Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 55 - County Auditors
Section 55.140 - Access to all licenses (second class and certain first class counties).

Effective - 28 Aug 2010
55.140. Access to all licenses (second class and certain first class counties). — The county auditor of each county of the first class not having a charter form of government and of each county of the second class shall have access to all records, collections, and settlements for all licenses issued by the county and shall receive a monthly listing from each office issuing the licenses stating the name of the party or parties to whom issued.
(RSMo 1939 § 13869, A.L. 1973 H.B. 678, A.L. 2010 H.B. 1316)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 12206; 1919 § 9604; 1909 § 3825

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government

Chapter 55 - County Auditors

Section 55.010 - Office authorized (certain first class counties).

Section 55.020 - Bond (certain first class counties).

Section 55.030 - To prescribe accounting system — other duties (certain first class counties).

Section 55.040 - Office created (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.045 - Election of county auditor prior to becoming second class county.

Section 55.050 - Term of office — vacancy, how filled (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.060 - Qualifications (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.070 - Bond (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.080 - Certificate of election — oath of office.

Section 55.091 - Compensation of county auditor — training program, attendance required, when, expenses, compensation (second, third and fourth class counties and Clay County).

Section 55.100 - Appointment of deputies (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.110 - Appointment of clerical assistants (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.120 - Office and supplies to be furnished by county (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.125 - Auditor shall maintain branch office, where (second class counties).

Section 55.130 - Shall countersign all warrants (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.140 - Access to all licenses (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.150 - Auditor to set up accounting system — requirements (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.160 - Duties (second classification and certain first classification counties).

Section 55.161 - Additional duties (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.170 - Shall make monthly report to county commission (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.175 - Shall report condition of certain accounts to county commission (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.190 - Collector to provide daily report to auditor (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.200 - County treasurer to make monthly report to auditor (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.210 - County clerk to make monthly report to auditor (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.220 - Circuit clerk to make monthly report to auditor (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.230 - Clerk of criminal court to make report to auditor at end of each term (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.240 - Sheriff to make monthly report to auditor (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.250 - Recorder of deeds to make monthly report to auditor (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.260 - Records clerk to report to auditor within ten days after any judgment (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.270 - Other county and township officers to make monthly statement of fees collected and due (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.290 - Charges preferred, how (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 55.305 - Audit of county investment programs required (second class counties).