Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 701 - State Standards
Section 701.025 - Definitions.

Effective - 28 Aug 1994
701.025. Definitions. — As used in sections 701.025 to 701.059, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms mean:
(1) "Department", the department of health and senior services of the state of Missouri;
(2) "Director", the director of the department of health and senior services or the designee of the director;
(3) "Existing system", an on-site sewage disposal system in operation prior to September 1, 1995;
(4) "Human excreta", undigested food and by-products of metabolism which are passed out of the human body;
(5) "Imminent health hazard", a condition which is likely to cause an immediate threat to life or a serious risk to the health, safety, and welfare of the public if immediate action is not taken;
(6) "Major modification" or "major repair", the redesigning and alteration of an on-site sewage system by relocation of the system or a part of the system, replacement of the septic tank or construction of a new absorption field;
(7) "Nuisance", sewage, human excreta or other human organic waste discharged or exposed on the owner's land or any other land from an on-site sewage disposal system in a manner that makes it a potential instrument or medium for the breeding of flies and mosquitoes, the production of odors, or the transmission of disease to or between a person or persons, or which contaminates surface waters* or groundwater;
(8) "On-site sewage disposal system", any system handling or treatment facility receiving domestic sewage which discharges into a subsurface soil absorption system and discharges less than three thousand gallons per day;
(9) "On-site sewage disposal system contractor", any person who constructs, alters, repairs, or extends an on-site sewage disposal system on behalf of, or under contract with, the property owner;
(10) "Person", any individual, group of individuals, association, trust, partnership, corporation, person doing business under an assumed name, the state of Missouri or any department thereof, or any political subdivision of this state;
(11) "Property owner", the person in whose name legal title to the real estate is recorded;
(12) "Sewage" or "domestic sewage", human excreta and wastewater, including bath and toilet waste, residential laundry waste, residential kitchen waste and other similar waste from household or establishment appurtenances. Sewage and domestic sewage waste are further categorized as:
(a) "Blackwater", waste carried off by toilets, urinals and kitchen drains;
(b) "Graywater", all domestic waste not covered in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, including bath, lavatory, laundry and sink waste;
(13) "Subdivision", land divided or proposed to be divided for predominantly residential purposes into such parcels as required by local ordinances, or in the absence of local ordinances, "subdivision" means any land which is divided or proposed to be divided by a common owner or owners into three or more lots or parcels, any of which contains less than three acres, or into platted or unplatted units, any of which contains less than three acres, as a part of a uniform plan of development;
(14) "Subsurface soil absorption system", a system for the final renovation of the sewage tank effluent and return of the renovated wastewater to the hydrologic cycle, including the lateral lines, the perforated pipes, the rock material and the absorption trenches. Included within the scope of this definition are: sewage tank absorption systems, privies, chemical toilets, single-family lagoons and other similar systems; except that a subsurface sewage disposal system does not include a sewage system regulated pursuant to chapter 644;
(15) "Waste", sewage, human excreta or domestic sewage.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1101 § 1, A.L. 1994 S.B. 446)
*Word "waters" does not appear in original rolls.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XLI - Codes and Standards

Chapter 701 - State Standards

Section 701.010 - Definitions.

Section 701.015 - Glazing material to be labeled — sale of nonconforming material prohibited.

Section 701.020 - Penalty for noncompliance.

Section 701.025 - Definitions.

Section 701.027 - Scope of coverage.

Section 701.029 - Operation of on-site sewage disposal system, restrictions.

Section 701.031 - Disposal of sewage, who, how, exception.

Section 701.033 - Department of health and senior services — powers and duties — rules, procedure.

Section 701.035 - Local regulations and standards, requirements — private right to action not preempted.

Section 701.037 - Violations, notice of, contents, prosecuting attorney to institute proceedings, when — emergency situation, when.

Section 701.038 - Sewage complaints, investigation by department, when — right to inspect adjoining property, procedure requiring notice, exception.

Section 701.039 - Clean water commission may take action, rules not to conflict.

Section 701.040 - Standards for sewage tanks, lateral lines and operation of on-site sewage disposal systems, duties of department — rules authorized.

Section 701.043 - State standards, content.

Section 701.046 - Modification or major repair to on-site sewage disposal system, requirements — form — fee, how set — additional fee may be set for training contractors performing percolation tests.

Section 701.047 - City or county may adopt more restrictive standards.

Section 701.048 - Modifying or repair of on-site sewage disposal system, noncompliance with standards prohibited.

Section 701.049 - Fees collected by department to be deposited in public health service fund, purpose.

Section 701.050 - Construction or repair notice — requirements and inspection — failure to comply with standards, effect.

Section 701.051 - Inspections by department, who may request — fee — department may license contractors to inspect.

Section 701.052 - Violator found guilty not to begin construction for another person without bond or letter of credit — forfeiture when, effect — emergency repairs of — effect.

Section 701.053 - Registered on-site disposal system contractor, form, qualifications — registration issued by county to be deemed state registration.

Section 701.054 - Registration of contractor may be denied, suspended or revoked, procedure, appeal — reregistration application may be made when — official roster of contractors published by department, content.

Section 701.055 - Property owners may install, modify or clean their own on-site sewage disposal system in compliance with requirements, no permit required for cleaning.

