23-2-303 through 23-2-308 reserved.
Structure Montana Code Annotated
Title 23. Parks, Recreation, Sports, and Gambling
Part 3. Recreational Use of Streams
23-2-302. Recreational use permitted -- limitations -- exceptions
23-2-303. through 23-2-308 reserved
23-2-309. Land title unaffected
23-2-311. Right to portage -- establishment of portage route
23-2-312. Access to surface waters by public bridge or county road right-of-way
23-2-313. Fencing for livestock control and public passage -- negotiation -- costs
23-2-314. through 23-2-320 reserved
23-2-321. Restriction on liability of landowner and supervisor
23-2-322. Prescriptive easement not acquired by recreational use of surface waters