Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 127 - Adoption of Children and Adults
NRS 127.160 - Rights and duties of adopted child and adoptive parents.

Upon the entry of an order of adoption, the child shall become the legal child of the persons adopting the child, and they shall become the child’s legal parents with all the rights and duties between them of natural parents and legitimate child. By virtue of such adoption the child shall inherit from his or her adoptive parents or their relatives the same as though the child were the legitimate child of such parents, and in case of the death of the child intestate the adoptive parents and their relatives shall inherit the child’s estate as if they had been the child’s natural parents and relatives in fact. After a decree of adoption is entered, any parent who has signed a relinquishment or given consent to terminate his or her parental rights is relieved of all parental responsibilities for the adopted child and shall not exercise or have any rights over the adopted child or the property of the adopted child. The child does not owe a parent whose parental rights have been terminated any legal duty and may not inherit from a parent whose parental rights have been terminated or his or her kindred. Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary in this section, the adoption of a child does not in any way change the status of the relationship between the child and any legal parent who is a petitioner and whose parental rights have not been terminated.
[16:332:1953]—(NRS A 2021, 3406)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 127 - Adoption of Children and Adults

NRS 127.003 - Definitions.

NRS 127.005 - Applicability.

NRS 127.007 - State Register for Adoptions: Establishment; contents; release of information.

NRS 127.008 - State Register of Children with Special Needs.

NRS 127.009 - Booklet on adoption: Preparation; contents; annual revision; distribution; acceptance of gifts and grants to assist production and distribution.

NRS 127.010 - Jurisdiction of district courts.

NRS 127.013 - Transfer of proceedings to Indian tribe.

NRS 127.017 - Extent to which court must give full faith and credit to judicial proceedings of Indian tribe.

NRS 127.018 - Court order required if home state of child is Nevada; exception.

NRS 127.020 - Adoption of minor children; ages and consent.

NRS 127.030 - Who may petition; consent of spouse required under certain circumstances; waiver of hearing on petition; court authorized to determine legal relationship of child with multiple persons.

NRS 127.040 - Written consent to adoption or for relinquishment to authorized agency: Acknowledgment; when consent required.

NRS 127.043 - Consent to adoption required before placement in adoptive home; exception.

NRS 127.045 - Release for or consent to adoption and investigation required before appointment of guardian for child to be adopted; exception.

NRS 127.050 - Agencies which may accept relinquishments and consent to adoption; reimbursement for certain costs.

NRS 127.051 - Agency responsible for care of child and entitled to custody; termination of placement.

NRS 127.052 - Agency to determine whether child is Indian child; notification of child’s tribe.

NRS 127.053 - Consent to adoption: Requisites.

NRS 127.055 - Consent to adoption: Attesting witnesses may make self-proving affidavits to be attached to consent.

NRS 127.057 - Consent to adoption: Copy to be furnished to agency which provides child welfare services within 48 hours; recommendations; confidentiality of information; unlawful acts.

NRS 127.058 - Consent to adoption: Person to whom consent is given has legal custody of child until hearing on petition for adoption.

NRS 127.060 - Adoption of two or more children.

NRS 127.070 - Validity of releases for and consents to adoption.

NRS 127.080 - Consent to specific adoption or relinquishment for adoption cannot be revoked or nullified; exceptions.

NRS 127.090 - When consent unnecessary.

NRS 127.100 - Entitlement of petitions, reports and orders.

NRS 127.110 - When petition may be filed; contents of petition; limitation on entry of adoption order.

NRS 127.120 - Petition to be filed in duplicate; investigation, report and recommendation; court may order independent investigation; costs.

NRS 127.123 - Notice of filing of petition to be provided to custodians or guardians of child.

NRS 127.127 - Affidavit setting forth fees, donations and expenses required to be filed; waiver.

NRS 127.130 - Confidentiality of reports; petitioner may rebut adverse report.

NRS 127.140 - Confidentiality of hearings, files and records.

NRS 127.145 - Attendance of prospective adoptive parents at hearing by telephone.

