Montana Code Annotated
Part 22. County General Obligation Bonds
7-7-2251. Form of notice of sale of bonds

7-7-2251. Form of notice of sale of bonds. (1) If a county conducts a public sale, the notice of sale must state the purpose or purposes for which the bonds are to be issued and the amount proposed to be issued for each purpose and must be substantially in the following form:
Notice is hereby given by the board of county commissioners of.... County, state of Montana, that the board will on the.... day of...., ...., at the hour of.... ....m., at the office of the board in the courthouse in the (town or city) of.... in the said county, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash general obligation bonds of the county in the principal amount of.... dollars ($....) for the purpose of.....
The bonds will be issued and sold in the aggregate principal amount of.... dollars ($....) and will become payable according to the maturity schedule set forth below (set forth maturity schedule adopted by the board of county commissioners). (If the bonds are to be issued as amortization bonds, indicate that here.)
The bonds will bear an original issue date of...., ...., will pay interest commencing on the.... day of.... (month), ...., will be payable semiannually on the.... day of.... (month) and.... (month) in each year thereafter, and will be redeemable in full (here insert the optional provisions, if any, to be recited in the bonds).
The bonds will be sold for not less than $...., with accrued interest on the principal amount of the bonds to date of delivery, and all bidders shall state the lowest rate or rates of interest at which they will purchase the bonds at the purchase price specified for the bonds. (An interest rate may not exceed ....% a year.) The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to sell the bonds at private sale.
All bids must be accompanied by (insert appropriate bid security as permitted by 18-1-202) in the sum of.... dollars ($....), payable to the order of the clerk, which will be forfeited by the successful bidder in the event that the bidder fails or refuses to complete the purchase of the bonds in accordance with the terms of the bid.
All bids must be addressed to the board of county commissioners and delivered to the county clerk.
ATTEST:    .....................
(Presiding officer, Board of County Commissioners)
of............ County, Montana .................
(Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners)
of........... County, Montana
Address............., Montana
(2) The form of notice required under this section may be modified to accommodate changes necessary to issue citizen bonds pursuant to 7-7-2212 through 7-7-2215.
History: En. Sec. 15, Ch. 188, L. 1931; re-en. Sec. 4630.15, R.C.M. 1935; amd. Sec. 100, Ch. 326, L. 1974; R.C.M. 1947, 16-2029; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 500, L. 1981; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 11, L. 1983; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 631, L. 1983; amd. Sec. 8, Ch. 559, L. 1993; amd. Sec. 5, Ch. 423, L. 1995; amd. Sec. 4, Ch. 253, L. 2011.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 7. Local Government

Chapter 7. Debt Management

Part 22. County General Obligation Bonds

7-7-2201. Purposes for which general obligation bonds of county may be issued

7-7-2202. Authority to issue general obligation bonds to satisfy judgments

7-7-2203. Limitation on amount of bonded indebtedness

7-7-2204. Effect of issuing bonds in excess of limitations on amount

7-7-2205. Nature of general obligation bonds

7-7-2206. Term of general obligation bonds

7-7-2207. Redemption of bonds

7-7-2208. Repealed

7-7-2209. Types of bonds

7-7-2210. Amortization bonds

7-7-2211. Serial bonds

7-7-2212. Citizen bonds authorized

7-7-2213. Citizen bonds -- procedural requirements prior to issuance

7-7-2214. Citizen bonds -- procedure when issue not fully subscribed

7-7-2215. Zero-coupon bonds and capital appreciation bonds

7-7-2216. through 7-7-2220 reserved

7-7-2221. Issuance of certain general obligation bonds without election

7-7-2222. Procedure to issue bonds without election

7-7-2223. Election required for issuance of certain bonds

7-7-2224. Form and contents of petition

7-7-2225. Filing of petition with election administrator -- certificate

7-7-2226. Delivery of certified petition to board of county commissioners

7-7-2227. Examination of petition -- resolution calling for election

7-7-2228. Repealed

7-7-2229. Notice of election

7-7-2230. Repealed

7-7-2231. Repealed

7-7-2232. Repealed

7-7-2233. Repealed

7-7-2234. Repealed

7-7-2235. Repealed

7-7-2236. Repealed

7-7-2237. Percentage of electors required to authorize bond issue

7-7-2238. Resolution to sell bonds pursuant to public sale

7-7-2239. Rescission of resolution authorizing bond issue

7-7-2240. through 7-7-2250 reserved

7-7-2251. Form of notice of sale of bonds

7-7-2252. Publication of notice of sale of bonds

7-7-2253. Repealed

7-7-2254. Procedure for sale of bonds

7-7-2255. Form and execution of bonds

7-7-2256. Printing of bonds

7-7-2257. Registration of bonds

7-7-2258. Copy of bond to be kept by county treasurer

7-7-2259. Delivery of bonds

7-7-2260. Disposition of sale proceeds

7-7-2261. Maintenance of accounts for bond issues

7-7-2262. Payment of principal and interest

7-7-2263. Interest on late payments of principal and interest on bonds held by state

7-7-2264. Statement as to amount of principal and interest due and payable on bonds

7-7-2265. Tax levy for payment of bonds

7-7-2266. Procedure in case of insufficient tax levy -- individual liability of county commissioners

7-7-2267. Repealed

7-7-2268. Redemption of bonds

7-7-2269. Order of redemption of bonds

7-7-2270. Authority to purchase outstanding bonds

7-7-2271. Repealed

7-7-2272. Cancellation of bonds and coupons

7-7-2273. Cancellation of warrants and refunded general obligation bonds

7-7-2274. Closing of accounts and transfer of money to other accounts

7-7-2275. Repealed