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Part 1. Beer and Wine Licenses
16-4-101. Applications for sale, import, or manufacture of beer -- qualifications of applicant - 16-4-101. Applications for sale, import, or manufacture of beer --...
16-4-102. Right of brewers to maintain and operate storage depots -- annual licenses - 16-4-102. Right of brewers to maintain and operate storage depots...
16-4-103. Wholesalers' licenses -- application and issuance -- subwarehouses -- imported beer handled through warehouse or subwarehouse -- wine storage - 16-4-103. Wholesalers' licenses -- application and issuance -- subwarehouses --...
16-4-104. Beer retailer's license -- application and issuance -- check of alcoholic content by department - 16-4-104. Beer retailer's license -- application and issuance -- check...
16-4-105. Limit on retail beer licenses -- wine license amendments -- limitation on use of license -- exceptions -- competitive bidding -- rulemaking - 16-4-105. Limit on retail beer licenses -- wine license amendments...
16-4-106. Beer and table wine license transfers - 16-4-106. Beer and table wine license transfers. A transfer of...
16-4-107. Winery license -- winery and importer registration - 16-4-107. Winery license -- winery and importer registration. (1) (a)...
16-4-108. Table wine distributor's license - 16-4-108. Table wine distributor's license. (1) Any person desiring to...
16-4-109. Golf course beer and wine license - 16-4-109. Golf course beer and wine license. (1) Upon application,...
16-4-110. Beer license for tribal alcoholic beverages licensee or enlisted personnel, noncommissioned officers', or officers' club - 16-4-110. Beer license for tribal alcoholic beverages licensee or enlisted...
16-4-111. Catering endorsement for beer and wine licensees - 16-4-111. Catering endorsement for beer and wine licensees. (1) (a)...
16-4-112. Catering endorsement -- university or college sporting events -- revenue sharing - 16-4-112. Catering endorsement -- university or college sporting events --...
16-4-113. and 16-4-114 reserved - 16-4-113 and 16-4-114 reserved.
16-4-115. Beer and wine licenses for off-premises consumption - 16-4-115. Beer and wine licenses for off-premises consumption. (1) A...
Part 2. All-Beverages Licenses
16-4-201. All-beverages license quota - 16-4-201. All-beverages license quota. (1) Except as otherwise provided by...
16-4-202. Repealed - 16-4-202. Repealed. Sec. 12, Ch. 336, L. 2019. History: En....
16-4-203. Determination of public convenience and necessity - 16-4-203. Determination of public convenience and necessity. (1) An original...
16-4-204. Transfer -- catering endorsement -- competitive bidding -- rulemaking - 16-4-204. Transfer -- catering endorsement -- competitive bidding -- rulemaking....
16-4-205. Limitation on number of licenses -- business in name of licensee - 16-4-205. Limitation on number of licenses -- business in name...
16-4-206. Renumbered 16-4-402 (1) and (3) - 16-4-206. Renumbered 16-4-402(1) and (3). Code Commissioner, 1979.
16-4-207. Notice of application -- investigation -- publication -- protest - 16-4-207. Notice of application -- investigation -- publication -- protest....
16-4-208. Airport all-beverages license - 16-4-208. Airport all-beverages license. (1) The department of revenue shall...
16-4-209. All-beverages license for tribal alcoholic beverages licensee or enlisted personnel, noncommissioned officers', or officers' club - 16-4-209. All-beverages license for tribal alcoholic beverages licensee or enlisted...
16-4-210. Resort license -- tour boat endorsement - 16-4-210. Resort license -- tour boat endorsement. (1) A holder...
16-4-211. Resort area -- purpose -- policy - 16-4-211. Resort area -- purpose -- policy. It is the...
16-4-212. Resort area determination - 16-4-212. Resort area determination. (1) To obtain a resort area...
16-4-213. Resort retail all-beverages licenses - 16-4-213. Resort retail all-beverages licenses. (1) After a resort area...
