Effective - 01 Jan 2017, 2 histories
573.060. Public display of explicit sexual material — penalties. — 1. A person commits the offense of public display of explicit sexual material if he or she recklessly:
(1) Exposes, places, exhibits, or in any fashion, displays explicit sexual material in any location, whether public or private, and in such a manner that it may be readily seen and its content or character distinguished by normal unaided vision as viewed from a street, highway, public sidewalk, or the property of others, or from any portion of the person's store, the exhibitor's store or property when items and material other than this material are offered for sale or rent to the public; or
(2) Fails to take prompt action to remove such a display from property in his or her possession after learning of its existence.
2. The offense of public display of explicit sexual material is a class A misdemeanor unless the person has been found guilty of an offense under this section committed at a different time, in which case it is a class E felony.
3. For purposes of this section, each day there is a violation of this section shall constitute a separate offense.
(L. 1977 S.B. 60, A.L. 1987 H.B. 113, et al., A.L. 2009 H.B. 62, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Effective 1-01-17
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXXVIII - Crimes and Punishment; Peace Officers and Public Defenders
Chapter 573 - Pornography and Related Offenses
Section 573.010 - Definitions.
Section 573.020 - Promoting obscenity in the first degree — penalty.
Section 573.023 - Sexual exploitation of a minor — penalties.
Section 573.024 - Enabling sexual exploitation of a minor, offense of — penalty.
Section 573.025 - Promoting child pornography in the first degree — penalties.
Section 573.030 - Promoting obscenity in the second degree — penalties.
Section 573.035 - Promoting child pornography in the second degree — penalties.
Section 573.037 - Possession of child pornography — penalty.
Section 573.040 - Furnishing pornographic materials to minors — penalty.
Section 573.050 - Evidence in obscenity and child pornography cases.
Section 573.060 - Public display of explicit sexual material — penalties.
Section 573.065 - Coercing acceptance of obscene material — penalty.
Section 573.070 - Injunctions and declaratory judgments.
Section 573.200 - Child used in sexual performance — penalties.
Section 573.205 - Promoting sexual performance by a child — penalties.
Section 573.206 - Patronizing a sexual performance of a child, offense of — penalty.
Section 573.215 - Failure to report child pornography — penalty.
Section 573.503 - Local government may require background checks.