Montana Code Annotated
Part 3. Operations
33-31-306. Point-of-service option

33-31-306. Point-of-service option. (1) (a) A health maintenance organization that has at least 10,000 enrollees shall offer a point-of-service option benefit plan to each purchaser of a health care services agreement. The purchaser may accept or reject the addition of a point-of-service option to the health care services agreement.
(b) For the purposes of subsection (1)(a), an enrollee does not include an individual receiving medicaid services under the Montana medicaid program provided for in Title 53, chapter 6, or an individual participating in an approved medicare risk contract administered by a licensed health maintenance organization.
(2) Any difference in premium charged for the point-of-service option benefit plan compared to the premium for a standard health care services agreement may not exceed the expected cost to the insurer of benefits and expenses based on sound actuarial principles.
(3) This section may not be construed to permit a health maintenance organization to offer stand-alone indemnity insurance coverage.
History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 165, L. 1997.