Montana Code Annotated
Part 3. Herd Districts
81-4-307. Trespassing animals in herd district -- retention for damages and costs

81-4-307. Trespassing animals in herd district -- retention for damages and costs. (1) If an animal referred to in 81-4-306 wrongfully enters the premises of a person within a herd district, the owner or person in control of the animal is liable for care and feeding of the animal and for any damages caused by the animal. The owner or occupant of the land upon which the wrongful entry is made may take into possession the animal, may reasonably care for the animal, may retain possession of the animal, and is entitled to a lien on the animal as security for the payment of damages caused by the animal and costs incurred in caring for the animal. If the owner of the animal or the person entitled to possession of the animal can be found or is known to the person who takes possession of the animal for trespass, it is the duty of the person taking possession to notify the owner or person in charge of the animal within 48 hours after taking possession by a notice in writing, mailed as a certified letter, directed to the owner or person in charge at the owner's or person's post-office address or by serving the notice on the owner or person personally. The notice must give a particular description of the animal and state the amount of damages and costs claimed and demand that within 48 hours after receipt of the notice the damages and costs be paid and that the animal be taken away from the property of the complainant.
(2) Upon demand and upon payment of the damages and costs, the owner or occupant of the land shall release and deliver possession of the animal to the owner or person entitled to possession of the animal. If the parties cannot agree upon the amount, then the owner or person entitled to possession of the animal shall give a receipt to the owner or occupant of the land who has possession of the animal. The receipt must fully describe the animal so that the animal may at any time be easily identified. Upon receiving the receipt, the owner or occupant of the land shall give possession of the animal to the owner or person entitled to possession of the animal. The owner or person receiving possession of the animal may not dispose of the animal but shall retain and keep the animal in possession as the legal custodian of the animal in order to meet and pay the amount of the lien on the animal for damages and costs due in consequence of the trespass.
(3) The party entitled to damages or costs shall within 10 days after delivery of possession of the animal commence an action in any court having jurisdiction to recover the damages and costs, and the animal must be held for the payment of any judgment as though held under a writ of attachment. At any time after the action is commenced, the owner or person entitled to possession of the animal, to whom delivery was made, may furnish and file a bond conditioned to pay the damages and costs incurred in the action, and upon approval of the bond by the justice of the peace, if the action is commenced in a justice court, or by the judge or clerk of the district court, if the action is commenced in the district court, the lien and claim upon the animal must be discharged.
(4) If the owner or person entitled to possession of the animal does not furnish a bond within 10 days after the service of summons in the action, an order may be issued authorizing and directing the constable or sheriff to take possession and hold the animal to satisfy any judgment that may be recovered in the action. The animal, when taken possession of by the officer, must be held, treated, and sold under execution as though seized by writ of attachment.
(5) The owner or person entitled to possession of the animal may, in lieu of furnishing a bond, deposit an amount of money sufficient to pay any judgment that may be recovered in the action, the amount to be determined by the justice or judge of the court in which the action is pending. If the owner or person entitled to possession of the animal, after delivery of possession without payment of damages and costs provided for in this section, sells or disposes of the animal or any part of the animal, permits the animal to be taken from the person's possession, or in any manner prevents the seizure of the animal by the constable or sheriff before the lien on the animal is fully discharged, the owner or person entitled to possession of the animal is guilty of a misdemeanor and in addition is liable to the party entitled to damages and costs in an amount that is double the value of the animal. At the time of delivery or possession of the animal to the owner or person entitled to possession of the animal, a written statement of the amount of the damages and costs must be furnished to the owner or person entitled to the possession of the animal by the person claiming the damages and costs.
(6) If the owner or claimant of the animal is not known to the person taking possession of the animal, the person shall give notice within 48 hours by posting a notice at the nearest post office and serving a similar notice on the stock inspector of the district. The notice must describe the animal and the brand on the animal and give a minute description of the animal, together with the date of the trespass.
History: En. Ch. 74, L. 1917; amd. Sec. 4, Ch. 167, L. 1919; re-en. Sec. 3386, R.C.M. 1921; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 165, L. 1931; re-en. Sec. 3386, R.C.M. 1935; R.C.M. 1947, 46-1503; amd. Sec. 96, Ch. 51, L. 1999.