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Section 87.005 - Firefighters, certain diseases presumed incurred in line of duty — conditions — infectious disease defined. - Effective - 28 Aug 2011 87.005. Firefighters, certain diseases presumed...
Section 87.006 - Firefighters, certain diseases presumed incurred in line of duty — persons covered — disability from cancer, presumption suffered in line of duty, when — infectious disease defined. - Effective - 28 Aug 2011, 2 histories 87.006. Firefighters, certain...
Section 87.010 - Fund for pensioning firemen — treasurer of corporation ex officio treasurer of fund — cities other than first class to ratify. - Effective - 28 Aug 1978 87.010. Fund for pensioning firemen...
Section 87.015 - How certain cities may be included in these provisions. - Effective - 28 Aug 1978 87.015. How certain cities may...
Section 87.020 - Creating board of trustees. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.020. Creating board of trustees....
Section 87.025 - Duties and powers of board — assessment of members. - Effective - 30 Apr 1990 87.025. Duties and powers of...
Section 87.030 - Rewards and gifts to pension fund. - Effective - 28 Aug 1953 87.030. Rewards and gifts to...
Section 87.035 - Trustees may invest fund. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.035. Trustees may invest fund....
Section 87.040 - Disposition of interest — duties of legislative body of city. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.040. Disposition of interest —...
Section 87.045 - Eligibility for and payment of a disability pension. - Effective - 28 Aug 1969 87.045. Eligibility for and payment...
Section 87.050 - Death benefits, amount — eligibility — limitations. - Effective - 28 Aug 1982 87.050. Death benefits, amount —...
Section 87.055 - Law applicable to whom. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.055. Law applicable to whom....
Section 87.060 - Retirement pension, eligibility for and payment of. - Effective - 28 Aug 1969 87.060. Retirement pension, eligibility for...
Section 87.063 - Health care benefits for retirees — separate fund established for benefits and premiums — application by retiree to be special consultant, compensation to fund benefits. - Effective - 28 Aug 1990 87.063. Health care benefits for...
Section 87.065 - Payments prorated when funds are insufficient. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.065. Payments prorated when funds...
Section 87.070 - Pension fund custodian. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.070. Pension fund custodian. —...
Section 87.075 - Warrants, upon whom drawn. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.075. Warrants, upon whom drawn....
Section 87.080 - Warrants, how drawn. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.080. Warrants, how drawn. —...
Section 87.085 - Annual report of condition of fund. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.085. Annual report of condition...
Section 87.090 - Fund exempt from execution. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.090. Fund exempt from execution....
Section 87.095 - Funeral expenses to be paid. - Effective - 28 Aug 1989 87.095. Funeral expenses to be...
Section 87.100 - Relief associations may, by vote of members, amalgamate with board of trustees. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.100. Relief associations may, by...
Section 87.105 - Penalty for misrepresentation. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.105. Penalty for misrepresentation. —...
Section 87.120 - Definitions. - Effective - 28 Aug 2001 87.120. Definitions. — The following...
Section 87.125 - Authorizing municipality to provide by ordinance for pensions. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.125. Authorizing municipality to provide...
Section 87.127 - Qualified government plan, retirement plan intended to be. - Effective - 28 Aug 2011 87.127. Qualified government plan, retirement...
Section 87.130 - Membership requirements. - Effective - 28 Aug 2001 87.130. Membership requirements. — 1....
Section 87.135 - Members shall file detailed account of service — verification of service and issuance of service certificate — cooperative agreements, transfer of creditable service between systems. - Effective - 28 Aug 2018, 2 histories 87.135. Members shall...
Section 87.140 - Administration vested in board of trustees — how appointed — vacancies — compensation — oath — voting. - Effective - 28 Aug 1993 87.140. Administration vested in board...
Section 87.145 - Board has exclusive original jurisdiction — review — rules and regulations. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.145. Board has exclusive original...
Section 87.150 - Chairman — secretary — actuaries. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.150. Chairman — secretary —...
Section 87.155 - Data and record to be kept — annual report. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.155. Data and record to...
Section 87.160 - Legal adviser — medical board. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.160. Legal adviser — medical...
Section 87.165 - Actuarial investigation — establishment of contribution rates and tables. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.165. Actuarial investigation — establishment...
Section 87.170 - Conditions of retirement. - Effective - 28 Aug 2001 87.170. Conditions of retirement. —...
Section 87.175 - Retirement for service — amount, how computed — refund of member's contribution. - Effective - 28 Aug 1995 87.175. Retirement for service —...
Section 87.177 - Service retirement allowance, five year service and less than twenty — survivor to share benefits — cost-of-living allowance. - Effective - 28 Aug 2002 87.177. Service retirement allowance, five...
Section 87.179 - Funding for increases in benefit provisions from future benefits fund. - Effective - 28 Aug 1995 87.179. Funding for increases in...
