7-6-2414 through 7-6-2420 reserved.
Structure Montana Code Annotated
Chapter 6. Financial Administration and Taxation
Part 24. County Auditor and Claims Against County
7-6-2401. Creation of office of county auditor
7-6-2403. Qualifications of county auditor
7-6-2406. Compensation of auditor
7-6-2407. Examination and investigation of claims
7-6-2408. Auditor's powers related to investigations
7-6-2409. Examination of county books and accounts
7-6-2410. Maintenance of records
7-6-2411. List of claims allowed or rejected
7-6-2412. Other duties of auditor
7-6-2413. Limitation on number of deputy county auditors
7-6-2414. through 7-6-2420 reserved
7-6-2421. Presentation of claims against county
7-6-2422. Opposition to claims
7-6-2423. Procedure for claims by county commissioners
7-6-2424. Appeal of decision concerning claim
7-6-2425. Auditing of county charges
7-6-2426. Enumeration of county charges