Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 633 - Intellectual Disabilities and Developmental Disabilities
Section 633.170 - Definitions.

Effective - 28 Aug 2014
633.170. Definitions. — As used in sections 633.170 to 633.195* and section 208.500**, the following terms mean:
(1) "Adult", a person eighteen years of age or older;
(2) "Child", a person under the age of eighteen;
(3) "Developmental disability", a disability which:
(a) Is attributable to:
a. Intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, head injury or autism, or a learning disability related to a brain dysfunction; or
b. Any other mental or physical impairment or a combination of mental and physical impairments;
(b) Is manifested before the person attains age twenty-two;
(c) Is likely to continue indefinitely; and
(d) Results in substantial functional limitations in two or more of the following areas of major life activities:
a. Self-care;
b. Receptive and expressive language development and use;
c. Learning;
d. Self-direction;
e. Capacity for independent living or economic self-sufficiency; and
f. Mobility;
(e) Reflects the person's need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary or generic care, or other services;
(f) Reflects the person's need for services and supports which may be of lifelong or extended duration and are individually planned and coordinated;
(4) "Family or private caregiver", the person or persons with whom the individual who has a developmental disability resides or who is primarily responsible for the physical care, education, health, and nurturing of the person with a disability. The term does not apply to persons providing care through hospitals, habilitation centers, nursing homes, group homes, or any other such institution;
(5) "Family support", services and helping relationships whose purpose is to maintain and enhance family caregiving. Family support may be one or many services that enable individuals with disabilities to reside within the family home and remain integrated within their community and are:
(a) Based on individual and family needs;
(b) Identified by the family;
(c) Easily accessible for the family;
(d) Flexible and varied to meet the ever-changing needs of family members;
(e) Provided in a timely manner; and
(f) Family-centered and culturally sensitive;
(6) "Family support program", a coordinated system of family support services which enhance family caregiving, strengthen family functioning, reduce family stress, foster community integration, promote individual and family independence and encourage economic self-sufficiency for the purpose of helping children with developmental disabilities remain with their families.
(L. 1993 H.B. 330 § 1, A.L. 2014 H.B. 1064)
*Section 633.195 does not exist.
**Section 208.500 was repealed by H.B. 1608, 2012.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XL - Additional Executive Departments

Chapter 633 - Intellectual Disabilities and Developmental Disabilities

Section 633.005 - Definitions.

Section 633.010 - Responsibilities, powers, functions and duties of division.

Section 633.015 - Division director to be chief administrative officer.

Section 633.020 - Advisory council on developmental disabilities — members, number, terms, qualifications, appointment — organization, meetings — duties.

Section 633.025 - Services to be provided.

Section 633.027 - Developmentally disabled persons to be served.

Section 633.029 - Definition to determine status of eligibility.

Section 633.030 - Department to develop state plan, contents.

Section 633.032 - Mental health department to develop a plan for the needs of persons on waitlist for services — report required, made to whom, when.

Section 633.033 - Departments of mental health and social services to prepare plan for mental health services and support needs for children and persons seventeen years — report required when.

Section 633.035 - Department director to establish regions.

Section 633.040 - Department director may establish regional councils — division director to appoint members — terms and qualifications of members.

Section 633.045 - Duties of regional advisory councils — plans.

Section 633.050 - Regional councils to review, advise and recommend — duties.

Section 633.100 - Department to establish regional centers.

Section 633.105 - Regional centers to secure services.

Section 633.110 - What services may be provided — consent required, when.

Section 633.115 - Entities to be used by regional centers.

Section 633.120 - Referral for admission to facility, when — admission or rejection, appeal — consent.

Section 633.125 - Discharge from facility, when — may be denied, procedure thereafter — referral to regional center for placement, when.

Section 633.130 - Evaluation of residents required — discharge thereafter.

Section 633.135 - Refusal of consent for placement or discharge, effect — procedure — department director to make final determination — appeal, procedure — burden of proof.

Section 633.140 - Return of absentee, procedure.

Section 633.145 - Transfer of patient between facilities by department — notice, consent.

Section 633.150 - Transfer of patient to mental health facility by head of developmental disability facility, how.

Section 633.155 - Admission for respite care for limited time only.

Section 633.160 - Emergency admission may be made, duration, conditions.

Section 633.170 - Definitions.

Section 633.175 - Community awareness program — administration of family support program.

Section 633.190 - Promulgation of rules.

Section 633.200 - Commission established, meetings — autism roadmap for Missouri, content — members — phases of work — report — completion dates for phases.

Section 633.210 - Office of autism services established, duties — autism spectrum disorder defined.

Section 633.220 - Definitions — programs for persons with autism to be established — state to be divided into regions, regional projects, purchase of services — regional councils — advisory committee, duties — rulemaking authority.

Section 633.300 - Group homes and facilities subject to federal and state law — workers subject to training requirements — rulemaking authority.

Section 633.303 - Termination of workers on disqualification registry.

Section 633.306 - Comprehensive report required, contents — annual report to general assembly, contents.

Section 633.309 - No transfer to homes or facilities with noncompliance notices.

Section 633.401 - Definitions — assessment imposed, formula — rates of payment — fund created, use of moneys — record-keeping requirements — report — appeal process — rulemaking authority — expiration date.

Section 633.420 - Dyslexia defined — task force created, members, duties, recommendations — expiration date.