NRS 127.150 - Order of adoption or return of child; presumption of child’s best interest after adoption is granted.

NRS 127.152 - Adopting parents to be provided with report which includes medical records and other information concerning child; regulations.

NRS 127.155 - Validation of certain orders and decrees.

NRS 127.157 - Report of adoption, amendment or annulment of adoption to State Registrar.

NRS 127.160 - Rights and duties of adopted child and adoptive parents.

NRS 127.165 - When action to set aside adoption may be brought; presumption of child’s best interest after adoption is granted.

NRS 127.171 - Right to visitation of child by sibling and other relatives; limitations.

NRS 127.180 - Appeals from orders, judgments or decrees.

NRS 127.186 - Adoption of child with special needs; financial assistance to adoptive parents under certain circumstances; waiver of court costs of adoptive parents; regulations.

NRS 127.187 - Requirements; court to retain jurisdiction; no effect on rights of adoptive parent as legal parent.

NRS 127.1875 - Notice of agreement to court.

NRS 127.188 - Inquiry by court before entering order or decree of adoption; incorporation of agreement into such order or decree.

NRS 127.1885 - Petitions to court by natural parents and adoptive parents: Requirements.

NRS 127.189 - Failure to comply; action to enforce terms.

NRS 127.1895 - Modification or termination: Conditions; presumptions and considerations; scope.

NRS 127.190 - Adoption of adults: Ages; agreement of adoption.

NRS 127.200 - Adoption of adults: Consent required.

NRS 127.210 - Petition for approval of agreement of adoption; notice, investigation and hearing; decree of adoption.

NRS 127.220 - Definitions.

NRS 127.230 - Standards for and regulation of child-placing agencies; regulation of agencies which provide child welfare services; regulation of adoption or placement of children.

NRS 127.240 - License: Requirement; exceptions.

NRS 127.250 - License: Application; issuance; renewal.

NRS 127.270 - License: Refusal to issue or renew; notice and hearing; appeals.

NRS 127.275 - Fees for services provided by agency which provides child welfare services.

NRS 127.280 - Requirements for placement of child in home of prospective parents for trial period; verification of intent of natural parents.

NRS 127.2805 - Investigation of prospective adoptive parents.

NRS 127.281 - Search for criminal record of prospective adoptive parent.

NRS 127.2815 - Placement of child during investigation; notice and placement of child upon completion of investigation.

NRS 127.2817 - Criteria for determination of suitability of prospective adoptive home; opportunity for prospective adoptive parents to review and respond to unfavorable investigation.

NRS 127.282 - Petition for order to restrain and enjoin violation or threatened violation of chapter; investigation of unreported adoption or permanent free care of unrelated child.

NRS 127.2825 - Child-placing agency required to give preference to placement of child with siblings of child.

NRS 127.2827 - Orders for visitation with sibling of child in custody of agency which provides child welfare services: Previous orders of such visitation to be provided to court during adoption proceedings; court required to incorporate order for vis...

NRS 127.283 - Publication or broadcast of information concerning child.

NRS 127.285 - Limitation on participation of attorneys in adoption proceedings; reporting of violation to bar association; criminal penalty.

NRS 127.287 - Payment to or acceptance by natural parent of compensation in return for placement for or consent to adoption of child.

NRS 127.288 - Penalty for unlawful payment to or acceptance by natural parent of compensation.

NRS 127.290 - Acceptance of fees or compensation for placing or arranging placement of child.

NRS 127.300 - Penalty for receipt of compensation by unlicensed person for placing or arranging placement of child.

NRS 127.310 - Unlawful placement or advertising; penalty.

NRS 127.320 - Enactment.

NRS 127.330 - Text of compact.

NRS 127.340 - Administrator of compact: Service at pleasure of Governor; cooperation with all departments, agencies and officers.

NRS 127.350 - Supplementary agreements.

NRS 127.400 - Enactment.

NRS 127.410 - Text of compact.

NRS 127.420 - Administrator of compact: Service at pleasure of Governor; cooperation with all departments, agencies and officers.