Effective - 05 Jul 2012
621.253. Special education training for commissioners, requirements. — 1. At least three of the commissioners shall receive at least ten hours of initial training in special education matters and shall be the only commissioners who are assigned to special education due process hearings. The initial training shall be selected by the administrative hearing commission in consultation with the department of elementary and secondary education and the IDEA-funded parent training and information center located in this state. The training shall ensure that the commissioners receive knowledge of educational and legal matters sufficient for them to possess knowledge of the matters brought before them. If allowed by the policies of the training provider, materials from the training, including any available audio or video, shall be posted to the administrative hearing commission's website within ten business days from the date of the training.
2. Each commissioner assigned to special education due process hearings shall annually complete a minimum of five hours of training selected by the administrative hearing commission in consultation with the department of elementary and secondary education and the IDEA-funded parent training and information center located in this state. The training shall ensure that the commissioners receive updated knowledge of educational and legal matters sufficient for them to possess knowledge of the matters brought before them. If allowed by the rules and regulations of the training provider, materials from the training, including any available audio or video, shall be posted to the administrative hearing commission's website within ten business days from the date of the training.
3. If any special education training is provided directly by the department of elementary and secondary education, the IDEA-funded parent training and information center located in this state, or a provider working directly on behalf of either group, the group shall provide materials from the training, including any available audio or video, on its website within ten business days from the date of the training.
(L. 2012 S.B. 595)
Effective 7-05-12
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XL - Additional Executive Departments
Chapter 621 - Administrative Hearing Commission
Section 621.025 - Acting commissioner, when appointed — compensation.
Section 621.075 - Merit employees, right of appeal, procedure.
Section 621.120 - Notice of refusal to license, contents — complaint of applicant — hearing — order.
Section 621.125 - Time and place of hearing.
Section 621.135 - Administrative procedure.
Section 621.145 - Judicial review.
Section 621.150 - Videoconferencing of administrative hearing permitted, when, costs.
Section 621.189 - Judicial review.
Section 621.193 - Decision of commission to be upheld, when.
Section 621.198 - Commission to make rules of procedure — contents — where filed.
Section 621.253 - Special education training for commissioners, requirements.
Section 621.255 - Educational due process fund created, use of moneys.