Section 701.057 - Violations, penalties and fines.

Section 701.059 - Creation of a nuisance on certain residential property is an infraction — sewage disposal system in violation, statute of limitations starts to run, when.

Section 701.200 - Lead contamination, testing of potable water in certain school buildings — department to develop guidance on collecting and testing — samples exceeding limits, procedure — rulemaking authority.

Section 701.300 - Definitions.

Section 701.301 - Rules.

Section 701.304 - Inspections and risk assessments, purpose, conditions — warrant — samples — fees for licenses and accreditation.

Section 701.305 - Educational information to be provided on department website.

Section 701.306 - Notification of risk to health of children.

Section 701.308 - Abatement of hazard by owner — no eviction, effect — failure to abate, violation, order of compliance — relocation — report of violation.

Section 701.309 - Contractor to notify department, when — notification fee, due when.

Section 701.310 - Manner of abatement — owner may perform abatement, when.

Section 701.311 - Compliance inspections — warrant — notice of violation — hearing — enforcement manual to be posted on website, contents.

Section 701.312 - Program to train and license lead inspectors and others — rules — liability insurance required.

Section 701.313 - Lead abatement grant projects, notification to department required — violation, penalty.

Section 701.314 - Program to train and license lead inspectors, supervisors, and workers — rules.

Section 701.316 - May not inspect or abate without license — lists — revocation or suspension of license, hearing — cease-work order.

Section 701.317 - Additional remedies — rulemaking authority — administrative penalties, requirements — deposit of penalty moneys in lead abatement loan fund.

Section 701.318 - Laboratory analysis of lead-bearing substances — reports.

Section 701.320 - Violations, penalty.

Section 701.322 - Laboratory services for disease, lead content — fee.

Section 701.324 - Right to maintain suit not affected — local standards may be enforced.

Section 701.326 - Lead poisoning information reporting system — level of poisoning to be reported — health care professional and department director to provide information.

Section 701.328 - Identity of persons participating to be protected — consent for release form, when requested — use and publishing of reports.

Section 701.330 - No liability for providing information — exception — penalty.

Section 701.334 - Promotion of minority persons.

Section 701.336 - Department to cooperate with federal government — information to be provided to certain persons — lead testing of children, strategy to increase number.

Section 701.337 - Department to establish lead abatement loan or grant program — Missouri lead abatement loan fund created.

Section 701.338 - Rules — promulgation — procedure.

Section 701.340 - Childhood lead testing program established — test to be used — parental objection.

Section 701.342 - High risk areas identified — assessment and testing requirements — laboratory reporting — additional testing required, when.

Section 701.343 - Duties of the department.

Section 701.344 - Evidence of lead poisoning testing required for child-care facilities located in high risk areas — no denial of access to education permitted.

Section 701.345 - Childhood lead testing fund created.

Section 701.346 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 701.348 - Political subdivisions may provide more stringent requirements.

Section 701.349 - Severability clause.

Section 701.350 - Definitions.

Section 701.353 - Elevator safety board established, appointment, terms, vacancies, qualifications — meetings called when, chairman how elected, quorum, expenses.

Section 701.355 - Powers of the board.

Section 701.357 - Codes adoption by political subdivisions to be more stringent than certain other American codes.

Section 701.359 - Exemption for political subdivisions that adopt and enforce certain codes, exception state requirements on certification of inspection and inspectors.

Section 701.361 - Rulemaking procedure.

Section 701.363 - All installations shall have state certificate of inspection and meet safety code.

Section 701.365 - Chief safety inspector, duties, exceptions — violations, orders directing compliance or if dangerous, use to be discontinued.

Section 701.367 - Political subdivision shall have enforcement powers of inspector if local law requires annual inspection.

Section 701.369 - Safety inspectors to be certified by board, qualifications — board to establish professional code.

Section 701.371 - Inspectors authority to enter premises to inspect — installations to be registered with board, form, content.

Section 701.373 - Permit required to construct or alter installations — plan to prove compliance — operating permit issued when — temporary permits allowed when.

Section 701.375 - Operating certificate issued when — content — posting requirements.

Section 701.377 - Fees, how set, limitation — deposit — elevator safety fund created, purpose — fees paid to political subdivisions, when, exception, state certificate.

Section 701.379 - Appeal from chief safety inspector's decisions, procedure.

Section 701.380 - Violators guilty of crime of abuse of elevator safety, penalty.

Section 701.381 - Elevator safety and inspection requirements not applicable, when.

Section 701.383 - Grain elevators and feed mills, certain elevators exempt from safety and inspection requirements.

Section 701.450 - Equal number of water closets, diaper changing stations, requirements — extension of time for compliance, requirements (St. Louis City).

Section 701.500 - New product sales, energy efficiency requirements — exceptions.

Section 701.503 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 701.506 - Updating of minimum energy efficiency standards.

Section 701.509 - Advisory group created — purpose of group — members, terms, meetings.

Section 701.512 - Testing procedures for new products — certification by manufacturers required — identification of new products in compliance required — testing and inspections — rulemaking authority.

Section 701.515 - Investigation of complaints — attorney general may enforce.

Section 701.550 - Definitions — requirements for towers 50 feet or higher — violation, penalty.