Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 116A - Common-Interest Communities: Regulation of Community Managers and Other Personnel
NRS 116A.620 - Management agreement: Contents; requirements; community manager to provide executive board with evidence of insurance; community manager to provide executive board with copy; changes; termination or assignment.

1. Any management agreement must:
(a) Be in writing and signed by all parties;
(b) Be entered into between the client and the community manager or the employer of the community manager if the community manager is acting on behalf of a corporation, partnership, limited partnership, limited-liability partnership, limited-liability company or other entity;
(c) State the term of the management agreement;
(d) State the basic consideration for the services to be provided and the payment schedule;
(e) Include a complete schedule of all fees, costs, expenses and charges to be imposed by the community manager, whether direct or indirect, including, without limitation:
(1) The costs for any new client or start-up costs;
(2) The fees for special or nonroutine services, such as the mailing of collection letters, the recording of liens and foreclosing of property;
(3) Reimbursable expenses;
(4) The fees for the sale or resale of a unit or for setting up the account of a new member; and
(5) The portion of fees that are to be retained by the client and the portion to be retained by the community manager;
(f) State the identity and the legal status of the contracting parties;
(g) State any limitations on the liability of each contracting party;
(h) Include a statement of the scope of work of the community manager;
(i) State the spending limits of the community manager;
(j) Include provisions relating to the grounds and procedures for termination of the community manager;
(k) Identify the types and amounts of insurance coverage to be carried by each contracting party, including, without limitation:
(1) A requirement that the community manager or his or her employer shall maintain insurance covering liability for errors or omissions, professional liability or a surety bond to compensate for losses actionable pursuant to this chapter in an amount of $1,000,000 or more;
(2) An indication of which contracting party will maintain fidelity bond coverage; and
(3) A statement as to whether the client will maintain directors and officers liability coverage for the executive board;
(l) Include provisions for dispute resolution;
(m) Acknowledge that all records and books of the client are the property of the client, except any proprietary information and software belonging to the community manager;
(n) State the physical location, including the street address, of the records of the client, which must be within 60 miles from the physical location of the common-interest community;
(o) State the frequency and extent of regular inspections of the common-interest community; and
(p) State the extent, if any, of the authority of the community manager to sign checks on behalf of the client in an operating account.
2. In addition to any other requirements under this section, a management agreement may:
(a) Provide for mandatory binding arbitration; or
(b) Allow the provisions of the management agreement to apply month to month following the end of the term of the management agreement, but the management agreement may not contain an automatic renewal provision.
3. Not later than 10 days after the effective date of a management agreement, the community manager shall provide each member of the executive board evidence of the existence of the required insurance, including, without limitation:
(a) The names and addresses of all insurance companies;
(b) The total amount of coverage; and
(c) The amount of any deductible.
4. After signing a management agreement, the community manager shall provide a copy of the management agreement to each member of the executive board. Within 30 days after an election or appointment of a new member to the executive board, the community manager shall provide the new member with a copy of the management agreement.
5. Any changes to a management agreement must be initialed by the contracting parties. If there are any changes after the execution of a management agreement, those changes must be in writing and signed by the contracting parties.
6. Except as otherwise provided in the management agreement, upon the termination or assignment of a management agreement, the community manager shall, within 30 days after the termination or assignment, transfer possession of all books, records and other papers of the client to the succeeding community manager, or to the client if there is no succeeding community manager, regardless of any unpaid fees or charges to the community manager or management company.
7. Notwithstanding any provision in a management agreement to the contrary, a management agreement may be terminated by the client without penalty upon 30 days’ notice following a violation by the community manager of any provision of this chapter or chapter 116 of NRS.
(Added to NRS by 2009, 2813)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 116A - Common-Interest Communities: Regulation of Community Managers and Other Personnel

NRS 116A.010 - Definitions.

NRS 116A.020 - "Administrator" defined.

NRS 116A.030 - "Association" defined.

NRS 116A.040 - "Certificate" defined.

NRS 116A.045 - "Client" defined.

NRS 116A.050 - "Commission" defined.

NRS 116A.060 - "Common-interest community" defined.

NRS 116A.070 - "Community manager" defined.

NRS 116A.080 - "Division" defined.

NRS 116A.090 - "Executive board" defined.

NRS 116A.100 - "Hearing panel" defined.

NRS 116A.105 - "Management agreement" defined.

NRS 116A.110 - "Management of a common-interest community" defined.

NRS 116A.120 - "Registration" defined.

NRS 116A.130 - "Reserve study specialist" defined.

NRS 116A.200 - Administration of chapter; regulations of Commission and Real Estate Administrator; delegation of authority; publications.

NRS 116A.210 - Employment of personnel by Real Estate Division; duties of Attorney General; legal opinions by Attorney General.

NRS 116A.220 - Deposit of money; payment of claims.

NRS 116A.230 - Immunity.

NRS 116A.240 - Service of notice and other information upon Commission.

NRS 116A.250 - Authority for Real Estate Division to conduct business electronically; regulations; fees; use of unsworn declaration; exclusions.

NRS 116A.260 - Maintenance by Real Estate Division of record of complaints, investigations and denials of applications.

NRS 116A.270 - Confidentiality of records: Certain records relating to complaint or investigation deemed confidential; certain records relating to disciplinary action deemed public records.

NRS 116A.280 - Issuance and enforcement of subpoenas.

NRS 116A.290 - Witnesses: Payment of fees and mileage.

NRS 116A.300 - Appointment of hearing panels; delegation of powers and duties; appeals to Commission.

NRS 116A.310 - Use of audio or video teleconference for hearings.

NRS 116A.400 - Person prohibited from acting as community manager without certificate; regulations governing standards of practice; investigations; disciplinary action; exceptions.

NRS 116A.410 - Regulations governing certificates issued to community managers; temporary certificates; fees.

NRS 116A.420 - Person prohibited from acting as reserve study specialist without registering with Division; regulations governing standards of practice; investigations; disciplinary action; exceptions.

NRS 116A.430 - Regulations governing registration of reserve study specialists; fees.

NRS 116A.432 - Application for certificate or registration; fingerprints.

NRS 116A.435 - Renewal of certificate or registration: Application to include information relating to state business registration; denial of renewal for unpaid debt assigned to State Controller for collection.

NRS 116A.440 - Payment of child support: Statement by applicant for certificate or registration; grounds for denial of certificate or registration; duty of Division. [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. § 666, the federal law requirin...

NRS 116A.450 - Suspension of certificate or registration for failure to pay child support or comply with certain subpoenas or warrants; reinstatement of certificate or registration. [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. § 666, the fede...

NRS 116A.460 - Expiration, revocation or surrender of certificate or registration does not prohibit disciplinary action against holder of certificate or registration.

NRS 116A.470 - Creation and maintenance of website through which certificates or registrations may be renewed; fees.

NRS 116A.600 - Requirement for community manager or reserve study specialist to notify Division in writing of certain convictions.

NRS 116A.610 - Requirement for community manager to disclose certain information to prospective client before entering into management agreement.

NRS 116A.620 - Management agreement: Contents; requirements; community manager to provide executive board with evidence of insurance; community manager to provide executive board with copy; changes; termination or assignment.

NRS 116A.630 - Standards of practice for community managers.

NRS 116A.640 - Community manager prohibited from engaging in certain acts; exceptions.

NRS 116A.900 - Administrative fine for engaging in certain conduct without certificate, registration or authorization; procedure for imposition of fine; judicial review; exceptions.

NRS 116A.910 - Injunctions.