Montana Code Annotated
Part 2. Standards, Permits, and Variances
75-2-215. Solid or hazardous waste incineration -- additional permit requirements

75-2-215. Solid or hazardous waste incineration -- additional permit requirements. (1) Until the department issues an air quality permit pursuant to 75-2-211 that includes the conditions required by this section, a person may not construct, install, alter, or use a solid or hazardous waste incinerator or a boiler or industrial furnace subject to the provisions of 75-10-406, except as provided in subsection (2).
(2) An existing or permitted solid or hazardous waste incinerator or a boiler or industrial furnace subject to the provisions of 75-10-406 is subject to the provisions of subsection (1) only if it incinerates or uses as fuel or would incinerate or use as fuel solid or hazardous waste in an amount, form, kind, or content that changes the nature, character, or composition of its emissions from its design or permitted operation.
(3) The department may not issue a permit to a facility described in subsection (1) until:
(a) the owner or operator provides to the department's satisfaction:
(i) a characterization of emissions and ambient concentrations of air pollutants, including hazardous air pollutants, from any existing emission source at the facility; and
(ii) an estimate of emissions and ambient concentrations of air pollutants, including hazardous air pollutants, from the incineration of solid or hazardous waste or the use of hazardous waste as fuel for a boiler or industrial furnace, as proposed in the permit application or modification;
(b) if a license is required pursuant to 75-10-221 or a permit is required pursuant to 75-10-406, the applicant has published, in the county where the project is proposed, at least three notices, in accordance with the procedures identified in 7-1-4127, describing the proposed project;
(c) if a license is required pursuant to 75-10-221 or a permit is required pursuant to 75-10-406, the department has conducted a public hearing on an environmental review prepared pursuant to Title 75, chapter 1, and, as appropriate, provided additional opportunities for the public to review and comment on the permit application or modification;
(d) the department reaches a determination that the projected emissions and ambient concentrations will constitute a negligible risk to the public health, safety, and welfare and to the environment; and
(e) the department issues a license pursuant to 75-10-221 or a permit pursuant to 75-10-406, if a license or permit is required. The decision to issue, deny, or alter a permit pursuant to 75-2-211 and this section must be made within 30 days from when the department issues a license pursuant to 75-10-221 or a permit pursuant to 75-10-406 or within 90 days after the receipt of a complete application for a permit or a permit alteration under 75-2-211 and this section, whichever is later.
(4) The department shall require the application of air pollution control equipment, engineering, or other operating procedures as necessary to provide reductions of air pollutants, including hazardous air pollutants, equivalent to or more stringent than those achieved through the best available control technology.
(5) The department may by rule provide for general air quality permits under the provisions of 75-2-211 and this section. The rules must cover numerous similar classes or categories of incinerators and boilers or industrial furnaces.
(6) This section does not relieve an owner or operator of a solid or hazardous waste incinerator or a boiler or industrial furnace that is not included under subsection (1) from the obligation to obtain any permit otherwise required under this chapter or rules implementing this chapter.
History: En. Sec. 5, Ch. 696, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 605, L. 1991; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 129, L. 1993; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 639, L. 1993; amd. Sec. 69, Ch. 354, L. 2001; amd. Sec. 17, Ch. 324, L. 2021.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 75. Environmental Protection

Chapter 2. Air Quality

Part 2. Standards, Permits, and Variances

75-2-201. Classifying and reporting air contaminant sources

75-2-202. Department to set ambient air quality standards

75-2-203. Department to set emission levels

75-2-204. Rules relating to construction, installation, alteration, operation, or use

75-2-205. Repealed

75-2-206. Study of effects of sulfur dioxide on health and environment

75-2-207. State regulations no more stringent than federal regulations or guidelines -- exceptions -- procedure

75-2-208. through 75-2-210 reserved

75-2-211. Permits for construction, installation, alteration, or use

75-2-212. Variances -- renewals -- filing fees

75-2-213. Energy development project -- hearing and procedures

75-2-214. reserved

75-2-215. Solid or hazardous waste incineration -- additional permit requirements

75-2-216. Adoption of rules for solid or hazardous waste incinerator permits

75-2-217. Operating permit program -- exemptions -- general requirements -- duration

75-2-218. Permits for operation -- application completeness -- action by department -- application shield -- review by board

75-2-219. Permits for operation -- limitations

75-2-220. Fees -- special assessments -- late payment assessments -- credit

75-2-221. Deposit of air quality permitting and registration fees

75-2-222. and 75-2-223 reserved

75-2-224. Definitions

75-2-225. Amount and duration of credit -- how claimed

75-2-226. Credit for use of postconsumer glass

75-2-227. Postconsumer glass qualifying for credit -- rulemaking

75-2-228. and 75-2-229 reserved

75-2-230. Commercial hazardous waste incinerators -- additional permit requirements

75-2-231. Medical waste and hazardous waste incineration -- additional permit requirements

75-2-232. Disclosure statement required

75-2-233. Denial or modification of permit -- mitigating factors

75-2-234. Registration