Montana Code Annotated
Part 10. Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
40-5-1027. Duties of support enforcement agency

40-5-1027. Duties of support enforcement agency. (1) A support enforcement agency of this state, upon request, shall provide services to a petitioner in a proceeding under this part.
(2) A support enforcement agency of this state that is providing services to the petitioner shall:
(a) take all steps necessary to enable an appropriate tribunal of this state, another state, or a foreign country to obtain jurisdiction over the respondent;
(b) request an appropriate tribunal to set a date, time, and place for a hearing;
(c) make a reasonable effort to obtain all relevant information, including information as to income and property of the parties;
(d) within 2 days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, after receipt of notice in a record from an initiating, responding, or registering tribunal, send a copy of the notice to the petitioner;
(e) within 2 days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, after receipt of a communication in a record from the respondent or the respondent's attorney, send a copy of the communication to the petitioner; and
(f) notify the petitioner if jurisdiction over the respondent cannot be obtained.
(3) A support enforcement agency of this state that requests registration of a child support order in this state for enforcement or for modification shall make reasonable efforts:
(a) to ensure that the order to be registered is the controlling order; or
(b) if two or more child support orders exist and the identity of the controlling order has not been determined, to ensure that a request for such a determination is made in a tribunal having jurisdiction to do so.
(4) A support enforcement agency of this state that requests registration and enforcement of a support order, arrears, or judgment stated in a foreign currency shall convert the amounts stated in the foreign currency into the equivalent amounts in dollars under the applicable official or market exchange rate as publicly reported.
(5) A support enforcement agency of this state shall issue or request a tribunal of this state to issue a child support order and an income-withholding order that redirect payment of current support, arrears, and interest if requested to do so by a support enforcement agency of another state pursuant to 40-5-1039.
(6) This part does not create or negate a relationship of attorney and client or other fiduciary relationship between a support enforcement agency or the attorney for the agency and the individual being assisted by the agency.
History: En. Sec. 21, Ch. 328, L. 1993; amd. Sec. 129, Ch. 546, L. 1995; amd. Sec. 184, Ch. 42, L. 1997; amd. Sec. 33, Ch. 552, L. 1997; amd. Sec. 8, Ch. 352, L. 2001; amd. Sec. 39, Ch. 174, L. 2015; Sec. 40-5-164, MCA 2013; redes. 40-5-1027 by Sec. 71, Ch. 174, L. 2015; amd. Sec. 11, Ch. 131, L. 2019.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 40. Family Law

Chapter 5. Enforcement of Support

Part 10. Uniform Interstate Family Support Act

40-5-1001. Short title

40-5-1002. Definitions

40-5-1003. State tribunals and support enforcement agency

40-5-1004. Remedies cumulative

40-5-1005. Application of part to resident of foreign country and foreign support proceeding

40-5-1006. and 40-5-1007 reserved

40-5-1008. Bases for jurisdiction over nonresident

40-5-1009. Duration of personal jurisdiction

40-5-1010. Initiating and responding tribunal of state

40-5-1011. Simultaneous proceedings

40-5-1012. Continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify child support order

40-5-1013. Continuing jurisdiction to enforce child support order

40-5-1014. Determination of controlling child support order

40-5-1015. Child support orders for two or more obligees

40-5-1016. Credit for payments

40-5-1017. Application of part to nonresident subject to personal jurisdiction

40-5-1018. Continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify spousal support order

40-5-1019. and 40-5-1020 reserved

40-5-1021. Proceedings under this part

40-5-1022. Proceeding by minor parent

40-5-1023. Application of law of this state

40-5-1024. Duties of initiating tribunal

40-5-1025. Duties and powers of responding tribunal

40-5-1026. Inappropriate tribunal

40-5-1027. Duties of support enforcement agency

40-5-1028. Duty of attorney general

40-5-1029. Private counsel

40-5-1030. Duties of state information agency

40-5-1031. Pleadings and accompanying documents

40-5-1032. Nondisclosure of information in exceptional circumstances

40-5-1033. Costs and fees

40-5-1034. Limited immunity of petitioner

40-5-1035. Nonparentage as defense

40-5-1036. Special rules of evidence and procedure

40-5-1037. Communications between tribunals

40-5-1038. Assistance with discovery

40-5-1039. Receipt and disbursement of payments

40-5-1040. and 40-5-1041 reserved

40-5-1042. Establishment of support order

40-5-1043. Proceeding to determine parentage

40-5-1044. and 40-5-1045 reserved

40-5-1046. Employer receipt of income-withholding orders of another state

40-5-1047. Employer compliance with income-withholding orders of another state

40-5-1048. Employer compliance with two or more income-withholding orders

40-5-1049. Immunity from civil liability

40-5-1050. Penalties for noncompliance

40-5-1051. Contest by obligor

40-5-1052. Administrative enforcement of orders

40-5-1053. and 40-5-1054 reserved

40-5-1055. Registration of order for enforcement

40-5-1056. Procedure to register order for enforcement

40-5-1057. Effect of registration for enforcement

40-5-1058. Choice of law

40-5-1059. Notice of registration of order

40-5-1060. Procedure to contest validity or enforcement of registered support order

40-5-1061. Contest of registration or enforcement

40-5-1062. Confirmed order

40-5-1063. Procedure to register child support order of another state for modification

40-5-1064. Effect of registration for modification

40-5-1065. Modification of child support order of another state

40-5-1066. Recognition of order modified in another state

40-5-1067. Jurisdiction to modify child support order of another state when individual parties reside in this state

40-5-1068. Notice to issuing tribunal of modification

40-5-1069. Jurisdiction to modify child support order of foreign country

40-5-1070. Procedure to register child support order of foreign country for modification

40-5-1071. and 40-5-1072 reserved

40-5-1073. Definitions

40-5-1074. Applicability

40-5-1075. Relationship of department of public health and human services to United States central authority

40-5-1076. Initiation by department of public health and human services of support proceeding under convention

40-5-1077. Direct request

40-5-1078. Registration of convention support order

40-5-1079. Contest of registered convention support order

40-5-1080. Recognition and enforcement of registered convention support order

40-5-1081. Partial enforcement

40-5-1082. Foreign support agreement

40-5-1083. Modification of convention child support order

40-5-1084. Personal information -- limit on use

40-5-1085. Record in original language -- English translation

40-5-1086. and 40-5-1087 reserved

40-5-1088. Grounds for rendition

40-5-1089. Conditions of rendition

40-5-1090. and 40-5-1091 reserved

40-5-1092. Uniformity of application and construction