Montana Code Annotated
Part 3. Regional Water and Wastewater Authority Act
75-6-311. Governing body -- appointments -- terms of members -- voting rights

75-6-311. Governing body -- appointments -- terms of members -- voting rights. (1) The governing body of the authority shall consist of not less than three persons selected by the participating public agencies. Each participating public agency shall appoint at least one member. Each member's full term may not be less than 1 year or more than 4 years, and initial terms must be staggered in accordance with procedures set forth in the agreement provided for in 75-6-305 and amendments to the agreement. In the case of an authority that is made up by the agreement of two public agencies, each public agency shall appoint two representatives to the governing body.
(2) The manner of selection of the governing body and terms of office must be set forth in the agreement provided for in 75-6-305 and amendments to the agreement. The governing body of the authority shall elect one of its members as president, one as treasurer, and one as secretary.
(3) Each member has one vote in any matter that comes before the authority for decision. However, the member agencies shall, in the original agreement establishing the authority, set forth any special weighing of votes based upon population served, volumes of water purchased, volumes of wastewater treated, numbers of customers, or some other criterion that the authority considers appropriate for maintaining fairness in the decisions and operations of the authority.
History: En. Sec. 7, Ch. 498, L. 1999.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 75. Environmental Protection

Chapter 6. Public Water Supplies, Distribution, and Treatment

Part 3. Regional Water and Wastewater Authority Act

75-6-301. Short title

75-6-302. Purpose

75-6-303. Liberal construction

75-6-304. Definitions

75-6-305. Joint exercise of powers by certain public agencies -- agreements among agencies -- filing of agreement -- prohibition against competition -- retirement of bonds -- consent of public agency

75-6-306. Furnishing of funds, personnel, or services by certain public agencies -- agreements for purchase, sale, distribution, transmission, transportation, and treatment of water or wastewater -- terms and conditions

75-6-307. through 75-6-309 reserved

75-6-310. Declaration of authority organization -- when public body, corporate and politic

75-6-311. Governing body -- appointments -- terms of members -- voting rights

75-6-312. Meetings of governing body -- annual audit

75-6-313. Powers of governing body

75-6-314. through 75-6-319 reserved

75-6-320. Revenue bonds

75-6-321. Items included in cost of properties

75-6-322. Trust indenture

75-6-323. Sinking fund for revenue bonds

75-6-324. Collection of revenue and enforcement of covenants -- default -- suit to compel performance -- appointment and powers of receiver

75-6-325. Statutory mortgage lien

75-6-326. Rates, fees, and charges -- establishment and changes

75-6-327. Refunding revenue bonds

75-6-328. Exemption from taxation

75-6-329. Bonds as legal investment