Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 13 - Place of Trial
NRS 13.050 - Cases in which venue may be changed.

1. If the county designated for that purpose in the complaint, petition or motion is not the proper county, the proceeding may, notwithstanding, be tried or heard therein, unless:
(a) After the filing of a complaint or petition, the defendant demands in writing, before the time for answering expires, that the trial be had in the proper county, and the place of trial be thereupon changed by consent of the parties, or by order of the court, as provided in this section.
(b) In a proceeding in which the court has continuing jurisdiction after the issuance of a final order, judgment or decree, including, without limitation, any proceeding for divorce, annulment, separate maintenance or parentage or custody of a child and where no party currently resides in the county in which the order, judgment or decree was entered, the respondent demands in writing, before the time for filing a response expires, that the petition or motion be heard in the county of residence of either party to the proceeding or in the county where the child who is the subject of the proceeding resides, or by order of the court, as provided in this section.
2. The court may, on motion or stipulation, change the place of the proceeding in the following cases:
(a) When the county designated in the complaint, petition or motion is not the proper county.
(b) When there is reason to believe that an impartial proceeding cannot be had therein.
(c) When the convenience of the witnesses and the ends of justice would be promoted by the change.
(d) When any defendant in a case commenced in a county without a business court requests a change to a county:
(1) With a business court; and
(2) In which the case, if originally commenced in such county, would be eligible for assignment to the business court.
(e) When each of the parties consent to the change.
3. When the place of the proceeding is changed, all other matters relating to the proceeding shall be had in the county to which the place of the proceeding is changed, unless otherwise provided by the consent of the parties in writing duly filed, or by order of the court, and the papers shall be filed or transferred accordingly.
4. As used in this section, "business court" means, as designated pursuant to the rules of the applicable district court:
(a) A business court docket;
(b) A business matter designation; or
(c) At least one business court judge.
[1911 CPA § 73; RL § 5015; NCL § 8572]—(NRS A 2013, 1289; 2017, 253)