Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 575 - Offenses Against the Administration of Justice
Section 575.110 - Tampering with a public record — penalty.

Effective - 01 Jan 2017, 2 histories
575.110. Tampering with a public record — penalty. — 1. A person commits the offense of tampering with a public record if with the purpose to impair the verity, legibility or availability of a public record, he or she:
(1) Knowingly makes a false entry in or falsely alters any public record; or
(2) Knowing he or she lacks authority to do so, destroys, suppresses or conceals any public record.
2. The offense of tampering with a public record is a class A misdemeanor.
(L. 1977 S.B. 60, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Effective 1-01-17

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXVIII - Crimes and Punishment; Peace Officers and Public Defenders

Chapter 575 - Offenses Against the Administration of Justice

Section 575.010 - Definitions.

Section 575.020 - Concealing an offense — penalties.

Section 575.030 - Hindering prosecution — penalties.

Section 575.040 - Perjury — penalties.

Section 575.050 - False affidavit — penalties.

Section 575.060 - False declarations — penalty.

Section 575.070 - Proof of falsity of statements.

Section 575.080 - False reports — penalty.

Section 575.090 - False bomb report — penalty.

Section 575.095 - Tampering with a judicial officer — penalty.

Section 575.100 - Tampering with physical evidence — penalties.

Section 575.110 - Tampering with a public record — penalty.

Section 575.120 - False impersonation — penalties.

Section 575.130 - Simulating legal process — penalty.

Section 575.133 - Filing a nonconsensual common law lien — penalty.

Section 575.145 - Signal or direction of law enforcement or firefighter, duty to stop, motor vehicle operators and riders of animals — violation, penalty.

Section 575.150 - Resisting or interfering with arrest — penalties.

Section 575.153 - Disarming a peace officer or correctional officer — penalty.

Section 575.155 - Endangering a corrections employee, offense of — definitions — violation, penalties.

Section 575.157 - Endangering a mental health employee, visitor, or another offender, offense of — definitions — violation, penalties.

Section 575.159 - Aiding a sexual offender — applicability of section — penalty.

Section 575.160 - Interference with legal process — penalty.

Section 575.170 - Refusing to make an employee available for service of process — penalty.

Section 575.180 - Failure to execute an arrest warrant, offense of — violation, penalties — affirmative defense.

Section 575.190 - Refusal to identify as a witness — penalty.

Section 575.195 - Escape from commitment, detention, or conditional release — penalty.

Section 575.200 - Escape or attempted escape from custody — penalty.

Section 575.205 - Tampering with electronic monitoring equipment, offense of — violation, penalty.

Section 575.206 - Violating a condition of lifetime supervision, offense of — violation, penalty.

Section 575.210 - Escape or attempted escape from confinement — penalties.

Section 575.220 - Failure to return to confinement — penalties.

Section 575.230 - Aiding escape of a prisoner — penalties.

Section 575.240 - Permitting escape — penalties.

Section 575.250 - Disturbing a judicial proceeding — penalty.

Section 575.260 - Tampering with a judicial proceeding — penalty.

Section 575.270 - Tampering with a witness or victim — penalties.

Section 575.280 - Acceding to corruption — penalties.

Section 575.290 - Improper communication — penalty.

Section 575.300 - Misconduct by a juror — penalty.

Section 575.310 - Misconduct in selecting or summoning a juror — penalty.

Section 575.320 - Misconduct in administration of justice — penalty.

Section 575.353 - Assault on a police animal — penalties.