Effective - 28 Aug 2019, 5 histories
620.010. Department of economic development created — divisions — agencies — boards and commissions — personnel — powers and duties — rules, procedure. — 1. There is hereby created a "Department of Economic Development" to be headed by a director appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate. All of the general provisions, definitions and powers enumerated in section 1 of the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974 shall continue to apply to this department and its divisions, agencies and personnel.
2. The powers, duties and functions vested in the public service commission, chapters 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 392, 393, and others, and the administrative hearing commission, sections 621.015 to 621.198 and others, are transferred by type III transfers to the department of economic development. The director of the department is directed to provide and coordinate staff and equipment services to these agencies in the interest of facilitating the work of the bodies and achieving optimum efficiency in staff services common to all the bodies. Nothing in the Reorganization Act of 1974 shall prevent the chairman of the public service commission from presenting additional budget requests or from explaining or clarifying its budget requests to the governor or general assembly.
3. The powers, duties and functions vested in the office of the public counsel are transferred by type III transfer to the department of economic development. Funding for the general counsel's office shall be by general revenue.
4. The public service commission is authorized to employ such staff as it deems necessary for the functions performed by the general counsel other than those powers, duties and functions relating to representation of the public before the public service commission.
5. All the powers, duties and functions vested in the tourism commission, chapter 258 and others, are transferred to the "Division of Tourism", which is hereby created, by type III transfer.
6. All the powers, duties and functions of the department of community affairs, chapter 251 and others, not otherwise assigned, are transferred by type I transfer to the department of economic development, and the department of community affairs is abolished. The director of the department of economic development may assume all the duties of the director of community affairs or may establish within the department such subunits and advisory committees as may be required to administer the programs so transferred. The director of the department shall appoint all members of such committees and heads of subunits.
7. The Missouri housing development commission, chapter 215, is assigned to the department of economic development, but shall remain a governmental instrumentality of the state of Missouri and shall constitute a body corporate and politic.
8. All the authority, powers, duties, functions, records, personnel, property, matters pending and other pertinent vestiges of the division of manpower planning of the department of social services are transferred by a type I transfer to the "Division of Workforce Development", which is hereby created, within the department of economic development. The division of manpower planning within the department of social services is abolished. The provisions of section 1 of the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974, Appendix B, relating to the manner and procedures for transfers of state agencies shall apply to the transfers provided in this section.
9. All the authority, powers, functions, records, personnel, property, contracts, matters pending and other pertinent vestiges of the division of employment security within the department of labor and industrial relations related to job training and labor exchange that are funded with or based upon Wagner-Peyser funds, and other federal and state workforce development programs administered by the division of employment security are transferred by a type I transfer to the division of workforce development within the department of economic development.
10. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2008, shall be invalid and void.
(L. 1973 1st Ex. Sess. S.B. 1 § 4, A.L. 1981 S.B. 16 § 4, A.L. 1983 H.B. 388, A.L. 1986 S.B. 426, A.L. 1989 H.B. 190, et al., A.L. 1990 H.B. 1739, A.L. 1993 S.B. 52, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1165, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3, A.L. 1999 H.B. 343 merged with S.B. 386, A.L. 2001 H.B. 567, A.L. 2007 H.B. 780, A.L. 2008 S.B. 788, A.L. 2010 H.B. 1965, A.L. 2014 H.B. 1299 Revision, A.L. 2019 H.B. 612)
Main street program, established, duties of department, 251.470 to 251.485
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XL - Additional Executive Departments
Chapter 620 - Department of Economic Development
Section 620.015 - Administrative fund, uses, administration of.
Section 620.171 - Export development office created, purpose — powers and duties.
Section 620.450 - Executive department to promote tourism.
Section 620.455 - Tourism commission, members, qualifications, terms, reports required, expenses.
Section 620.465 - Powers of division.
Section 620.484 - Free public employment offices.
Section 620.490 - Rulemaking authority, coordination of state and federal job training resources.
Section 620.495 - Small business incubator program — definitions — tax credit.
Section 620.511 - Board established, purpose, meetings, members, terms, compensation for expenses.
Section 620.513 - Duties of the board, report — limitation on authority.
Section 620.552 - Citation of law.
Section 620.554 - Youth service and conservation corps established.
Section 620.556 - Definitions.
Section 620.558 - Programs — participation.
Section 620.560 - Community services and conservation program.
Section 620.562 - Summer employment program — at-risk participants, remediation.
Section 620.564 - Youth volunteer program.
Section 620.568 - Administration by project sponsor — administrative expenses.
Section 620.570 - Evaluation of programs — interagency cooperation — "Show-Me" employers.
Section 620.572 - Allocations for operation of corps.
Section 620.574 - Youth service and conservation corps fund created — sources, administration.
Section 620.580 - Citation of law.
Section 620.582 - Definitions.
Section 620.584 - Commission assigned to department of economic development — purpose of commission.
Section 620.586 - Commission members, terms, expenses, officers, meetings.
Section 620.588 - Commission powers and duties.
Section 620.590 - Information sharing and cooperation — coordination of effort, when.
Section 620.592 - Fund created, use of moneys — annual report.
Section 620.635 - Title of law.
Section 620.638 - Definitions.
Section 620.641 - Transfer of board duties to Missouri technology corporation.
Section 620.800 - Definitions.
Section 620.990 - Bylaws and rules authorized.
Section 620.1000 - Definitions.
Section 620.1003 - Centers, duties and powers.
Section 620.1007 - Annual report to whom.
Section 620.1020 - Business extension service team program created, purpose, duties — expenses.
Section 620.1025 - Director, duties.
Section 620.1027 - Teams, duties.
Section 620.1028 - Selection of team members — factors, provision of productivity assessment.
Section 620.1030 - New jobs fund created — sources, uses, conditions — conditional effective date.
Section 620.1045 - Citation of law.
Section 620.1048 - Definitions.
Section 620.1053 - Deposit of funds, interest — control of account — use of funds.
Section 620.1055 - Capital access program fund created.
Section 620.1058 - Use of loans — amount — limitation.
Section 620.1060 - Prohibited loans — definitions.
Section 620.1066 - Rulemaking procedure.
Section 620.1078 - Distribution of moneys — interest — categories of permissible loans.
Section 620.1081 - Determination of basic policy, rules.
Section 620.1210 - Commission duties and objectives — coordination with local film offices.
Section 620.1230 - Personnel provided by department of economic development.
Section 620.1240 - Administration by director, rulemaking authority.
Section 620.1580 - Advisory committee for electronic commerce established, members, terms, meetings.
Section 620.1875 - Title of law.
Section 620.1878 - Definitions.
Section 620.1884 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 620.1887 - Quality jobs advisory task force created, members.
Section 620.1890 - Report to the general assembly, contents.
Section 620.2000 - Citation of law.
Section 620.2005 - Definitions.
Section 620.2300 - Definitions — applications process.
Section 620.2400 - MERVN established, management of, purpose, requirements — report required.
Section 620.2450 - Program established, expanded access to broadband internet service — definitions.
Section 620.2452 - Eligible applicants.
Section 620.2453 - Application, contents.
Section 620.2455 - Prioritization of applications — ranking of applicants, system used.
Section 620.2457 - Grant application and award information to be posted on website.
Section 620.2458 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 620.2459 - Sunset provision.
Section 620.2465 - Program to increase high-speed internet access — rules.
Section 620.2468 - Site inspection.
Section 620.3100 - Office to be established, purpose, subject to appropriations.