Part 3. Special Licenses
16-4-301. Special permits to sell all alcoholic beverages, beer, and table wine -- application and issuance - 16-4-301. Special permits to sell all alcoholic beverages, beer, and...
16-4-302. Passenger carrier licenses - 16-4-302. Passenger carrier licenses. Common carriers serving Montana may serve...
16-4-303. Special beer and table wine license for nonprofit arts organizations - 16-4-303. Special beer and table wine license for nonprofit arts...
16-4-304. Beer and wine license for Yellowstone airport - 16-4-304. Beer and wine license for Yellowstone airport. (1) Upon...
16-4-305. Montana heritage retail alcoholic beverage licenses -- use -- quota - 16-4-305. Montana heritage retail alcoholic beverage licenses -- use --...
16-4-306. Transfer of existing license to political subdivision of state -- rulemaking - 16-4-306. Transfer of existing license to political subdivision of state...
16-4-307. through 16-4-309 reserved - 16-4-307 through 16-4-309 reserved.
16-4-310. Definitions - 16-4-310. Definitions. For the purpose of 16-4-311 and 16-4-312, the...
16-4-311. Distillery license - 16-4-311. Distillery license. (1) The department may, upon receipt of...
16-4-312. Domestic distillery - 16-4-312. Domestic distillery. (1) A distillery located in Montana and...
16-4-313. Sacramental wine license - 16-4-313. Sacramental wine license. (1) The department may issue a...
16-4-314. Academic brewer license under small brewer exception -- Flathead valley community college or Montana state university-Billings -- conditions - 16-4-314. Academic brewer license under small brewer exception -- Flathead...
16-4-315. Limited all-beverages license for continuing care retirement communities -- requirements -- rulemaking -- definitions - 16-4-315. Limited all-beverages license for continuing care retirement communities --...
Part 4. Licensing Criteria
16-4-401. License as privilege -- criteria for decision on application - 16-4-401. License as privilege -- criteria for decision on application....
16-4-402. Application -- investigation - 16-4-402. Application -- investigation. (1) Prior to the issuance of...
16-4-403. Repealed - 16-4-403. Repealed. Sec. 11, Ch. 110, L. 2003. History: Ap....
16-4-404. Protest period -- contents of license -- posting -- privilege -- transfer - 16-4-404. Protest period -- contents of license -- posting --...
16-4-405. Denial of license - 16-4-405. Denial of license. (1) The department may deny the...
16-4-406. Renewal -- suspension or revocation -- penalty -- mitigating and aggravating circumstances -- contrived events - 16-4-406. Renewal -- suspension or revocation -- penalty -- mitigating...
16-4-407. Suspension or revocation of licenses - 16-4-407. Suspension or revocation of licenses. Each July 1 or,...
16-4-408. Renewal of suspended licenses - 16-4-408. Renewal of suspended licenses. After suspension or revocation of...
16-4-409. Repealed - 16-4-409. Repealed. Sec. 5, Ch. 595, L. 1983. History: En....
16-4-410. Repealed - 16-4-410. Repealed. Sec. 5, Ch. 595, L. 1983. History: En....
16-4-411. Appeals concerning alcoholic beverages laws - 16-4-411. Appeals concerning alcoholic beverages laws. (1) Any interested party...
16-4-412. Limits on concurrent applications - 16-4-412. Limits on concurrent applications. (1) An application for the...
16-4-413. Denial of application -- five-year moratorium - 16-4-413. Denial of application -- five-year moratorium. (1) If an...
16-4-414. Fingerprints required of applicants -- exceptions - 16-4-414. Fingerprints required of applicants -- exceptions. (1) Except as...
16-4-415. Changes in business entity ownership -- department approval required - 16-4-415. Changes in business entity ownership -- department approval required....
16-4-416. Ownership of liquor license by United States - 16-4-416. Ownership of liquor license by United States. (1) Whenever...
16-4-417. Approval of a licensee without premises - 16-4-417. Approval of a licensee without premises. (1) If an...
