82-4-131 through 82-4-140 reserved.
Structure Montana Code Annotated
Title 82. Minerals, Oil, and Gas
Part 1. Strip and Underground Mine Siting
82-4-102. Intent -- findings -- policy and purpose
82-4-105. through 82-4-110 reserved
82-4-113. Receipts paid into general fund
82-4-114. through 82-4-120 reserved
82-4-122. Application and approval of permit
82-4-123. Permit fee and surety bond
82-4-124. Permit -- authority under and renewal
82-4-127. Effect of siting permit on subsequent mining permits
82-4-128. Termination of permit
82-4-129. Noncompliance -- suspension of permits
82-4-130. Procedure for hearings
82-4-131. through 82-4-140 reserved