Montana Code Annotated
Part 5. Dissolution, Closing, and Liquidation
32-1-534. Claims -- order of payment -- priorities

32-1-534. Claims -- order of payment -- priorities. (1) Except as otherwise provided by the Uniform Commercial Code, the order of payment of the debts of a bank liquidated by the department is as follows:
(a) the expense of liquidation, including compensation of agents, employees, and attorneys;
(b) all funds of any other bank in process of liquidation by the department and placed on deposit by the department;
(c) all funds held by the bank in trust;
(d) debts due depositors or holders of cashier's checks, certified checks, and drafts on correspondent banks, including protest fees paid by them on valid checks or drafts presented after closing of the bank, pro rata. All deposit balances of other banks or trust companies and all deposits of public funds of every kind (except those actually placed on special deposit under the statutes providing for deposit), including those of the United States, the state of Montana, and every county, district, municipality, political subdivision, or public corporation of this state, whether secured or unsecured or whether deposited in violation of law or otherwise, are included within the terms of this subsection (1)(d) and take the same priority as debts due any other depositor. Accrued interest on savings accounts, certificates of deposit, or other interest-bearing contracts, up to the time of the closing of the bank, is considered as part of the debt due.
(e) interest on the classes of claims contained in subsections (1)(a) through (1)(d) without regard to the priority computed from the date of closing of the bank at the rate of 7% a year;
(f) unliquidated claims for damages and similar claims, including claims of stockholders for amounts claimed to have been voluntarily advanced to the bank or paid in by way of special or voluntary or other assessments.
(2) The department may, in its discretion, without regard to the priorities fixed in subsections (1)(c) through (1)(f) or in preference to the payment of any claims of creditors within these subsections, pay off and discharge any lien, claim, or charge against the assets or property of the bank in its hands and pay those sums it considers necessary for the preservation, maintenance, conservation, and protection of those assets and property and property on which the bank has liens by mortgage or otherwise. The department may create a fund or retain, in preference to the claim of any creditors in subsections (1)(c) through (1)(f), money for those purposes.
(3) Collateral that has been put up or pledged as security for the payment of bills payable by a bank or loans or discounts that have been outstanding as rediscounts of a bank prior to the closing of it is not available to the other creditors of the bank in whole or in part until the bills payable or rediscounts have been retired, after which offsets as provided in this section must be allowed.
(4) Deposits of a person, firm, or corporation in a bank that is in the possession of the department may be offset against any indebtedness (subject to the conditions of subsection (3)), except assessments on stock, due to the bank from that person, firm, or corporation. All dividends when declared in favor of a creditor of the bank may be applied, in the discretion of the department, in satisfaction of the indebtedness, if any, due the bank from the creditor.
History: En. Sec. 134, Ch. 89, L. 1927; amd. Sec. 4, Ch. 145, L. 1931; re-en. Sec. 6014.144, R.C.M. 1935; amd. Sec. 11-104, Ch. 264, L. 1963; amd. Sec. 56, Ch. 431, L. 1975; R.C.M. 1947, 5-1114; amd. Sec. 5, Ch. 36, L. 1979; amd. Sec. 42, Ch. 395, L. 1993.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 32. Financial Institutions

Chapter 1. Banks and Trust Companies

Part 5. Dissolution, Closing, and Liquidation

32-1-501. Dissolution and disincorporation

32-1-502. Grounds for closing bank

32-1-503. Bank insolvent when

32-1-504. Deposits in insolvent bank

32-1-505. Penalty for receiving deposits when insolvent or for making false statements

32-1-506. Assessment on capital stock to make good impairment

32-1-507. Power of closed banks to borrow money from governmental agencies

32-1-508. Corporate existence -- ceases when

32-1-509. Taxes on banks which have ceased to do business

32-1-510. Penalty for maliciously declaring bank insolvent

32-1-511. Bank may be placed in department's possession

32-1-512. Effect of posting notice

32-1-513. Taking possession of bank -- notice

32-1-514. Resumption after closing

32-1-515. Powers of department on closing bank -- court proceedings

32-1-516. Recourse of aggrieved bank -- injunction

32-1-517. Department may retain bank employees -- liquidating agent's salary and expenses

32-1-518. Compensation of agents and attorneys

32-1-519. through 32-1-530 reserved

32-1-531. Notice to creditors of insolvent bank

32-1-532. Claims -- allowance and rejection

32-1-533. Payment of claims

32-1-534. Claims -- order of payment -- priorities

32-1-535. Claims -- partial payments -- assignments

32-1-536. Deposit of funds in department's hands

32-1-537. Disposition of unclaimed funds

32-1-538. Disposition of assets remaining after payment of claims

32-1-539. through 32-1-550 reserved

32-1-551. Liquidating officer's powers and duties

32-1-552. Further duties of liquidating officer

32-1-553. Department to file inventory -- report required -- exception

32-1-554. through 32-1-560 reserved

32-1-561. Definitions

32-1-562. Power of department

32-1-563. Powers of officers

32-1-564. Notice of bank closing

32-1-565. Effect of closing