Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 11 - Limitation of Actions
NRS 11.165 - Easement by prescription when owner opens land for use by public for pedestrian access and improves land for that specific purpose.

1. If an owner of land opens his or her land for use by the public for pedestrian access and has improved such land for that specific purpose, no such use by any person or the public, no matter for how long of a period, of any land shall ever ripen into an easement by prescription, if the owner of the land posts at each entrance to the land or at intervals of not more than 200 feet along the boundary of such land a sign reading substantially as follows:
Right to pass by permission, and subject to control, of owner: NRS 11.165.
2. Regardless of whether an owner of land has recorded a notice pursuant to NRS 111.3655 or has posted signs on such land pursuant to subsection 1, if an owner of land opens his or her land for use by the public for pedestrian access and has improved such land for that specific purpose, no such use of such land by any person or the public on or after October 1, 2017, shall ever ripen to confer upon the public or any governmental entity a vested right to continue to make such use permanently, in the absence of an express written grant of easement or other conveyance of such land for such use, or irrevocable offer of dedication of such property for such use, made by the owner, which has been accepted by the governmental entity to which the offer of dedication was made.
3. The governing body of any city or county pursuant to the powers granted in NRS 278.010 to 278.630, inclusive, may by ordinance establish provisions governing the size, placement and composition of a sign posted by an owner of land pursuant to subsection 1.
4. As used in this section, "governmental entity" has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 363C.040.
(Added to NRS by 2017, 3033)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 11 - Limitation of Actions

NRS 11.010 - Commencement of civil actions.

NRS 11.020 - Effect of laws of limitation of other states or countries.

NRS 11.030 - When action cannot be brought by grantee from this State.

NRS 11.040 - When actions by State or its grantees are to be brought within 7 years.

NRS 11.060 - Action for recovery of mining claims: Occupation and possession; other applicable provisions.

NRS 11.070 - No cause of action effectual unless party or predecessor seized or possessed within 5 years.

NRS 11.080 - Seisin within 5 years; when necessary in action for real property.

NRS 11.090 - Peaceable entry; when not valid as claim.

NRS 11.100 - Possession presumed in legal owner unless adversely held.

NRS 11.110 - Occupation under written instrument or judgment; when deemed adverse.

NRS 11.120 - What constitutes adverse possession under written instrument or judgment.

NRS 11.130 - Premises actually occupied under claim of title deemed to be held adversely.

NRS 11.140 - What constitutes adverse possession under claim of title not founded on written instrument.

NRS 11.150 - Additional requirements for adverse possession: Occupation continuously for 5 years; payment of taxes.

NRS 11.160 - Relation of landlord and tenant as affecting adverse possession.

NRS 11.165 - Easement by prescription when owner opens land for use by public for pedestrian access and improves land for that specific purpose.

NRS 11.170 - Right of possession not affected by descent cast.

NRS 11.180 - Certain disabilities excluded from time to commence actions.

NRS 11.190 - Periods of limitation.

NRS 11.200 - Computation of time.

NRS 11.201 - Actions for common-law wrongful termination of employment.

NRS 11.202 - Actions for damages for injury or wrongful death caused by deficiency in construction of improvements to real property.

NRS 11.2055 - Actions for damages for injury or wrongful death caused by deficiency in construction of improvements to real property: Determination of date of substantial completion of improvement to real property.

NRS 11.207 - Malpractice actions against attorneys and veterinarians.

NRS 11.2075 - Malpractice actions against accountants.

NRS 11.208 - Action by contractor against Department of Transportation upon contract for construction, reconstruction, improvement or maintenance of highway.

NRS 11.209 - Actions against original contractors by employees of subcontractors or other contractors acting under, by or for original contractors for wages, contributions, premiums, benefits or other indebtedness.

NRS 11.2095 - Action to recover payment for money owed to hospital.

NRS 11.210 - Mutual open accounts; accrual of cause of action.

NRS 11.215 - Actions for damages for injury arising from sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of minor; actions involving injury arising from appearance of minor in pornography.

NRS 11.220 - Action for relief not otherwise provided for.

NRS 11.245 - Actions brought by Attorney General for deceptive trade practices.

NRS 11.250 - Disabilities preventing running of statute.

NRS 11.255 - Actions by or on behalf of this State.

NRS 11.256 - Definitions.

NRS 11.2565 - "Action involving nonresidential construction" defined.

NRS 11.257 - "Complainant" defined.

NRS 11.258 - Attorney required to consult expert; required affidavit of attorney; required report of expert.

NRS 11.259 - Effect of compliance with or failure to comply with NRS 11.258.

NRS 11.260 - Action to recover estate sold by guardian.

NRS 11.270 - Action to recover estate sold by executor or administrator.

NRS 11.275 - Action against estate for which letters of administration have not been issued.

NRS 11.280 - Legal disability prevents running of statute.

NRS 11.290 - No limitation of action for deposit of money or property; exception.

NRS 11.300 - Absence from State suspends running of statute.

NRS 11.310 - Death of person entitled to bring action before limitation expires; death of person against whom an action may be brought.

NRS 11.320 - Statute suspended when person against whom cause of action exists dies out of State.

NRS 11.330 - Action by enemy alien; war suspends limitation.

NRS 11.340 - Reversal of judgment; new action to be brought within 1 year.

NRS 11.350 - Action stayed by injunction.

NRS 11.360 - Disability must exist when right of action accrued.

NRS 11.370 - Coexisting disabilities must be removed.

NRS 11.380 - Actions against directors or stockholders of corporations.

NRS 11.390 - Acknowledgment or new promise must be in writing; exception.

NRS 11.500 - Recommencement of actions dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.