Montana Code Annotated
Part 2. Obligations of Parents
40-6-213. Remedy when parent dies without providing for support of child

40-6-213. Remedy when parent dies without providing for support of child. If a parent chargeable with the support of a child dies leaving the child chargeable to the county and leaving an estate sufficient for the child's support, the county commissioners of the county may claim provision for the child's support from the parent's estate by civil action and for this purpose may have the same remedies as any creditors against that estate and against the heirs, devisees, and the next of kin of the parent.
History: En. Sec. 292, Civ. C. 1895; re-en. Sec. 3750, Rev. C. 1907; re-en. Sec. 5842, R.C.M. 1921; Cal. Civ. C. Sec. 205; Based on Field Civ. C. Sec. 96; re-en. Sec. 5842, R.C.M. 1935; amd. Sec. 15, Ch. 33, L. 1977; R.C.M. 1947, 61-113.