more than $100,000, or by at least $5,000 if the bid is $100,000 or more, may be obtained, the court shall enter an order confirming the sale and directing conveyances to be executed. Otherwise, it shall vacate the sale. If the court directs that the property be resold, notice must be given and the sale in all respects conducted as if no previous sale had taken place.
3. If a written offer of 5 percent or $5,000 more in amount than that named in the return is made to the court by a responsible person, as provided in subsection 2, and the bid complies with all provisions of the law, the court may accept the offer and confirm the sale to that person, order a new sale or conduct a public auction in open court.
4. If a higher bid is received at the time of a hearing to confirm the sale, the court may continue the hearing if it finds that the original bidder was not notified of the hearing and might desire to increase his or her bid, but failure to notify the original bidder or to continue the hearing is not grounds to void an order confirming a sale.
5. If the court accepts a higher bid at the time of a hearing to confirm the sale, the court shall confirm the original purchase contract and include in the order confirming the sale the substitution of the new sale price and purchaser. The order confirming the sale is a sufficient addendum to the original contract to allow escrow to close.
6. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, if the estate is subject to a lien or mortgage that exceeds the value of the property and the estate has entered into an agreement with the holder of the lien or mortgage to waive any deficiency as to other estate property and accept the net sales proceeds as full satisfaction of the lien or mortgage, the court shall confirm the sale without accepting bids on the property.
[161:107:1941; 1931 NCL § 9882.161]—(NRS A 1981, 554; 1999, 2320; 2017, 1682)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 148 - Sales, Conveyances and Exchanges

NRS 148.050 - Sale of property for certain purposes: No priority between personal and real property; method and order of sale.

NRS 148.060 - Confirmation of sale: Report; petition; notice.

NRS 148.070 - Written objection: Hearing; proof of notice.

NRS 148.080 - Sales under direction of will.

NRS 148.090 - Petition for order requiring sale.

NRS 148.100 - Neglect or misconduct of personal representative.

NRS 148.105 - Contracts to find purchaser of personal property: Liability of personal representative; limitations on commission.

NRS 148.110 - Contracts to find purchaser of real property: Liability of personal representative; limitation on commission.

NRS 148.120 - Division of commission upon confirmation of highest bid.

NRS 148.130 - Sale of property subject to mortgage or other lien.

NRS 148.140 - Disposition of proceeds of sale.

NRS 148.150 - Right of holder of lien on property to purchase it; receipt as payment pro tanto.

NRS 148.160 - Sale of equity of estate in property: Procedure.

NRS 148.165 - Transfer of interest subject to Nevada Gaming Control Act to heir or devisee; procedure.

NRS 148.170 - Sale of perishable and depreciating property.

NRS 148.180 - Sale of securities: Authorized by will or consent of devisees or heirs; authorized by court.

NRS 148.190 - Sale of other personal property: Publication; description of property; inspection.

NRS 148.195 - Confirmation of sale: New appraisement; appraisal dispensed with under certain circumstances.

NRS 148.200 - Terms of sale.

NRS 148.210 - Interests in partnerships.

NRS 148.220 - Notice of sale: Publication; court waiver of requirement of publication; posting; description of property.

NRS 148.230 - Public auction; postponement of sale.

NRS 148.240 - Private sale.

NRS 148.260 - Confirmation of sale: Requirement of appraisement; court waiver of requirement of appraisement under certain circumstances.

NRS 148.270 - Hearing concerning confirmation of sale: Considerations; higher offer; continuance; confirmation of sale without bids of property subject to lien or mortgage exceeding value of property.

NRS 148.280 - Conveyances after confirmation of sale.

NRS 148.290 - Sale on credit.

NRS 148.300 - Failure of purchaser to complete sale.

NRS 148.310 - Fraudulent sale: Penalty.

NRS 148.320 - Periods of limitation.

NRS 148.330 - Method of sale.

NRS 148.340 - Sale subject to claims; bond of purchaser.

NRS 148.350 - Assignment after confirmation.

NRS 148.360 - Petition for sale: Notice.

NRS 148.370 - Hearing; order authorizing sale.

NRS 148.380 - Additional bond of personal representative; agreement or option to purchase.

NRS 148.390 - Failure to comply with agreement or option.

NRS 148.400 - Procedure after compliance with agreement or option to purchase.

NRS 148.410 - Petition for order to convey, transfer or deliver property: Conditions; contents; hearing and notice; response; effect if order granted.

NRS 148.420 - Authorization of conveyance.

NRS 148.430 - Petition and notice.

NRS 148.440 - Hearing and order.

NRS 148.450 - Effect of order; execution of order.

NRS 148.500 - Authorization to exchange: Petition; notice.