Section 87.182 - Deferred retirement option plan, established, may include self-directed program — procedures — election to stop participation, how — death, effect of — interest earned. - Effective - 15 May 2003 87.182. Deferred retirement option plan,...
Section 87.185 - Military service during war credited. - Effective - 28 Aug 2001 87.185. Military service during war...
Section 87.190 - Disability retirement after five years of service. - Effective - 28 Aug 1961 87.190. Disability retirement after five...
Section 87.195 - Ordinary disability retirement, when, amount. - Effective - 28 Aug 1983 87.195. Ordinary disability retirement, when,...
Section 87.200 - Retirement for accidental disability. - Effective - 28 Aug 1983 87.200. Retirement for accidental disability....
Section 87.205 - Accidental disability retirement allowance. - Effective - 28 Aug 2011 87.205. Accidental disability retirement allowance....
Section 87.207 - Cost-of-living increase, how determined. - Effective - 28 Aug 2011 87.207. Cost-of-living increase, how determined....
Section 87.208 - Cost-of-living increases for certain persons, when — how computed. - Effective - 28 Aug 1986 87.208. Cost-of-living increases for certain...
Section 87.210 - Disability beneficiaries to undergo physical examinations. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.210. Disability beneficiaries to undergo...
Section 87.215 - Reduction and suspension of pension, when. - Effective - 28 Aug 2001 87.215. Reduction and suspension of...
Section 87.220 - Death benefits for beneficiaries of members in service or on accidental disability allowance — child to receive benefits, when. - Effective - 28 Aug 1996 87.220. Death benefits for beneficiaries...
Section 87.230 - Widow may serve as special consultant, when, compensation, duties. - Effective - 01 Jul 2000 87.230. Widow may serve as...
Section 87.231 - Surviving spouse as special consultant to the board, when — compensation — effect on eligibility for retirement benefits. - Effective - 28 Aug 2002 87.231. Surviving spouse as special...
Section 87.235 - Payments on proof of accidental death in service — beneficiaries. - Effective - 28 Aug 2002 87.235. Payments on proof of...
Section 87.237 - Retiree to become special advisor, when, compensation. - Effective - 28 Aug 2001 87.237. Retiree to become special...
Section 87.238 - Retired firefighters to act as special advisors to retirement system, when — compensation. - Effective - 28 Aug 2002 87.238. Retired firefighters to act...
Section 87.240 - Accumulated contributions to be refunded, when. - Effective - 28 Aug 2001 87.240. Accumulated contributions to be...
Section 87.245 - Remainder of accumulated contributions paid to beneficiary. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.245. Remainder of accumulated contributions...
Section 87.250 - Benefits under this law payable to whom. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.250. Benefits under this law...
Section 87.255 - Amounts payable by city under chapter 287 to be set off. - Effective - 28 Aug 1963 87.255. Amounts payable by city...
Section 87.260 - Board of trustees shall have exclusive authority to invest and reinvest funds in property. - Effective - 12 Jun 2006 87.260. Board of trustees shall...
Section 87.262 - Representative may be appointed to hold title to investments. - Effective - 28 Aug 1979 87.262. Representative may be appointed...
Section 87.265 - Interest to be allowed — credit to members' accounts. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.265. Interest to be allowed...
Section 87.270 - City treasurer to keep funds, how disbursed. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.270. City treasurer to keep...
Section 87.275 - Amount kept on deposit. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.275. Amount kept on deposit....
Section 87.280 - Trustees, employees not to have interest in contracts or money. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.280. Trustees, employees not to...
Section 87.285 - Assets in four funds — names of. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.285. Assets in four funds...
Section 87.288 - Retired firefighter not receiving cost-of-living benefit, special consultant — compensation, amount. - Effective - 28 Aug 2001 87.288. Retired firefighter not receiving...
Section 87.290 - Members' savings fund. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.290. Members' savings fund. —...
Section 87.295 - Contributions by member, how computed. - Effective - 28 Aug 1993 87.295. Contributions by member, how...
Section 87.300 - Members deemed to consent to deduction — amount to be credited to members' savings fund. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.300. Members deemed to consent...
Section 87.305 - Refunds of contributions, when. - Effective - 28 Aug 1977 87.305. Refunds of contributions, when....
Section 87.310 - Repayment with interest of contributions withdrawn on reinstatement of member. - Effective - 28 Aug 2001, 2 histories 87.310. Repayment with...
Section 87.315 - Benefit reserve fund. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.315. Benefit reserve fund. —...
Section 87.320 - General reserve fund. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.320. General reserve fund. —...
Section 87.325 - Contributions by city to general reserve fund. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.325. Contributions by city to...
Section 87.330 - Normal contribution rate, determination of. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.330. Normal contribution rate, determination...
