7-7-140. Recovery zone economic development bonds and recovery zone facility bonds. (1) Subject to the conditions and provisions contained in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, and the availability of allocation as determined in 17-5-116, cities and counties are authorized to designate economic recovery zones and issue recovery zone economic development bonds and recovery zone facility bonds to finance the costs of recovery zone projects and facilities eligible under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5.
(2) The bonds must be authorized by the governing body of the city or county in accordance with the applicable provisions of Montana law, unless otherwise provided in 17-5-117. The governing body is authorized to enter into agreements and make covenants that may be necessary to provide for the sale and security of the bonds, subject to the following limitations:
(a) if the bonds that are issued under this section pledge the city's or county's credit or taxing power, they must be authorized in accordance with the provisions of Title 7, chapter 7, part 22 or 42, as appropriate;
(b) if the bonds are payable from and secured solely by the revenue from a governmentally owned and operated facility or undertaking, they must be authorized in accordance with the provisions of Title 7, chapter 7, part 44;
(c) if the bonds are payable from special assessments levied against benefited property, the project must be eligible for special assessment financing and must be authorized in accordance with the provisions of Title 7, chapter 12, part 21 or parts 41 and 42, as appropriate;
(d) if the bonds are payable from tax increment revenue, the project to be financed must be eligible for tax increment financing and the project must be approved and the bonds must be authorized in accordance with the provisions of Title 7, chapter 15, parts 42 and 43;
(e) if the bonds are industrial development revenue bonds of the issuer, the bonds must be authorized in accordance with the provisions of Title 90, chapter 5, part 1.
History: En. Sec. 45, Ch. 489, L. 2009.
Structure Montana Code Annotated
Part 1. General Provisions Related to Local Governments
7-7-104. Limitation on action to test bond validity
7-7-105. Challenges to local government bond elections
7-7-106. Hearing and determination on challenge
7-7-107. Limitation on amount of bonds for city-county consolidated units
7-7-108. Authorization for additional indebtedness for water or sewer systems
7-7-110. Authorization of bonds
7-7-111. through 7-7-120 reserved
7-7-121. Misconduct in relation to bond funds
7-7-122. Prosecution for misconduct
7-7-123. Investment of sinking funds of local governments
7-7-124. Limitation on investment of sinking funds
7-7-125. through 7-7-130 reserved
7-7-131. Bankruptcy -- definitions
7-7-132. Procedure to declare bankruptcy
7-7-133. Power to comply with court decrees related to bankruptcy
7-7-134. Role of state and state agencies in relation to bankruptcy
7-7-135. through 7-7-139 reserved
7-7-140. Recovery zone economic development bonds and recovery zone facility bonds