Montana Code Annotated
Part 3. Formation and Reorganization
32-1-361. Change from state to national bank

32-1-361. Change from state to national bank. (1) A bank may become a corporation for the purpose of carrying on the business of banking in this state, under the act of congress "to provide a national currency secured by a pledge of United States bonds and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof", approved June 3, 1864, and under Title 52 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, when:
(a) stockholders owning two-thirds of the stock of the bank vote to become a national bank corporation or execute a written consent authorizing its directors to make the certificate required therefor by the laws of the United States; or
(b) a majority of the directors of the bank, authorized in their discretion to make the change, by a vote of the majority decide to become a national bank corporation.
(2) The cashier of the bank shall:
(a) publish notice of the change once a week for 4 consecutive weeks in the newspaper that the directors select;
(b) send a printed notice by mail or otherwise to all nonvoting or dissenting stockholders; and
(c) notify the department that the bank has decided to become a corporation under the laws of the United States.
History: En. Sec. 75, Ch. 89, L. 1927; re-en. Sec. 6014.86, R.C.M. 1935; amd. Sec. 32, Ch. 431, L. 1975; amd. Sec. 17, Ch. 71, L. 1977; R.C.M. 1947, 5-1002; amd. Sec. 22, Ch. 395, L. 1993.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 32. Financial Institutions

Chapter 1. Banks and Trust Companies

Part 3. Formation and Reorganization

32-1-301. Organization and incorporation -- articles of incorporation

32-1-302. Incorporation

32-1-303. Board to refuse or approve application

32-1-304. Repealed

32-1-305. Repealed

32-1-306. Repealed

32-1-307. Amount of capital

32-1-308. Bylaws

32-1-309. through 32-1-320 reserved

32-1-321. Calling of first meeting -- cancellation of certificate

32-1-322. Board of directors -- qualifications, tenure, and vacancies

32-1-323. Repealed

32-1-324. Repealed

32-1-325. Selection of officers and employees -- minutes of meetings

32-1-326. through 32-1-330 reserved

32-1-331. Repealed

32-1-332. Repealed

32-1-333. Repealed

32-1-334. Repealed

32-1-335. Purchase or loan of own capital stock prohibited -- exception

32-1-336. Repealed

32-1-337. Repealed

32-1-338. Repealed

32-1-339. Right of examination by stockholder

32-1-340. Conversion of surplus and undivided profits to capital stock

32-1-341. through 32-1-350 reserved

32-1-351. Repealed

32-1-352. Repealed

32-1-353. Repealed

32-1-354. Repealed

32-1-355. Repealed

32-1-356. Repealed

32-1-357. through 32-1-360 reserved

32-1-361. Change from state to national bank

32-1-362. National bank powers extended to state banks

32-1-363. Surrender of charter by state bank

32-1-364. Increase or reduction of capital stock

32-1-365. Certificate of change to national bank

32-1-366. through 32-1-369 reserved

32-1-370. Interstate merger of banks -- interstate agreements

32-1-371. Merger of banks

32-1-372. Branch bank

32-1-373. Banks may join federal reserve bank

32-1-374. Conversion of national bank to state bank

32-1-375. Prohibition of acquisition -- exception

32-1-376. Sale of branch bank

32-1-377. Agreement of purchase and sale

32-1-378. Bank acquisition or control -- notice or application -- registration statement -- violations -- penalties

32-1-379. Bank acquisition or control -- disapproval by department -- change of officers

32-1-380. Rulemaking

32-1-381. Repealed

32-1-382. Repealed

32-1-383. Repealed

32-1-384. Federal applications -- comments