Section 87.335 - Accrued liability contribution rate, determination of. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.335. Accrued liability contribution rate,...
Section 87.340 - Total amount payable to general reserve fund. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.340. Total amount payable to...
Section 87.345 - Accrued liability contribution discontinued, when — decreased, when — changes amortized, when. - Effective - 28 Aug 1983 87.345. Accrued liability contribution discontinued,...
Section 87.350 - Expense fund, purposes, determination of amount. - Effective - 28 Aug 1965 87.350. Expense fund, purposes, determination...
Section 87.355 - Amounts due from city, certification, budget and appropriation. - Effective - 28 Aug 1965 87.355. Amounts due from city,...
Section 87.360 - Reserves made obligation of city. - Effective - 28 Aug 1965 87.360. Reserves made obligation of...
Section 87.365 - Benefits exempt from taxes and civil process. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.365. Benefits exempt from taxes...
Section 87.367 - Health care plan may be adopted for retirees, procedure and funding. - Effective - 28 Aug 1987 87.367. Health care plan may...
Section 87.370 - False statement, a misdemeanor — adjustment of benefits resulting from false statement. - Effective - 28 Aug 1959 87.370. False statement, a misdemeanor...
Section 87.371 - Unused sick leave, how credited. - Effective - 28 Aug 2001 87.371. Unused sick leave, how...
Section 87.380 - Fire departments in cities of over 100,000 may create relief fund. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.380. Fire departments in cities...
Section 87.385 - Board of trustees, how composed. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.385. Board of trustees, how...
Section 87.390 - City treasurer ex officio member of board. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.390. City treasurer ex officio...
Section 87.395 - Treasurer — duties — bond. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.395. Treasurer — duties —...
Section 87.400 - Creation of fire department pension fund — sources of revenue. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.400. Creation of fire department...
Section 87.405 - Moneys set apart for pension fund. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.405. Moneys set apart for...
Section 87.410 - Authorizing a tax for firemen's pensions in certain cities. - Effective - 28 Aug 1978 87.410. Authorizing a tax for...
Section 87.415 - Warrants to be drawn on treasurer. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.415. Warrants to be drawn...
Section 87.420 - Powers of board of trustees. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.420. Powers of board of...
Section 87.425 - Members of department may be assessed. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.425. Members of department may...
Section 87.430 - Funds may be invested. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.430. Funds may be invested....
Section 87.435 - Who shall be beneficiaries. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.435. Who shall be beneficiaries....
Section 87.440 - Widow and children may be awarded retirement pay, when. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.440. Widow and children may...
Section 87.445 - Widow and children beneficiaries, when. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.445. Widow and children beneficiaries,...
Section 87.450 - Relatives, when. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.450. Relatives, when. — If...
Section 87.455 - Members may be retired, when. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.455. Members may be retired,...
Section 87.457 - Health care benefits for retirees, separate fund established for benefit and premiums — application by retiree to be special consultant, compensation to fund benefits. - Effective - 28 Aug 1990 87.457. Health care benefits for...
Section 87.460 - Funds to be prorated, when. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.460. Funds to be prorated,...
Section 87.465 - Money paid beneficiaries only on warrant. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.465. Money paid beneficiaries only...
Section 87.470 - Funeral expenses. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.470. Funeral expenses. — Whenever...
Section 87.475 - Honorary members, admission of. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.475. Honorary members, admission of....
Section 87.480 - Board of trustees to make report. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.480. Board of trustees to...
Section 87.485 - Funds exempt from garnishment or other legal process. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.485. Funds exempt from garnishment...
Section 87.487 - Fund subject to domestic relations order (Kansas City). - Effective - 28 Aug 2002 87.487. Fund subject to domestic...
Section 87.490 - Associations authorized to transfer funds. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.490. Associations authorized to transfer...
Section 87.495 - Firemen's pension fund provided. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.495. Firemen's pension fund provided....
Section 87.500 - Membership continued after retirement. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.500. Membership continued after retirement....
Section 87.505 - Funds to create fire department pension fund. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.505. Funds to create fire...
Section 87.507 - Health care benefits for retirees, separate fund established for benefit and premiums — application by retiree to be special consultant, compensation to fund benefits. - Effective - 28 Aug 1990 87.507. Health care benefits for...
Section 87.510 - Honorary members admitted. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.510. Honorary members admitted. —...
Section 87.515 - Treasurer to give bond — who may be. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 87.515. Treasurer to give bond...
Section 87.600 - Proposed change in benefits — notice and meeting with representative of members required. - Effective - 28 Aug 1967 87.600. Proposed change in benefits...
Section 87.615 - Retired firefighters or their beneficiaries not covered by retirement system may be employed by certain cities as consultants, duties, compensation (St. Joseph). - Effective - 28 Aug 2001 87.615. Retired firefighters or their...