Montana Code Annotated
Part 1. General Provisions and Administration
10-3-119. Administrative disciplinary sanctions

10-3-119. Administrative disciplinary sanctions. (1) A licensing board or a licensing program in Montana:
(a) may impose administrative sanctions upon a volunteer professional for unprofessional conduct in response to an emergency or disaster that occurs in Montana; and
(b) shall report any administrative sanctions imposed upon a volunteer professional licensed in another state to the appropriate licensing board or disciplinary authority in any other state in which the practitioner is known to be licensed.
(2) In determining whether to impose administrative sanctions under subsection (1), a licensing board or other disciplinary authority in Montana shall consider any exigent circumstances in which the conduct took place in light of the emergency or disaster.
History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 63, L. 2009.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 10. Military Affairs and Disaster and Emergency Services

Chapter 3. Disaster and Emergency Services

Part 1. General Provisions and Administration

10-3-101. Declaration of policy

10-3-102. Limitations

10-3-103. Definitions

10-3-104. General authority of governor

10-3-105. Division of disaster and emergency services -- duties

10-3-106. Communications

10-3-107. National defense highway plans

10-3-108. and 10-3-109 reserved

10-3-110. Medical services during declared emergency or disaster -- limitation of liability -- administrative disciplinary sanctions

10-3-111. Personnel immune from liability

10-3-112. Employment requirements for personnel -- political involvement of organizations prohibited

10-3-113. Identification -- civil defense symbol

10-3-114. Confiscation of firearm and certain actions by government prohibited -- private right of action -- costs and expenses

10-3-115. through 10-3-117 reserved

10-3-118. Interstate licensure recognition -- volunteer professionals

10-3-119. Administrative disciplinary sanctions

10-3-120. Rulemaking authority

10-3-121. Statement of purpose -- legislative poll -- legislative oversight of election law suspensions

10-3-122. Legislative poll -- continuation of state of emergency or disaster

10-3-123. Claim or defense against state action -- remedies -- limitations

10-3-124. Protections against government discrimination

10-3-125. Claims or defense against state action -- remedies -- limitations