Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 68 - Port Authorities
Section 68.075 - AIM zones — definitions — establishment, boundaries — retention of tax withholdings on new jobs, amount — fund created, use of moneys — approval of projects — expiration date.

Effective - 28 Aug 2021, 4 histories
68.075. AIM zones — definitions — establishment, boundaries — retention of tax withholdings on new jobs, amount — fund created, use of moneys — approval of projects — expiration date. — 1. This section shall be known and may be cited as the "Advanced Industrial Manufacturing Zones Act".
2. As used in this section, the following terms shall mean:
(1) "AIM zone", an area identified through a resolution passed by the port authority board of commissioners appointed under section 68.045 that is being developed or redeveloped for any purpose so long as any infrastructure and building built or improved is in the development area. The port authority board of commissioners shall file an annual report indicating the established AIM zones with the department of revenue;
(2) "County average wage", the average wage in each county as determined by the Missouri department of economic development for the most recently completed full calendar year. However, if the computed county average wage is above the statewide average wage, the statewide average wage shall be deemed the county average wage for such county for the purpose of determining eligibility;
(3) "New job", the number of full-time employees located at the project facility that exceeds the project facility base employment less any decrease in the number of full-time employees at related facilities below the related facility base employment. No job that was created prior to the date of the notice of intent shall be deemed a new job. An employee that spends less than fifty percent of the employee's work time at the facility is still considered to be located at a facility if the employee receives his or her directions and control from that facility, is on the facility's payroll, one hundred percent of the employee's income from such employment is Missouri income, and the employee is paid at or above the county average wage;
(4) "Related facility", a facility operated by a company or a related company prior to the establishment of the AIM zone in question located within any port district, as defined under section 68.015, which is directly related to the operations of the facility within the new AIM zone.
3. Any port authority located in this state may establish an AIM zone. Such zone may only include the area within the port authority's jurisdiction, ownership, or control, and may include any such area. The port authority shall determine the boundaries for each AIM zone, and more than one AIM zone may exist within the port authority's jurisdiction or under the port authority's ownership or control, and may be expanded or contracted by resolution of the port authority board of commissioners.
4. Fifty percent of the state tax withholdings imposed by sections 143.191 to 143.265 on new jobs within such zone after development or redevelopment has commenced shall not be remitted to the general revenue fund of the state of Missouri. Such moneys shall be deposited into the port authority AIM zone fund established under subsection 5 of this section for the purpose of continuing to expand, develop, and redevelop AIM zones identified by the port authority board of commissioners and may be used for managerial, engineering, legal, research, promotion, planning, satisfaction of bonds issued under section 68.040, and any other expenses.
5. There is hereby created in the state treasury the "Port Authority AIM Zone Fund", which shall consist of money collected under this section. The state treasurer shall be custodian of the fund and shall approve disbursements from the fund in accordance with sections 30.170 and 30.180 to the port authorities from which the funds were collected, less the pro-rata portion appropriated by the general assembly to be used solely for the administration of this section which shall not exceed ten percent of the total amount collected within the zones of a port authority. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080 to the contrary, any moneys remaining in the fund at the end of the biennium shall not revert to the credit of the general revenue fund. The state treasurer shall invest moneys in the fund in the same manner as other funds are invested. Any interest and moneys earned on such investments shall be credited to the fund.
6. The port authority shall approve any projects that begin construction and disperse any money collected under this section. The port authority shall submit an annual budget for the funds to the department of economic development explaining how and when such money will be spent.
7. The provision of section 23.253 notwithstanding, no AIM zone may be established after August 28, 2030. Any AIM zone created prior to that date shall continue to exist and be coterminous with the retirement of all debts incurred under subsection 4 of this section. No debts may be incurred or reauthorized using AIM zone revenue after August 28, 2030.
(L. 2016 S.B. 861, A.L. 2017 S.B. 112 merged with S.B. 283, A.L. 2018 S.B. 881, A.L. 2021 S.B. 5)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government

Chapter 68 - Port Authorities

Section 68.010 - Cities and counties authorized to form port authorities, when.

Section 68.015 - Port district, how designated — boundaries, where filed, how altered.

Section 68.020 - Purpose of port authority.

Section 68.025 - Powers of port authority.

Section 68.030 - State or its subdivisions may transfer property to port authority, when.

Section 68.035 - State authorized to make grants to port authorities.

Section 68.040 - Bonds of port authority, issued, when — authorized as investments — tax exemption — procedure for issuance of bonds and notes.

Section 68.045 - Board of port authority commissioners minimum number required — compensation, terms, duties, how fixed.

Section 68.050 - Conflict of interest by port authority commissioners prohibited.

Section 68.055 - Letting of contracts, manner, amounts.

Section 68.057 - Competitive bids required, when.

Section 68.060 - Consolidation of port districts by contract, how.

Section 68.065 - Powers of state highways and transportation commission.

Section 68.070 - Dissolution, procedure for.

Section 68.075 - AIM zones — definitions — establishment, boundaries — retention of tax withholdings on new jobs, amount — fund created, use of moneys — approval of projects — expiration date.

Section 68.100 - Mid-America port commission agreement, commission, powers, duties.

Section 68.105 - Mid-America port commission act.

Section 68.110 - Counties included (Scotland, Knox, Shelby, Clark, Ralls, Monroe, Lewis, Pike and Marion).

Section 68.115 - Powers of commission.

Section 68.120 - County commissioners to elect two members.

Section 68.200 - Citation of law.

Section 68.205 - Definitions.

Section 68.210 - Establishment of districts authorized, procedure.

Section 68.215 - Public hearing required — notice.

Section 68.220 - Opposition, court to serve copy of petition, procedure.

Section 68.225 - Notice, form.

Section 68.230 - Termination of district, procedure.

Section 68.235 - Levy of property tax authorized — vote required — ballot language — repeal of tax.

Section 68.240 - County collector's and treasurer's duties — use of moneys upon expiration of tax.

Section 68.245 - Levy of sales and use tax authorized — ballot language — collection of tax, deposit of moneys — repeal of tax.

Section 68.250 - Conducting of election, procedure.

Section 68.255 - Statute of limitations.

Section 68.259 - Severability clause.

Section 68.260 - Applicability of law — report required.