Montana Code Annotated
Part 5. Agricultural Commodity Warehouse Operators
80-4-504. Bond of applicant for license -- additional bond -- additional obligations

80-4-504. Bond of applicant for license -- additional bond -- additional obligations. (1) Each applicant for a warehouse operator's license shall file a bond or its equivalent, as established by department rule, with the department. The bond must be in the form and must contain the terms and conditions that the department may prescribe by rule to carry out the purpose of 80-4-505 and this section.
(2) The department may demand an additional bond if the nature or volume of the business conducted by the warehouse operator warrants an increase.
(3) The warehouse operator may give a single bond to cover all warehouses operated by the operator.
(4) Any changes in the capacity of a warehouse or installation of any new warehouse involving a change in the bond liability under 80-4-505 must be reported in writing to the director, and an appropriate bond must be filed prior to the operation of the warehouse or installation.
History: En. Sec. 25, Ch. 539, L. 1983; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 578, L. 1985; amd. Sec. 20, Ch. 452, L. 1993; amd. Sec. 2579, Ch. 56, L. 2009.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 80. Agriculture

Chapter 4. Agricultural Commodities

Part 5. Agricultural Commodity Warehouse Operators

80-4-501. License necessary to operate public warehouse

80-4-502. Licenses to warehouse operator -- issuance -- renewal -- conditions precedent

80-4-503. Fees of department

80-4-504. Bond of applicant for license -- additional bond -- additional obligations

80-4-505. Amount of bond -- cancellation

80-4-506. Equity requirements

80-4-507. through 80-4-520 reserved

80-4-521. Duties of warehouse operator -- content of records

80-4-522. Schedule of charges -- posting

80-4-523. Required receipt of agricultural commodities according to capacity

80-4-524. Discrimination in charge by warehouse operator prohibited

80-4-525. Scale weight tickets -- form -- issuance

80-4-526. Warehouse receipts -- written terms

80-4-527. Warehouse receipt -- issuance -- cancellation

80-4-528. Penalty for unlawful issue of warehouse receipts

80-4-529. Partial withdrawal of agricultural commodities -- adjustment or substitution of receipt -- duties of warehouse operator

80-4-530. Shipment of stored grain to terminal grain warehouse outside state

80-4-531. Duty to deliver stored agricultural commodities -- weights and inspections -- modifying agreements -- damages

80-4-532. Delivery of grain from different warehouse

80-4-533. Loss of receipts -- conditions of reissue

80-4-534. Cancellation of insurance -- suspension of license

80-4-535. Repealed

80-4-536. Termination of storage contract -- sale of agricultural commodities for charges -- notice required

80-4-537. Examination of stored agricultural commodities

80-4-538. Warehouse shortage -- remedies

80-4-539. Inspection by department