Montana Code Annotated
Part 1. Separation -- Dissolution of Marriage
40-4-106. Renumbered 40-4-121

40-4-106. Renumbered 40-4-121. Code Commissioner, 1985.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 40. Family Law

Chapter 4. Termination of Marriage, Child Custody, Support

Part 1. Separation -- Dissolution of Marriage

40-4-101. Purposes

40-4-102. Uniformity of application and construction

40-4-103. Application of Montana Rules of Civil Procedure

40-4-104. Dissolution of marriage -- legal separation

40-4-105. Procedure -- commencement -- pleadings -- abolition of existing defenses

40-4-106. Renumbered 40-4-121

40-4-107. Irretrievable breakdown

40-4-108. Decree

40-4-109. Independence of provisions of decree or temporary order

40-4-110. Costs -- professional fees

40-4-111. through 40-4-120 reserved

40-4-121. Temporary order for maintenance or support, temporary injunction, or temporary restraining order

40-4-122. Forms -- distribution -- filing

40-4-123. Jurisdiction and venue

40-4-124. Review or removal -- district court

40-4-125. Registration of orders

40-4-126. Automatic economic restraining order

40-4-127. through 40-4-129 reserved

40-4-130. Summary dissolution -- conditions necessary at commencement of proceedings

40-4-131. Joint petition -- filing -- form -- contents

40-4-132. Revocation of joint petition -- termination of proceeding -- notice -- copy to other party

40-4-133. Hearing and final judgment -- entry -- effect

40-4-134. Final judgment as final adjudication of rights and obligations

40-4-135. Actions to set aside final judgment

40-4-136. Brochure to describe proceedings -- availability -- distribution -- contents and form