16-4-418. Concession agreements - 16-4-418. Concession agreements. (1) Except for entities licensed under 16-4-105(1)(e)...
16-4-419. reserved - 16-4-419 reserved.
16-4-420. Restaurant beer and wine license -- competitive bidding -- rulemaking - 16-4-420. Restaurant beer and wine license -- competitive bidding --...
16-4-421. Denial of restaurant beer and wine license - 16-4-421. Denial of restaurant beer and wine license. (1) A...
16-4-422. Sale of beer and wine prohibited during certain hours - 16-4-422. Sale of beer and wine prohibited during certain hours....
16-4-423. Restaurant beer and wine license -- prohibited practices - 16-4-423. Restaurant beer and wine license -- prohibited practices. A...
16-4-430. Competitive bidding process -- all-beverages, retail beer and wine, and restaurant beer and wine licenses - 16-4-430. Competitive bidding process -- all-beverages, retail beer and wine,...
Part 5. Licensing Fees
16-4-501. License and permit fees - 16-4-501. License and permit fees. (1) Each beer licensee licensed...
16-4-502. Census - 16-4-502. Census. The census taken under the direction of congress...
16-4-503. City and county licenses -- fees - 16-4-503. City and county licenses -- fees. The city council...
Part 8. Liquor License Security Interest
16-4-801. Security interest in liquor license -- definitions - 16-4-801. Security interest in liquor license -- definitions. (1) (a)...
Part 9. Connoisseur's Licenses
16-4-901. Connoisseur's licenses -- application -- fees - 16-4-901. Connoisseur's licenses -- application -- fees. (1) A person...
16-4-902. Payment of taxes -- authority of department - 16-4-902. Payment of taxes -- authority of department. (1) A...
16-4-903. Direct shipment of beer -- limitations - 16-4-903. Direct shipment of beer -- limitations. (1) Subject to...
16-4-904. and 16-4-905 reserved - 16-4-904 and 16-4-905 reserved.
16-4-906. Out-of-state brewery registration -- limitation on shipping -- penalty - 16-4-906. Out-of-state brewery registration -- limitation on shipping -- penalty....
16-4-907. through 16-4-909 reserved - 16-4-907 through 16-4-909 reserved.
16-4-910. Penalty for noncompliance - 16-4-910. Penalty for noncompliance. (1) Except as provided in 16-4-906,...
Part 10. Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service
16-4-1001. Short title - 16-4-1001. Short title. This part may be cited as the...
16-4-1002. Legislative intent - 16-4-1002. Legislative intent. It is the intent of this part...
16-4-1003. Definition - 16-4-1003. Definition. As used in this part, "licensee" means a...
16-4-1004. Notification -- violation -- penalty - 16-4-1004. Notification -- violation -- penalty. (1) A licensee shall...
16-4-1005. Licensees required to ensure training - 16-4-1005. Licensees required to ensure training. A licensee shall: (1)...
16-4-1006. Responsible server and sales training program - 16-4-1006. Responsible server and sales training program. (1) The department...
16-4-1007. Jurisdiction - 16-4-1007. Jurisdiction. The implementation and enforcement of any mandatory server...
16-4-1008. Penalty - 16-4-1008. Penalty. (1) A licensee found as a result of...
16-4-1009. Rulemaking - 16-4-1009. Rulemaking. The department shall adopt rules to implement the...
Part 11. Direct Shipment Endorsements -- Table Wine
16-4-1101. Direct shipment endorsement for wineries -- definition - 16-4-1101. Direct shipment endorsement for wineries -- definition. (1) A...
16-4-1102. Requirements for direct shipment endorsements -- fee -- labeling -- taxes -- recordkeeping - 16-4-1102. Requirements for direct shipment endorsements -- fee -- labeling...
16-4-1103. Enforcement -- penalty -- rulemaking - 16-4-1103. Enforcement -- penalty -- rulemaking. (1) Subject to a...