Effective - 01 Jan 2017, 2 histories
570.085. Alteration or removal of item numbers with intent to deprive lawful owner — penalties. — 1. A person commits the offense of alteration or removal of item numbers if he or she, with the purpose of depriving the owner of a lawful interest therein:
(1) Destroys, removes, covers, conceals, alters, defaces, or causes to be destroyed, removed, covered, concealed, altered, or defaced, the manufacturer's original serial number or other distinguishing owner-applied number or mark, on any item which bears a serial number attached by the manufacturer or distinguishing number or mark applied by the owner of the item, for any reason whatsoever;
(2) Sells, offers for sale, pawns or uses as security for a loan, any item on which the manufacturer's original serial number or other distinguishing owner-applied number or mark has been destroyed, removed, covered, concealed, altered, or defaced; or
(3) Buys, receives as security for a loan or in pawn, or in any manner receives or has in his possession any item on which the manufacturer's original serial number or other distinguishing owner-applied number or mark has been destroyed, removed, covered, concealed, altered, or defaced.
2. The offense of alteration or removal of item numbers is a class E felony if the value of the item or items in the aggregate is seven hundred fifty dollars or more; otherwise it is a class B misdemeanor.
(L. 1982 H.B. 1454, et al., A.L. 2002 H.B. 1888, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Effective 1-01-17
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXXVIII - Crimes and Punishment; Peace Officers and Public Defenders
Chapter 570 - Robbery, Stealing and Related Offenses
Section 570.010 - Chapter definitions.
Section 570.020 - Determination of value.
Section 570.023 - Robbery in the first degree — penalty.
Section 570.025 - Robbery in the second degree — penalty.
Section 570.027 - Vehicle hijacking, offense of — penalties.
Section 570.030 - Stealing — penalties.
Section 570.039 - Cable television services, appropriation of — not stealing, when.
Section 570.053 - Feigned blindness — penalty.
Section 570.060 - Lost property.
Section 570.070 - Claim of right.
Section 570.090 - Forgery — penalty.
Section 570.100 - Possession of a forging instrumentality — penalty.
Section 570.103 - Crime of counterfeiting, definitions — penalty.
Section 570.105 - Seizure and forfeiture of counterfeit property.
Section 570.110 - Issuing a false instrument or certificate — penalty.
Section 570.125 - Fraudulently stopping payment on an instrument — penalties.
Section 570.130 - Fraudulent use of a credit device or debit device — penalty.
Section 570.140 - Deceptive business practice — penalty.
Section 570.150 - Commercial bribery — penalty.
Section 570.180 - Defrauding secured creditors — penalty.
Section 570.210 - Library theft, guilty of stealing.
Section 570.217 - Misapplication of funds of a financial institution — penalties.
Section 570.220 - Check kiting — collected funds defined — penalty.
Section 570.224 - Trafficking in stolen identities — possession of documents, exemptions — penalty.
Section 570.225 - Misappropriation of intellectual property — penalty — definitions.
Section 570.300 - Facilitating the theft of cable television service — penalty.
Section 570.310 - Mortgage fraud — penalty — venue.
Section 570.380 - Mass manufacture or possession of five or more fake IDs — penalty.
Section 570.400 - Unlawful receipt of public assistance benefits or EBT cards — penalties.
Section 570.402 - Conversion of public assistance benefits or EBT cards — penalties.
Section 570.404 - Unlawful transfer of public assistance benefits or EBT cards — penalties.
Section 570.406 - Single criminal episode, when.
Section 570.408 - Perjury for the purpose of obtaining public assistance — penalty.