Effective - 28 Aug 2005
65.300. Board of directors — meetings. — The township board of directors shall meet on a quarterly basis, or more frequently as deemed necessary by the board, for the purpose of transacting township business. The meetings of the township board shall be held at a location within the township that is accessible to the public.
(RSMo 1939 § 13977, A.L. 2005 H.B. 58)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 12300; 1919 § 13213; 1909 § 11701
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government
Chapter 65 - Township Organization Counties
Section 65.020 - Adoption, abolishment — vote necessary.
Section 65.030 - Proposition submitted — election held, when — form of ballot.
Section 65.040 - Abstract of returns.
Section 65.110 - Officers to be chosen.
Section 65.130 - List of the officers elected.
Section 65.140 - Officers — notification of election.
Section 65.150 - Eligibility for office.
Section 65.160 - Oath — shall assume office, when.
Section 65.170 - Certificate — acceptance.
Section 65.180 - Refusal to serve — forfeiture.
Section 65.183 - Removal of township officers, procedure.
Section 65.190 - Failure to take oath — forfeiture.
Section 65.200 - Vacancies in office — how filled.
Section 65.210 - Warrant of appointment — notification to appointee.
Section 65.220 - Resignations, how accepted.
Section 65.230 - Compensation of officers.
Section 65.250 - No fee for oath.
Section 65.260 - Powers of townships.
Section 65.270 - Corporate power, limitations of.
Section 65.280 - Proceedings by or against township — conveyances.
Section 65.290 - Board of directors — duties.
Section 65.295 - Board may expend one-fourth of revenue on city streets.
Section 65.300 - Board of directors — meetings.
Section 65.310 - Board of directors — president.
Section 65.320 - Claims against township — procedure.
Section 65.330 - Audited accounts to be on file.
Section 65.340 - Claims against township, collection.
Section 65.350 - Board compelled to allow appeal, when.
Section 65.360 - Township charges.
Section 65.370 - Moneys to be collected, how.
Section 65.380 - Estimate of expenses.
Section 65.390 - Division of townships into road districts.
Section 65.400 - Missouri products — purchase of.
Section 65.410 - Clerk — general powers and duties.
Section 65.420 - Township clerk to be clerk of township board.
Section 65.440 - Copies of papers to be evidence in courts of record.
Section 65.450 - Procurement of books and stationery.
Section 65.460 - Township trustee, collector.
Section 65.470 - Trustee to receive and pay over moneys — suits on default.
Section 65.480 - Action to enforce penalties and forfeitures — employment of counsel.
Section 65.490 - Township funds, how paid out — school district funds, duties of trustees.
Section 65.500 - Accounts — annual settlement — report to board.
Section 65.510 - All books and papers to be delivered to successors.
Section 65.520 - Treasurer to settle annually with board for school funds — certified copy.
Section 65.530 - Township boundaries and new townships, how changed and constituted.
Section 65.540 - Creation of new township — duties of county clerk.
Section 65.550 - Proceedings in case of neglect or refusal to organize.
Section 65.560 - Failure of appointed officers to qualify — annexation of townships.
Section 65.570 - Division of township — disposition of property.
Section 65.580 - Meetings to carry this law into effect, how called.
Section 65.590 - Debts of divided township, how charged.
Section 65.600 - County collector and assessor — tenure upon adoption of township organization.
Section 65.610 - Abolition of township organization — procedure.
Section 65.620 - Abolition of township government — effect.
Section 65.650 - Township zoning, submitted to the voters, when — township plan, formulated.
Section 65.652 - Planning commission, established when, members, terms, compensation, chairman.
Section 65.657 - Ballot, form — majority vote required.
Section 65.660 - Commission, powers — may collect fee, adopt rules — records, commission to keep.
Section 65.662 - Master plan developed, purpose — contents — procedure to adopt.
Section 65.665 - Improvements, must be approved by commission, exceptions.
Section 65.667 - Regulations of commission, scope, commission may change, how.
Section 65.670 - Subdivision plats, must be approved, when, exceptions.
Section 65.672 - County commission may establish setback lines from roads, how.
Section 65.675 - Board of adjustment, established when, powers.
Section 65.677 - Building regulations, unincorporated areas, township board to regulate, when.
Section 65.680 - Division of unincorporated territory into districts, purposes.
Section 65.682 - Zoning commission, appointed when, powers, duties.
Section 65.685 - Change in prescribed use of land, hearing required.
Section 65.692 - Regulations, change of by township board, procedure, hearing required.
Section 65.695 - Regulations more restrictive than private restrictions, regulations control.
Section 65.700 - Termination of township zoning, procedure, effect.
Section 65.702 - Sawmill or planing mill included in agricultural or horticultural classification.
Section 65.710 - Home-based work — limitation on zoning restrictions.