Effective - 28 Aug 1945
56.190. Stenographers — duties (first class counties). — In all counties of class one, the stenographers in the office of the prosecuting attorney shall, when so directed by the prosecuting attorney of such county, take down and transcribe for the use of the prosecuting attorney testimony and evidence before the grand jury of said county and before any court of said county exercising criminal jurisdiction or before the coroner of said county at any inquest held on any homicide or felony inquiry, and shall perform such other duties in the office of the prosecuting attorney as may be necessary. Before taking down any evidence before the grand jury such stenographers shall be sworn to keep secret any fact disclosed in said grand jury room, and shall not divulge any testimony which he or she may have heard there, except to the prosecuting attorney or when lawfully required to do so by a court of record having jurisdiction in said matter.
(RSMo 1939 § 12979, A.L. 1945 p. 579 § 12961)
Prior revision: 1929 § 11353
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government
Chapter 56 - Circuit and Prosecuting Attorneys and County Counselors
Section 56.010 - Prosecuting attorney — election — qualifications.
Section 56.020 - When term begins.
Section 56.060 - Prosecutor's duties, generally, expenses — employed attorney, how compensated.
Section 56.070 - Prosecuting attorney's duties — exception.
Section 56.080 - Duties — habeas corpus.
Section 56.090 - Must be present, when.
Section 56.095 - Annual report required (second class and certain first class counties).
Section 56.110 - If interested in case, court to appoint substitute.
Section 56.120 - When sick, court to appoint substitute.
Section 56.130 - Power of appointee.
Section 56.140 - Subject to fine, when.
Section 56.180 - Assistants — duties (first class counties).
Section 56.190 - Stenographers — duties (first class counties).
Section 56.200 - Assistants — qualifications, salaries (second class counties).
Section 56.210 - Assistants commissioned (second class counties).
Section 56.220 - Assistants — term of office — vacancy, how filled (second class counties).
Section 56.230 - Stenographic and clerical help (second class counties).
Section 56.245 - Stenographic and clerical help, compensation (third and fourth class counties).
Section 56.305 - Judicial paroles — duties (third and fourth class counties).
Section 56.320 - Fees paid to county treasury (first class counties).
Section 56.330 - Fees set aside as contingent fund (first class counties).
Section 56.340 - Fees — records — collection (second, third and fourth class counties).
Section 56.350 - Acceptance of fee for signing pardon application deemed bribery — penalty.
Section 56.360 - Employment in criminal cases prohibited — civil practice authorized.
Section 56.410 - May be suspended upon indictment — governor to appoint successor.
Section 56.420 - Restoration to office.
Section 56.430 - Circuit attorney — election — qualifications (St. Louis City).
Section 56.450 - Circuit attorney — duties (St. Louis City).
Section 56.453 - Circuit attorney, additional duties, how established.
Section 56.455 - Circuit attorney to report on felons (St. Louis City).
Section 56.510 - Circuit attorney, duties, coroners' inquests.
Section 56.530 - Circuit attorney, contingent fund.
Section 56.550 - Circuit attorneys and assistants — oaths — duties.
Section 56.570 - Assistants and clerks — tenure.
Section 56.600 - Circuit attorney — salary — fees, collection, disposition.
Section 56.631 - County counselor, how appointed, tenure, qualifications, compensation.
Section 56.640 - County counselor and assistants, duties of.
Section 56.660 - Special county counselors — employment — compensation — qualifications.
Section 56.700 - Assistants for prosecuting attorneys, number, appointment, compensation.
Section 56.750 - Office of prosecution services created — purpose — services.
Section 56.755 - Executive director — staff — duties — office site.
Section 56.770 - Office of prosecution services not to usurp powers and duties of other officials.
Section 56.775 - Severability of provisions.
Section 56.800 - Retirement fund authorized, administration of.
Section 56.811 - Members, eligibility.
Section 56.814 - Retirement age, creditable service required for normal annuity.
Section 56.816 - Normal annuity, computation of — reserve account established, purpose.
Section 56.816 - Normal annuity, computation of — reserve account established, purpose.
Section 56.818 - Benefits, annual cost-of-living increase, limits.
Section 56.820 - Partial years to be used in computation of creditable service.
Section 56.823 - Prior service, credit, limitation, amount.
Section 56.824 - Certain members may elect reduced benefit at age sixty-two.
Section 56.825 - Retirement of member, application to board — payments to begin, when.
Section 56.830 - Death benefits, amount — surviving spouse entitled to benefits, when.