Montana Code Annotated
Part 10. Dissolution, Closing, and Liquidation
32-2-1023. Further duties of liquidating officer

32-2-1023. Further duties of liquidating officer. (1) The liquidating officer of a mutual association may decide when the assets of a failed mutual association are not sufficient to pay the debts, contracts, engagements, and liabilities and may determine the time when and the court where necessary legal proceedings are conducted, subject to the general provisions of law governing venue and place of trial.
(2) For the purposes of this section, the term "liquidating officer" includes any person legally empowered to liquidate the business and affairs of a state mutual association, whether the liquidation is by the department or by its deputies and agents. The term also includes all receivers of state mutual associations qualified to liquidate a state mutual association under state law.
History: En. Sec. 110, Ch. 431, L. 2021.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 32. Financial Institutions

Chapter 2. Mutual Savings and Loan Associations

Part 10. Dissolution, Closing, and Liquidation

32-2-1001. Dissolution and disincorporation

32-2-1002. Grounds for closing mutual association

32-2-1003. When mutual association insolvent

32-2-1004. Deposits in insolvent mutual associations

32-2-1005. Penalty for receiving deposits when insolvent or for making false statement

32-2-1006. Power of closed mutual associations to borrow money from governmental agencies

32-2-1007. Corporate existence -- cessation

32-2-1008. Taxes on mutual associations that have ceased to do business

32-2-1009. Penalty for maliciously declaring mutual association insolvent

32-2-1010. Resumption after closing

32-2-1011. Powers of department on closing mutual association -- court proceedings

32-2-1012. Recourse of aggrieved mutual association -- injunction

32-2-1013. Department may retain mutual association employees -- liquidating agent's salary and expenses

32-2-1014. Compensation of agents and attorneys

32-2-1015. Notice to creditors of insolvent mutual association

32-2-1016. Claims -- allowance and rejection

32-2-1017. Payment of claims

32-2-1018. Claims -- order of payment -- priorities

32-2-1019. Claims -- partial payments -- assignments

32-2-1020. Deposit of funds in department's hands

32-2-1021. Disposition of unclaimed funds

32-2-1022. Disposition of assets remaining after payment of claims

32-2-1023. Further duties of liquidating officer

32-2-1024. Department to file inventory -- report required -- exception

32-2-1025. through 32-2-1029 reserved

32-2-1030. Definitions

32-2-1031. Power of department

32-2-1032. Powers of officers

32-2-1033. Notice of mutual association closing

32-2-1034. Effect of closing