Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 81 - Special Charter Cities and Towns
Section 81.130 - Farming lands, exclusion — procedure (cities of 20,000 or less).

Effective - 28 Aug 1978
81.130. Farming lands, exclusion — procedure (cities of 20,000 or less). — In all cases where farming lands, or lands not laid out in town or city lots, or used for town or city purposes, are included within the corporate limits of any town, city or municipality of this state now containing, or which may hereafter contain, twenty thousand inhabitants or less, existing or operating under a special charter, and where ten of the taxable inhabitants of said town, city or municipality shall petition the council of said town, city or municipality to become disincorporated or detached from the said municipal corporation, it shall be the duty of said council, by ordinance, to submit the question to the voters of the city, town or municipality; and if at said election a majority of the voters voting at said election, vote in favor of disincorporating or detaching said lands, then the council of said town, city or municipality shall declare the said land disincorporated or detached from the said municipality, and the same shall not thereafter be included in or be a part thereof; provided, however, that in all cases where the said town, city or municipality has any outstanding debts, liabilities or obligations, said lands shall not be disincorporated or detached until the owner or owners thereof shall have paid into the town, city or municipal treasury their just and proper proportion of such debts, liabilities or obligations.
(RSMo 1939 § 7441, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 7288; 1919 § 8703; 1909 § 9581

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VII - Cities, Towns and Villages

Chapter 81 - Special Charter Cities and Towns

Section 81.010 - Certain cities and towns declared cities and towns under special charter.

Section 81.013 - Amendment of charter, procedure.

Section 81.020 - Special charter cities may take census, when.

Section 81.030 - Census, how taken — false return, misdemeanor (fourth class cities, special charter cities and towns).

Section 81.040 - Street and sidewalk commissioner (special charter cities under 10,000).

Section 81.050 - Election and terms of officers (cities of 1,000 and less than 3,000).

Section 81.060 - Notice of claim for damages on account of injury shall be given, when (cities of 500 to 3,000).

Section 81.070 - Election of certain officers (cities of 3,000 to 10,000), exceptions.

Section 81.075 - Officers — elections (cities attaining 3,000 to 10,000 after grant of charter in certain counties).

Section 81.080 - Extension of limits, how — inclusion of another city, procedure (cities of 20,000 or less).

Section 81.090 - Establishment and maintenance of city jail (cities of 10,000 or less).

Section 81.100 - Authorization for commitment of prisoners (cities of 10,000 or less).

Section 81.110 - Construction of jail — bond (cities of 10,000 or less).

Section 81.120 - Construction of levees — bond (cities of 10,000 or less).

Section 81.130 - Farming lands, exclusion — procedure (cities of 20,000 or less).

Section 81.140 - Election and appointment of certain officers — tenure (cities of 10,000 to 30,000).

Section 81.150 - Election of aldermen — tenure (cities of 10,000 to 30,000).

Section 81.160 - Enactment of ordinances — additional power (cities of 10,000 to 30,000).

Section 81.170 - Condemnation of private property (cities of 10,000 to 30,000).

Section 81.180 - Acquired property — management, regulation (cities of 10,000 to 30,000).

Section 81.190 - Acquisition of property — regulation of business (cities of 10,000 to 30,000).

Section 81.195 - Officers, terms (cities of 30,000 to 250,000 in certain counties).

Section 81.200 - Extension of limits (cities of 20,000 and less than 250,000).

Section 81.210 - Changes of wards by ordinance (cities of 20,000 and less than 250,000).

Section 81.220 - Notice of proposed change — when to take effect (cities of 20,000 and less than 250,000).

Section 81.230 - Disposition of acquired territory — qualified voters (cities of 20,000 and less than 250,000).

Section 81.240 - Change not to be made, when (cities of 20,000 and less than 250,000).

Section 81.250 - Numbering wards — territory (cities of 20,000 and less than 250,000).

Section 81.260 - Election of aldermen (cities of 20,000 and less than 250,000).

Section 81.270 - Change in wards not to affect aldermen (cities of 20,000 and less than 250,000).

Section 81.280 - Elective officers — terms — appointment — offices combined — section to be effective after vote (cities of 7,500 to 100,000 in certain counties).